[B18] [WIP] Jurassic Rimworld

Started by Serpyderpy, July 16, 2017, 08:23:48 PM

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I'm not dead. I promise.

I just fell out with Rimworld for a while (I think modding a game tends to sometimes burn you out more than actually playing it) but, I think I'm getting back in it's good books. I'll piddle around with A18 for a bit longer and then see if I can go about updating my mod.

I got distracted by others games and also got super into invert keeping, so that's been a rather expensive preoccupant of my time.

Sorry I went AWOL, guys.



Update time!

Putting the mod into B18 didn't explode like I thought it would, and things surprisingly work alright. I need to change a few things to stop the multitude of red errors from appearing on start-up, but none of these errors seem to actually affect the game in actuality. it still works fine. They're things like changing the root elements, designation categories and a few, now case sensitive tags, I think.

I've noticed a few dinosaur mods have popped up in my absence so I'm hoping people are still somewhat interested in this mod, but I don't blame people if they got their fix elsewhere when I disappeared. That said, I'll still try and update shit and add in things, dinosaurs, buildings and other stuff, that the others haven't, so that people could potentially add in both or even more mods and get the best out of all of them.

I'll try and get rid of the errors first, I think. Then I'll work towards making more dinosaurs, and try to see if I can get a hold of the aviary domes I was struggling with back in A17. I think after that I'll just add in some cosmetics and try to balance things out. Maybe decorative foliage and other exhibit things so you can have plants without having to grow them or watch them die when they're under rooves. Some rocks, maybe waterfalls, stuff like that. Then hopefully we can go for a proper release, and I'll update it from there on out. Wonder if I can get it out before Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom releases, haha. I know my procrastination could make that a possibility.

And to make sure this post isn't just hopeful writing on the wall, I've left you with quite a few teasers that I'll stick at the end of the post. I hope that it'll do in the absence of any content for a long while. I can't apologise enough for going AWOL. I got distracted, and then life got kinda tough. Anyway, enjoy the sneak-peaks!


Sweet, I keep waiting to try this but maybe now once the errors are fixed up. Mostly I just want dinos roaming my maps so happy to have any and all mods that do that :D  (CE compatibility will be important once it's ready of course)


Quote from: Serpyderpy on November 21, 2017, 05:44:48 AM
Update time!

Putting the mod into B18 didn't explode like I thought it would, and things surprisingly work alright. I need to change a few things to stop the multitude of red errors from appearing on start-up, but none of these errors seem to actually affect the game in actuality. it still works fine. They're things like changing the root elements, designation categories and a few, now case sensitive tags, I think.

I've noticed a few dinosaur mods have popped up in my absence so I'm hoping people are still somewhat interested in this mod, but I don't blame people if they got their fix elsewhere when I disappeared. That said, I'll still try and update shit and add in things, dinosaurs, buildings and other stuff, that the others haven't, so that people could potentially add in both or even more mods and get the best out of all of them.

I'll try and get rid of the errors first, I think. Then I'll work towards making more dinosaurs, and try to see if I can get a hold of the aviary domes I was struggling with back in A17. I think after that I'll just add in some cosmetics and try to balance things out. Maybe decorative foliage and other exhibit things so you can have plants without having to grow them or watch them die when they're under rooves. Some rocks, maybe waterfalls, stuff like that. Then hopefully we can go for a proper release, and I'll update it from there on out. Wonder if I can get it out before Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom releases, haha. I know my procrastination could make that a possibility.

And to make sure this post isn't just hopeful writing on the wall, I've left you with quite a few teasers that I'll stick at the end of the post. I hope that it'll do in the absence of any content for a long while. I can't apologise enough for going AWOL. I got distracted, and then life got kinda tough. Anyway, enjoy the sneak-peaks!

I think there is only 2 currently. Yours and Dinosauria~



Will there be a way to disable roaming dino's? I would like to just be able to only engineer them rather than worry about the ones roaming the world.


QuoteWill there be a way to disable roaming dino's? I would like to just be able to only engineer them rather than worry about the ones roaming the world.

I think the easiest way to do that would be to go into the race defs and disable the non-engineered dinosaurs from spawning by setting <wildSpawn_spawnWild>true</wildSpawn_spawnWild> to false, though doing that manually takes a while. However, since people have expressed favour in having a modulated, pick n' mix release, I'll see if I can make that happen.

I've been ironing out errors as I go, and I've added a few more things like decor in, too. I'll do another update reveal after I've amassed quite a bit of content, I'm still slowly sinking back into the pit of coding and drawing so it'll hopefully pick up some speed.

Oh, and the trailer for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom drops today!


Well the mod looks amazing. I havnt added it to my list yet but intend to with my next playthough.


