[1.0] A RimWorld of Magic

Started by Torann, November 24, 2017, 11:17:05 PM

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There seems to be a problem with the enchanter Polymorph spell - downed polymorphed creatures don't change back. I have a poppy that was hit by my polymorph and turned into a panther, it never despawned and remained a panther.


So, a small question.

Is there any way to recover raised Undead traits, background and passions without editing them in, or is this change permanent?
I've tried ressurecting a pawn by both vanilla and modded means and it was always ressurected as an undead. They only reraised my pawn as undead.


I tried looking in the raws but found not by myself.
Is there a way to disable the sustain mana cost of having undead pawns (rised by necromancers) ?
Trie to play an unbalanced-fun scenario ...


Quote from: Kyuukin on July 05, 2019, 05:59:02 PM
So, a small question.

Is there any way to recover raised Undead traits, background and passions without editing them in, or is this change permanent?
I've tried ressurecting a pawn by both vanilla and modded means and it was always ressurected as an undead. They only reraised my pawn as undead.
When a pawn is raised as an undead then it erases/replaces the old pawn which is not stored in any way.

Quote from: mohreb on July 18, 2019, 01:17:13 PM
I tried looking in the raws but found not by myself.
Is there a way to disable the sustain mana cost of having undead pawns (rised by necromancers) ?
Trie to play an unbalanced-fun scenario ...
There's no way to bypass the upkeep cost of undead right now.  I might add an option in the settings menu to disable it for "fun" playthroughs.



Not sure if it's a bug, but some inconvenience for sure. Bandit Camp and Item Stash quest rewards include Orb of Souls (filled) which do nothing on use and cost nothnig. I'm missing something?


Quote from: Torann on July 18, 2019, 11:56:18 PM
Quote from: mohreb on July 18, 2019, 01:17:13 PM
I tried looking in the raws but found not by myself.
Is there a way to disable the sustain mana cost of having undead pawns (rised by necromancers) ?
Trie to play an unbalanced-fun scenario ...
There's no way to bypass the upkeep cost of undead right now.  I might add an option in the settings menu to disable it for "fun" playthroughs.
That would be really great thank you!


Hey there, love the mod.

Just a little something I found with necros: is the size of the undead supposed to influence the mana upkeep? With Cheating Death maxed, I raised a rat and it cost only 0.008 mana while an undead thrumbo costs 0.126! Way more than humans which are at 0.0503 a pop


Quote from: vitorss on July 30, 2019, 09:22:13 PM
Hey there, love the mod.

Just a little something I found with necros: is the size of the undead supposed to influence the mana upkeep? With Cheating Death maxed, I raised a rat and it cost only 0.008 mana while an undead thrumbo costs 0.126! Way more than humans which are at 0.0503 a pop
Yes, the latest patch changed the upkeep cost for undead animals, it now evaluates the combat power of the animal to determine the upkeep cost.  Humans all remained the same.


Am I the only one who still has problems with elemental assaults? I see no good way to beat it short of having tons of defenses in advance. The number of elementals that come out and their tankiness makes them more dangerous than a double raid.


I was thinking that it would be nice if the orb of souls absorbed only one trait, so you can try to steal one trait from a prisoner if you want, or remove a negative trait (cough pyromaniac cough) from one of your otherwise good pawn. Then I thought, maybe the orb, once used, would leave a Used Orb of Souls behind that can be restored for a moderate price. Then I thought it would be fairly overpowered, so maybe the orb of soul can't give a trait to a pawn who already has 3 (or however many the maximum is if you have mods). Then I thought, this entire idea would make a great skill for a new class, so why not?

Here it is : The Mad Scientist class!

Incapable of : dumb labor, social
Skills :
Mind Alteration Device : Attempts to steal a random trait from a pawn. Always successful on friendly pawns, thought it might not always steal the trait you want. Once a trait has been acquired by MAD, the mad scientist can use the skill again to give it to another pawn. Mentally taxing for the recipient.

Mad invention : Select some material to add to the mad scientist's latest invention. The more material is added, and the higher their value, the better the final product will be. Once this has been used at least once, unlocks the Complete Invention skill, which has a long casting, and produces a random technological or magical item of value proportional to the materials added, and improved by the mad scientist's skill. It may be impossible to add more material beyond a certain value until leveling the skill.

Mad grenade : chance to mental break anyone caught in the blast radius. Or it might just blow up. Which is also fine.

Master skill : Doomsday device : Creates a random hostile effect at the target location. Possible hostile effects are :
Orbital cannon, tornado, meteor, psychic insanity, any of the attack-type master spells, spawn 1D10 x [skill level] insect hives, elemental rift, drop mechanoids, flash storm.
Those effects may not always be useful, or may spawn hostiles more dangerous than the target. This is a risk when dealing with mad scientists!

Learnable skill : Emergency repairs : repairs a structure (including turrets).

He's mad, I tell you, maaaaad!


These Doomsday device need to be researched too (Like the gateway from Arcane mage) and build.
Can only be operate from the MAD and need to be charged/fueled with mana.

Side effect: when the MAD operate the device and don't activate any effect he repair structure at range.


Do you mean the mad inventions? I meant for it to create regular items, like high quality regular weapons, doomsday rockets, high-tier armors, stacks of glitter meds or bionic/archotech limbs. The idea that it could create unique devices only usable by mad scientists is nice too, though it might add too many new items to the already large mod.


or you can call it Mad Labarotory.
Like the Gateway it need to be charged with mana, alternativ it can draw mana like the batteries.
I don't like it when you can craft these items, the various effect's should be started from these Labarotory and consume the stored mana.
At this way only the MAD scienice can do these effects, compared when you create the items anyone could use it.


I'm not a fan of adding a new building for only one class, but maybe the mad scientist could work using research benches, which would also conveniently gate the type of items they can create with your research bench tier.


Am I doing something wrong or is it an incompatibility with Hardcore SK? I can't seem to equip enchanting stones on mages, Ive tried all types, even "Enchanter" when I right click, I can only haul or pick-up the stone, no equip options, also might be a on a similar issue, when I use the Technomancer skill "Engineer Weapon" nothing happens, the technomancer stays unarmed and the weapon, stays untouched, other than that mod works fine, Its a very beautiful mod, I cant play RW without it but the depth and consolidation of hardcore SK is also a must for me.. any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated..