RimWorld change log

Started by Tynan, May 02, 2014, 01:40:05 PM

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Generally speaking, if you look at the bug tracker and there's a pile of unassorted issues, it isn't ready yet.

That being said, when the next build is released, I'm fairly sure you'll like it.


The new build will likely go into testing soon (private and public, if it isn't already in the former - is it constantly in the former?), gauging from the number of times "bugfixes" has appeared in the changelog recently.
Quote from: Topper on August 31, 2015, 03:33:25 AM
is the sledgehammer compatible with the romance mod?
Only in Rimworld.


A prison yard is certainly a slightly more elegant solution to Cabin Fever than mine...

I just chop their legs off... legless prisoners don't suffer cabin fever


Quote from: Shinzy on April 02, 2015, 11:46:49 AM
Quote from: praguepride on April 02, 2015, 09:10:28 AM
Quote from: NinjaPirate on April 02, 2015, 06:41:01 AM
In a game with narcotics, addictions, prisoner management, arms and armour, and blood-spills aplenty, why give sex a fancy cover-up name?


Shinzy, this is why we love you. Is that mod ready to play for the public yet?
Damn Pirates!


I have removed and/or modified some of the replies above and warned the user who made the original remark.

And since I had to edit the original post to avoid offence, please do not resort to racial stereotypes when posting. Thank you for your understanding.


Quote from: Ouan on April 08, 2015, 11:11:18 PMShinzy, this is why we love you. Is that mod ready to play for the public yet?

O-ho ho, no! Never will, atleast from me! But no take-backsies on the love, I'm keeping it
It's mine now
unless Marv edits it out ::)


Quote from: Boboid on April 08, 2015, 07:57:51 PM
Quote from: Evelyn on February 05, 2015, 05:52:48 PM


See, you guys find that one hilarious but conveniently ignore the mega-Tynan changelog warrior.


Honestly I think Tyngalf was better :P
A prison yard is certainly a slightly more elegant solution to Cabin Fever than mine...

I just chop their legs off... legless prisoners don't suffer cabin fever


Bug correction- I smell a new version comming :)


(A 11) already?? Oh boy, what a dev.  :D :D Quick as a scyther.


Alpha 10 released.

Ok... Tynan, you can't releash an alpha just like that ! We where getting used to wait a least 2 weeks of only "Misc bugfixes" in the change log ! This is too quick, I didn't have time to fill my hipe bar  ;D


Quote from: Change log o' the godsTerrain is now stored in two layers so floors can be removed.

Quotefloors can be removed.
Asides how glorious this is to the indecisive among us, Does that mean that floors can be a thing now? or can't they be stuffed.
Moderator on discord.gg/rimworld come join us! We don't bite


A quote from the almighty Yeti concerning Alpha 10 I thought I would relay to the forums...

I wasn't able to manually tell colonists to build certain structures (claimed I was missing materials, which was absolutely no true) and could not haul fresh kills from hunting. It's playable, though. Just hit solar panels and crops early :P

Building anything large-scale (Geothermal, in example, at 400 steel) I couldn't manually tell someone to build it. They sorta had to just do it on their own, and with it being a large building they chose to do it last - keep it in mind when queuing up a lot of construction. The hunting issue may not be a problem for you since you typically go for crops anyway. Native crops (berry bushes, etc) were being harvested, however, so I imagine crops can be manually harvested in the same way if colonists aren't automatically doing it.

        - Yeti
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

             - Bernard of Clairvaux


Tynan- I want to have your kids. I don't know how exactly but if you have some already I could probably babysit them while you conquer the universe. If not- I'll just steal some and raise them as yours :)


Dayum Tynum this game is becoming a masterpiece, I am loving the new additions to the game!!! keep it up.  8)