[MOD] (Alpha 7) TechTreeMinami v3.3 RIMWORLD COMPLETE

Started by minami26, May 05, 2014, 11:49:17 AM

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Yeah! New update! Thanks for all this hard work minami. I love the mod so far and love playing it in randy!!


Quote from: Spare74 on July 16, 2014, 06:48:08 AM
Quote from: Xydonus on July 15, 2014, 07:05:17 PM
Just wondering, should my colony start with the 'MakeDoTools'? I'm looking for the drop pods but don't see any starting off and the tools are a requirement for a lot of things. Also can't produce the compact research station.

Do I have to wait for the drop pods or should they have spawned with my colony?

You have a mod that create a conflict, colonist creation mod and any mod affecting the map generation keep the pod from spawning
is there any workaround i can do other than uninstalling CCM? like editing the map generation file or something?


Hm my idea is, to find the drop-pod and research-thingy spawn-lines in the code of the mod and copy it to the map generation mod. Sadly i dont know in what file they are. ;D

Edit: Hm i searched but i think i'm not able to find the lines. :'( I would like this mod is compatible with the map generation mod and the colonists creation mod.^^ And so much more, i'm sad that i have not so much experience with the code otherwise i worked on the mods for compatibility. ;D


T500 turret is a beast, I'm trying an urban defense but I had a weak flank, with only 6 colonists it's hard to cover each side, but now I have a fully upgraded T500 turret :)
Survived the few pirates without trouble (randy wasn't too agressive) but I jsut got owned by the boomrats going mad, mod or not this event is so damn op :s

I've had this bug : http://goo.gl/YHPaVg
It happens some time when I load an autosave, I just need to load an older one.

I jsut had another one, two times : http://goo.gl/xkMKKW
When I rescue/capture someone he puts him in bed and then the person that I rescued/captured bugs out and keep teleporting to the guy that just captured him ...


Amazing mod, thank you! 

Just to report it as well, I've also had this bug, and it happens with non-autosaves as well as autosaves :(
Quote from: Spare74 on July 17, 2014, 06:03:36 AM
I've had this bug : http://goo.gl/YHPaVg
It happens some time when I load an autosave, I just need to load an older one.


ive had that bug also. seems to be random havent yet found out why it does that.

also wouldnt it be good to keep a small list of mods thats known to work with it. i dont mean item mods more like the other mods that modfiy parts of the game like this does.


A little nice list is good to have.^^ I think the biggest part of mod's should work without mods which modify the world generation, like map generation. For my self i play with Embrasures, burn cloths and machine gun nests so far the only problems are that the embrasures and the machine gun nest is aviable right from the start, so unfortunately no research needed. The burn cloths should work with the crematory but at the time i dont get it to that far in the research-tree. :) For someone with coding experience i think its possible to make other mod's compatible. I would love to make it myself but i'm a typical girl that have to do alot of learning to understand the codes. ;) I only can tweak the storytellers a bit and i dont know how succesfully. ;D

Edit: I have found a little bug or something that way.^^ I got attacked from a group of tribeman they lit a few buildings, in my "tavern" 2 normal tables got burned and now 2 of the items what i needed to build the tables lay on the ground and say's "Tables x0"... the biggest problem is with that, my colonists try to haul them to my stockpile but they only stand there, sure there are Tables x0... so there is nothing they can haul. ;D No error showing up, nothing, they are only unable to haul it. I already have the same bug in a game befor an oil lamp get destroyed and left an "slag chunk x0" the same problem, but i was able to solve the problem with the saving and loading the game but with the tables, it dont work with save&loading.

Edit2: I think in the building file under tables, the line that something drops if the two wood tables get destroyed is missing. :)

TTM_Buildings_Furniture.xml attached.

Have set that they drop wooden planks but i have to test it that the item is dropt right not that i have typed the false item. ;)

Edit3: Tested and it worked. And found the same problem with the oil tank and the oil lamp.^^ I found a few more with x0 drops, i post the full file-changes. ;)

TTM_Buildings_Survival.xml Attached.

Search continued. ;D - Search complete. I found at least in the decoration.xml a few of the same problems and fixed it. :) But it's to long for the post now. Uploaded.

If i find more problems, i report it. ;)

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]


where can i find the file that make the starting drop pods event?


That's already in the mod, if it isn't working for you it is most likely caused by other mods interfering with the mapgen. What other mods are you currently using with TTM?


Quote from: Seth1483 on July 18, 2014, 12:42:25 AM
That's already in the mod, if it isn't working for you it is most likely caused by other mods interfering with the mapgen. What other mods are you currently using with TTM?
yes i am using CCM (colonist creation mod) and it does interfere with TTM so i am trying to find the event so i can modify the files and make the two mods compatible if i can


Colonist Creation Compatible MapGen.xml Here ya go guys a Colonist CreationMod Compatible MapGeneratorDef xml file.
It's the TTMSpawns that come with the guns guys. I thought someone might get it.
But then you can't spawn the OilDeposit if you don't add it too. So I made a compatible one. and it should probably work I ddnt test it Im on another computer.

just delete the TTM_MapGenerator.xml and replace it with ColonistCreation&TTM_MapGenerator.xml in this file and i think its good to go. try it out.

