Alpha 17 is on public unstable branch

Started by Tynan, May 02, 2017, 02:25:50 PM

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Been a few hours now and still no sign of the .1540 update? Or is it just me? o.O



Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Loading my previous game in the current version basically deleted all my survival rifles, probably because they got renamed to "bolt-action rifle."

Also, I drafted one of my pawns that previously had a survival rifle and couldn't undraft him or make him equip any other weapons. I didn't experiment too much with this, I closed the game hoping that the next update might fix this.


Put in about 20 hours on A17 so far, and I have to say it looks pretty good! Loving a lot of the new features!

Things I've noticed so far:

-Lots of new events! It's always nice to see a greater variety of things happen between games.
-People seem to be losing limbs a LOT more often than I am use to. Could be just a fluke, as I don't recall seeing any changes to that.
-Caravan events seem to pop up way earlier than I think most players would be interested in doing them. Not the worst thing in the world, but hearing that there is a small cache of gold and uranium doesn't really interest me in the first quadrum.
-Some caravan requests don't seem rewarding enough (~200 rice for ~200 silver?). That said, most aren't quite that bad.
-Chain shotguns are crazy! They seem to share a niche with grenades - very dangerous, but kiteable. They do seem unusually common, and that might have something to do with the frequent limb-removal.
-Mining seems to produce a lot more stone chunks than I remember? This one I'm guessing is a direct result of the skill rebalance, paired with the fact that my designated miner tends to be pretty high level by the time I get things mostly carved out. Its nice for making bricks, but hauling them all out of a mountain base sure feels like a chore.

In any case, the survival rifle change broke my current game, so I'll probably wait until the actual release to start another colony. Super excited to try out caravaning once I can get a sizable colony going!


Lol, whoops. Wimp is 100x more common than usual for testing. I've uploaded a fixed version (and removed some now-obsolete comments).
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


The new update recognises neither Survival Rifle nor Bolt Action Rifle. :(


Quote from: Tynan on May 16, 2017, 11:41:35 PM
you can update your save file by using a text editor to replace "SurvivalRifle" with "BoltActionRifle" in your save file.

That seems to not be sufficient though, so people might be better off starting over this time. x3

EDIT: Strange, the game bugs out the same way with both SurvivalRifle and BoltActionRifle, but if I change it to any of the other older guns, like SniperRifle, then it works without errors... Yet, in the save files of any new game it clearly uses the name BoltActionRifle. @_@;


Yep, I made a mistake. Okay, I'm uploading a build now that should be save compatible from the previous build, without modification. Sorry about that.

EDIT: It's live.

EDIT: Thanks for comments, but let's please remain on topic. This thread is for feedback on the build and play stories. Bugs go in the bugs forum please.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Here's a story.  Colony of 3, executed by near 60 degree heat wave.

Also: the Discharged Soldier story doesn't change to reflect the name I chose.


Quote from: Tynan on May 16, 2017, 11:41:35 PM
Lol, whoops. Wimp is 100x more common than usual for testing. I've uploaded a fixed version (and removed some now-obsolete comments).

On the topic of Wimp can you please make it mutually exclusive with Brawler? They're essentially non-violent at that point  as you cannot even use them in that position or you're forced to give them a rifle for the duration of  combat and then have them drop it.


Uh, I just got a manhunter pack with Thrumbos. I thought they weren't on the list of animals that could do that in vanilla?
Edit: Also, it's a bit of an insane encounter when it's the second hostile encounter I get on tribal start.

Also, why do scavengers have hauling disabled? Isn't that kinda what they do?


And again: A single mad animal wandered around my base targeting a friendly caravan. No problem, I thought, I have turrets. Which happen to friendly fire more often than not... causing the caravan getting bad will and wasting my base. Bad will due to accidental friendly fire sucks, because there is not much you can do about it. Maybe a mid till end game research option like "IFF Bullets" preventing FF would be an alternative to just disabling the bad will, but the current state is just demotivating.


Ive been playing now for a while and just started a new colony on a nice 'small hills' map with a river running diagonally across the map and a road running vertically and i gotta say I was loving it. That is until 2 days into summer (about 10 days into the game) when a heat wave hit, Making the 78f average summer temp into a brisk 138f knocking down all my pawns before i even realized what was happening it was too late to realize my construction pawn hadnt yet built my cooler. Needless to say it wiped out my 4 colonists. There was nowhere to hide and i had watch them lying on the ground dying just hoping the heat wave would go away Just wanted to tell my story with a17 so far it was on cassandra  rough if thats relevant but i think heat wave should be toned down just a bit. I understand its just the way of the rim but if i was a new player that probably wouldve diacouraged me pretty quickly. Then again that heat wave wouldnt have been as fatal if i had focused on building a cooler asap but i didnt think id need to worry about using it to save my colonists lives so soon.


Really minor point; I claimed some ancient lampposts, cause why not. They're in the middle of the map, my settlement on edge. During a raid, as the raiders walking across map from other side, a couple stop and attack the ancient lampposts...

kinda pointless?