Alright, I need input. I've tried for a while to make a functional aviary and I have finally managed to get it to look right. It has to be constructed a very specific way, unfortunately, but it's the best I can honestly do to make it work. I need to finish the large aviary and we should be good on that front... but after messing with the water shaders, my question is, how does everyone feel about tanks?

I imagine I could make it by attempting to apply a water shader to a square that acts as the top layer of water, and then the floor would be shallow water. You could still potentially walk into the tank though, a tad immersion breaking, but there would be no way around that, I think, as my knowledge is strictly .xml. However I don't want to exert effort if it isn't something people will mess around with. Underwater creatures are interesting but it's an extra bunch of stuff and I'm not sure if it's worth the effort.

A small aviary holding a Yi. You have to place a feeder nearby ideally and stockpile food inside rather than putting the feeder in the exhibit, as the entirety of the inside is used up by the roof. This adds a bit of challenge, as hungry dinosaurs will attack. Keep your stocks up!

The floor is an evergreen floor that has a jungle texture so your aviaries don't look so deprived of life. You can also use it in your outdoor exhibits to encourage your dinosaurs to eat from the feeder, as it'll destroy all the plant life as you place it down.

Input is appreciated!


Wow! That looks great! As long as the assembling of it isnt crazy elaborate Im certain it wont be an issue with anyone. Concerning the tanks, I personally dont know that water dinos bring much to the table as far as gameplay unless there were a way to transfer them to open sea.


Not complicated at all to build!

I've been coding mostly these last few weeks. I've rectified the issue I had with egg laying at some point, so female dinosaurs now wait until they're fertilised instead of attempting to lay an egg which would then result in an error message. I've also had to go through all of the pre-existing sound definitions to change them over, because I was a) sick of the map context error after a while although it didn't seem to deter anything and b) at some point every single custom sound just stopped working so I went back and redid them using the new core definitions.

There's not much that I can really show dinosaur wise at the moment, the new graphics are mostly outlines that I have yet to colour. I'm trying to juggle both coding and drawing and wondering what to prioritise. The biggest issue I have at the moment is the recipes for extracting DNA and reconstructing it just won't register anymore for me, the recipes are there but clicking on them does nothing. I really don't want to re-do the recipes again as it's tedious but considering that I'm already having to do the sounds it looks like that might be my only option.

There's a few sneaky things I can preview though, to bide you over until a bigger update:



Big shooty things!

For perspective, there are now about 40 dinosaur species that have been coded to appear in the game. Some are famous, some are obscure, most if not all so far have appeared in the Jurassic Park universe at some point, but eventually this mod will incorporate other dinosaurs in it, too, because there ain't no point restricting some of the raddest prehistoric creatures out there just because it hasn't showed up in the universe yet. I have tried to make unique sound sets for as many dinosaurs as possible. I need to actually make their graphics beyond the placeholders, but all of them work fine as of now.


Man this mod looks so damn AMAZING! Any chances of us please getting an update, sir? ;D


Well, I live, that's one update, haha. I took a big break for my own sake, health reasons, etc. Slowly I've begun to work on this mod again as JW:FK looms ever closer. I've added more dinosaurs, fixed recipes, and I'm starting to just add more content as I see fit now.

To anyone reading this, I'm now quite active within the Rimworld discord and if this thread ever seems dead, I'll probably be all the way over there ranting about something or showing off some squiggly lines. If you join, find me in the #rimworld-art subchannel, and feel free to talk to me via DM too. I don't mind - or bite!

I'll try and update here too but it won't be as frequent as my ramblings over there. So if this thread ever seems to die, just realise I'm probably out there in silence drawing dino butts or something. Instead of leaving this as just a quote-unquote personal update, here's a list of everything so far in game.

< Dinosaurs (this still isn't even done yet!) >

< Buildings >
Automated Feeders (Piscivore, Insectivore, Herbivore and Carnivore)
DNA reconstruction bench
Amber extraction bench
Fake rock, trees and plants
Dinosaur infoboards
Emergency beacon
Torch brazier
Land cruiser
Main gate
Aviary dome
Power station
Sentry turret

< Fences >
Aviary fence
Concrete dinosaur fence
Aviary gate
Concrete dinosaur gate

< Floors >
Paved floor
Tiled floor
Evergreen floor
Placeable water floor

< Resources >
Slaughter meat
Butchered fish
Gutloaded bugs

< Features >
Mine amber and extract DNA
Reconstruct DNA into eggs
Unique dinosaur sounds
Music replacers
Over 50+ dinosaurs and counting
A special manhunter event that lets any dinosaur, regardless of vanilla wealth, charge your base (Thank you Mehni for this one!)

It's a lot to shift through but I hope it makes up for my absence!


maybe someone asked you already but donĀ“t you think it would be awesome if you cooperate with Megafauna mod?