[MOD] (Alpha 7) TechTreeMinami v3.3 RIMWORLD COMPLETE

Started by minami26, May 05, 2014, 11:49:17 AM

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Something i'm wondering about this mod when i looked at my Trader menu and the things I was capable of produceing, is it possible to make a fully self sufficiant colony? Meaning I don't need to buy a drill machine from a trader, or a gunbuilding machine from one as well if I wanted another, i can simply build one myself with the correct production line?


I have a problem. I'm playing with techtree v2.5 and i have no traders for 90 days! Signal beacon(that uses 400 silvert to call trader) dont work too.


Quote from: esk81 on July 15, 2014, 09:11:30 PM
Quote from: Xydonus on July 15, 2014, 07:05:17 PM
Just wondering, should my colony start with the 'MakeDoTools'? I'm looking for the drop pods but don't see any starting off and the tools are a requirement for a lot of things. Also can't produce the compact research station.

Do I have to wait for the drop pods or should they have spawned with my colony?

You can obtain the MakeDoTools deconstructing the pods where your colonist land. The compact research station can't be produced, spawns where u land and u can deconstruct it and becomes an item that you can construct somewhere else

Hmm, then I might have to do a restart. For some reason I never got drop pods near me.


would be nice if you could somehow manage to build the advanced items yourself.

having to rely on the trader is a bit annoying - though could be a good way to get a headstart

just make it hard to produce the items inquestion


Quote from: Xydonus on July 15, 2014, 07:05:17 PM
Just wondering, should my colony start with the 'MakeDoTools'? I'm looking for the drop pods but don't see any starting off and the tools are a requirement for a lot of things. Also can't produce the compact research station.

Do I have to wait for the drop pods or should they have spawned with my colony?

You have a mod that create a conflict, colonist creation mod and any mod affecting the map generation keep the pod from spawning


Yep, already discovered it was the colonist creation mod conflicting. Removed it and it works fine.


Hello guys, this update should hopefully fix the no events happening bug and added more options for traders to arrive in the colony, I've added localtraders and an Option to negotiate with Raiders in the Signal Beacon.

I have made TradeShips feel a lot like Ships and made them have more stocks and silver and sell at lower prices even on the CallOrder Vessel.

The LocalTraders deals with some items and priced depending on the items they have.

also made the AIpersona core buyable from the CallOrder Vessel in case you are super rich and want to get out of this RimWorld.

also added and changed a lot more stuff. check the changelog!

Heres a full changelog for v2.6
Added a Starting Lettermessage to tell what to do with the DropPods and CRT at the Start.

Local Traders:
Once Every month there will be a localTrader coming on the second half of the month.
The local trader will trade some items in its respective trader type.

New ShipTrading Mechanics:
Every month there will be a 45% chance of a Tradeship coming.

Static Discharger:
Produces low power erratically varying from time to time.
Check its Info Button for more information.

Made PlantHerbs sowable in the HydroponicsTable.

Added Figurine recipe in StoneCutters Table
*Figurines are an income source item.
*Figurines can only be sold to LocalTraders.

Made AI Persona Core buyable from the CallOrder Vessel.

Added 2 new menu options in SignalBeacon:
Signal TradeShip: Signals a TradeShip but Raiders may come!
Negotiate with Raiders: You can now Negotiate with raiders to stop their attack, they're greedy bastards and wants a lot of silver! (They may backstab you!)

Scrap Power Bank:
Now stores a max of 500energy.
now 1x2size and modified texture.
(this is needed for the Original ShortCircuit Event to work and to prevent a gamebreaking bug.)

CallOrder Vessel now sell items at normal prices.
Tradeship Vessels now sell items at cheap prices.
Tradeship Silver and Items Amounts Skyrocketed.
Modified starting battery packs amount.
Changed "CallOrder Signal Beacon" name to "Signal Beacon".
Made Signal Beacon building restricted to Unroofed areas only.
Removed Custom TTM ShortCircuit Class Restored the original ShortCircuit Class.
Lowered NetTrap movement speed slow to half.

This update should hopefully fix the no events occuring bug.
(Tested it thoroughly and im happy to say that more events are happening again.)

This update may have made TTM easier, but i think for the sake of fun and not stress it's a gamble im willing to take. :)

Also if you are not Getting A Starting Message on the Start of a game upon activating TTM, then some mod may be conflicting with the MapGeneratordef.XML


Thank you for the work, after eating and kicking away my darling i'm testing the new version. ;)


Quote from: vagineer1 on July 15, 2014, 07:12:49 AM
Yes I have placed everything which the fireplace uses appropriately. It just seems that nothing is happening. I have also placed the correct amount of food and wood.

as long as its, Griller:FirePlace:WoodPile it should work. I wonder what's happening. is it lighting up? does it ever set on fire? does it glow?
can you send me the save?

Quote from: Kitsune on July 15, 2014, 08:18:31 AM
I have a little idea, if i'm not wrong and it already works that way. The electric sawmill, is it possible to let them work as the fireplace? They get the energy and an hopper with wood, an colonist set it to work and it works automaticly alone. Because it works exactly as the manual sawmill but needs energy the same amout of wood and an colonist? If i'm wrong and its better, so say me what it makes better as the manual sawmill. ;)

That's actually a nice idea. I'll try to implement that!