Quote from: Kitsune on July 17, 2014, 12:14:23 PM

Thanks kitsune, most of the problems you guys is because of what kitsune is reporting, I kinda fixed this problem in alpha4 but I tried to put <leaveResourceswhenKilled> on. I guess I ddnt focus on it that much because my colony never gets destroyed. hehe.

What happens with tables(x0) is that its picking up nothing. A "Table" thats 0 amount. so it makes an error that it's not picking up anything! why am I picking nothing! haha.

to prevent this for now. Go open up your debug menu.
Go to option=>debug mode on
and use debugtool Destroy. and click on that (x0) item to destroy it. because its nothing it should get destroyed.

im gonna update with a fix.

thank you so much for playing with TTM! :)


Quote from: minami26 on July 18, 2014, 02:40:55 AM
Colonist Creation Compatible MapGen.xml Here ya go guys a Colonist CreationMod Compatible MapGeneratorDef xml file.
It's the TTMSpawns that come with the guns guys. I thought someone might get it.
But then you can't spawn the OilDeposit if you don't add it too. So I made a compatible one. and it should probably work I ddnt test it Im on another computer.

just delete the TTM_MapGenerator.xml and replace it with ColonistCreation&TTM_MapGenerator.xml in this file and i think its good to go. try it out.

Quote from: Kitsune on July 17, 2014, 12:14:23 PM

Thanks kitsune, most of the problems you guys is because of what kitsune is reporting, I kinda fixed this problem in alpha4 but I tried to put <leaveResourceswhenKilled> on. I guess I ddnt focus on it that much because my colony never gets destroyed. hehe.

What happens with tables(x0) is that its picking up nothing. A "Table" thats 0 amount. so it makes an error that it's not picking up anything! why am I picking nothing! haha.

to prevent this for now. Go open up your debug menu.
Go to option=>debug mode on
and use debugtool Destroy. and click on that (x0) item to destroy it. because its nothing it should get destroyed.

im gonna update with a fix.

thank you so much for playing with TTM! :)
Thanks minami


Quote from: minami26 on July 18, 2014, 02:40:55 AM
Colonist Creation Compatible MapGen.xml Here ya go guys a Colonist CreationMod Compatible MapGeneratorDef xml file.

Thank you for the compatible file. ^.^

Edit: Something dont work right. :'( I get the creation menu and the batteries but the drop pods and the research-thingy do not show up.^^ And i have to disable the TTM mod, close the game and enable the creation colonist mod and after that the TTM mod again, otherwise i get error window opend. Can i ask where the code is, that spawns the drop pods? How do it work?^^

Quote from: minami26 on July 18, 2014, 02:40:55 AM
Quote from: Kitsune on July 17, 2014, 12:14:23 PM

Thanks kitsune

I'm happy to help.^^ If you not changed anything in the files i attached on my post befor, you can use them right away, if the "kill"item drop with the ground materials(wooden plank) are ok. ;D Was something new to look at the code of an game. o.o Beside Rimworld i only play games but with that game it draws my attention on the modding side. :o

Quote from: minami26 on July 18, 2014, 02:40:55 AMthank you so much for playing with TTM! :)

Its an really nice mod, i alway's like mods that make games harder or add new content. ;) Keep up the good work.


sorry about that I ddn't test it. here's a new one that I totally tested and is fully compatible.

Follow these steps thoroughly.
Download CCM Compatible MapGen for TTM File Here

1. Download CCM Compatible MapGen File
2. Go To => RimWorld => Mods => TechTree Minami A5 => Defs
3. Delete "MapGeneratorDefs" folder
4. Go to the Downloaded CCM Compatible File. Extract its Contents.
5. Copy Extracted "MapGeneratorDefs" Folder to RimWorld => Mods => TechTree Minami A5 => Defs
6. Open RimWorld => Go to Mods Section
7. Uncheck all mods. Except Core
8. Check all other mods you use *Except Colonist Creation, TTM, CustomEvents.
9. [*IMPORTANT] Check Colonist Creation Mod FIRST!
10. [*IMPORTANT] Check TechTree Minami A5 then Check TTM Custom Events LAST.
11. Play the Game! and see if DropPods and CRT has spawned.
12. Report Here if still not working.
13. Tell me how my mod is doing.
14. Finally instructions worth following!
18. Did you know that I watch anime and that I'm half japanese that doesn't know nippon?
15. Hey i'm still using another computer!?
16. My second name is minami.
17. for the lulz.
20. did you know that there's no 19! what!?!
21. as always thankyou for playing TTM. and go tell argain ive made a compatibility patch for his mod and mine, P.S tell argain how awesome his mod is. :D -minami26
22. Someone changed the title of this THREAD!? O: whoever you are!! scareehh..

I tested it. Should be Properly working. Here's a Screenshot:

hooo. compatibility.. :(


Maybe i can in a little bit time(after dinner-making) upload an compatible version of the machine gun nests and an "somewhat"-compatible version for clutter. The clutter version is... a bit hard(alot of text changes  ;D). I think i fixed the research menu so no clutter-objects from start on but they are builded with normal ressources and not from craftet items from TTM. But if i find enough time and motivation i fix that. ;) How i sayed, clutter UNCOMPLETE at the moment but if you like to look at it or play it right now. ;)

The folders are to big. :o I uploading it somewhere else.
Link deleted <- Clutter, compatible patch outdated
Link deleted <- Machine Gun Nests outdated, got updatet and i'm working on it.^^