Quote from: Killaim on July 16, 2014, 06:18:35 AM
would be nice if you could somehow manage to build the advanced items yourself.

having to rely on the trader is a bit annoying - though could be a good way to get a headstart

just make it hard to produce the items inquestion

I'm still halfway to finishing the mod. I'm still thinking whether to go the Industrial Craft way or Factorio for that matter, or stick with RimWorld crafting style less of a hassle really.

Quote from: BlackDog on July 16, 2014, 12:02:30 AM
Something i'm wondering about this mod when i looked at my Trader menu and the things I was capable of produceing, is it possible to make a fully self sufficiant colony? Meaning I don't need to buy a drill machine from a trader, or a gunbuilding machine from one as well if I wanted another, i can simply build one myself with the correct production line?

sadly, TTM is not yet on the Self-Sufficient production line. I'm still halfway there :)

I'll start with the plans for Self-Sufficient colony in the next versions. I like planning like that :)
I'm looking over Factorio style of things. but then it's much of a hassle. so i'm still finding balance and more like searching for ideas to implement the self-sufficient line. :D


You see this tank?

This tank is the epitome of "I'm going to destroy you"

This tank can make Chuck norris cry.

All hail the Takemikazuchi.


Quote from: Kitsune on July 16, 2014, 09:31:53 AM
Thank you for the work, after eating and kicking away my darling i'm testing the new version. ;)

Dude can you report here if the Signal Beacon is working? use the Signal CallOrder Vessel and see if it works.

everything works perfectly fine on my side, maybe because i have a clean game, and it's only Tech Tree Minami and Custom Events activated.

Quote from: vagineer1 on July 16, 2014, 09:48:12 AM
How do you get Utility Metal? And how do you build a Bulb?

Utility Metal is crafted on the MetalSynthesizer on the Production Tab, you need to research Metal Synthesizing first.

The Bulb is crafted on the Metal Works. that also needs Metal Synthesizing Research first. :)

can everybody tell me what other mods you are playing TTM with?
Because everything is fine in my version. I don't know what to fix really :(


Quote from: minami26 on July 16, 2014, 09:50:55 AM
Quote from: vagineer1 on July 16, 2014, 09:48:12 AM
How do you get Utility Metal? And how do you build a Bulb?

Utility Metal is crafted on the MetalSynthesizer on the Production Tab, you need to research Metal Synthesizing first.

The Bulb is crafted on the Metal Works. that also needs Metal Synthesizing Research first. :)

Thank you.
You see this tank?

This tank is the epitome of "I'm going to destroy you"

This tank can make Chuck norris cry.

All hail the Takemikazuchi.


Quote from: minami26 on July 16, 2014, 09:50:55 AM
Quote from: Kitsune on July 16, 2014, 09:31:53 AM
Thank you for the work, after eating and kicking away my darling i'm testing the new version. ;)

Dude can you report here if the Signal Beacon is working? use the Signal CallOrder Vessel and see if it works.

everything works perfectly fine on my side, maybe because i have a clean game, and it's only Tech Tree Minami and Custom Events activated

Sure i tried it but i think today randy have something against girls. ;D He killed my colony three times in a row. :'( He work again. I cant say beyond savegames or something but he finished my colonies after 20-30 and 40 day's. After he throw's a couple new colonist to me AND killed them right away. xD

I think i'm a bit slow in building, i play now a game with pheobe to test the traders. I'm be back after i played a little bit with pheobe. ^.^

Edit: Oh yes by the way. I use the Mod's:
Embrasures, burn cloths, machine gun nests and your mod. And for the time i played, i have no problems.^^


In 15days in game I had 3 earthquake, it's a little bit too much imo, I've built outdoor and it's still annoying as hell, mountains are full of whole now.


I'm thinking that too. The game is somewhat earthquake intensive. ;D

Tried the trading-thingy's. I builded an comm-thingy and in the second the building is complete i got an trade ship and the call-order works but how i remember, have you not sayd you will turn down the price? Its still 400 silver. But i think thats not a big problem, hm maybe at least i suggest to lower it to 200 silver.^^ But its only my taste. Oh yes i have made a little deal with the trader and it worked. :)

Edit: Its almost 2-3 days i got the first trading ship and now i got another one, i think nothing stay's in the way for trading. ;D I'm now trying a new game with randy.

Edit2: Dam the drone of insanity has come and slaved my colonists. :o In the situation if anyone like to play without the big -25 happiness, you have to edit the TTMCustomEvents_Incidents.xml in the folder: Mods\TTMCustomEventsA5\Defs\IncidentDefs search drone, you get the psychicdrone and after "<chance>" you have to set 0. Now its disabled i dont know but maybe you have to change the same line in the Mods\Core\Defs\IncidentDefs\BaseIncidents.xml. The dev self had disabled it in the last update.^.^ So have fun playing.