HELP: How to Install and Update All Types of Mods, 1.0 Update and beyond

Started by Iwillbenicetou, September 19, 2014, 08:11:57 PM

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A bit
We should remove this now, I hate it
We should move this into the mod help area


Is it possible to use mods from the Ludeon site when you installed Rimworld via Steam? I'm not exactly computer literate, but I don't see a folder such as 'Ludeon Games/Rimworld/Mods' etc, I only have the icon for Rimworld on my desktop which is an internet shortcut. The guide looks so simple but I'm afraid I failed at the 2nd hurdle :S


Steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld is where you'll find the Mods folder. You can install manually or from the workshop, doesn't matter (just don't install mods you already have).


Thanks Dingo it worked.

P.S. Hand me that Brick changed my life. Thanks for that too!


Hey, sorry if it is a dumb question, but... i have an old A15 save in which i had used mods that have already been updated to the A16 version, and now i can't load that save without those mods. Is there some way to fix this and not lose that colony?


download the A15 version of the mods. it still should be the same mod. If you're using Steam, then download from Ludeon forums
Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!



Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!

Der Failer

Quote from: Iwillbenicetou on September 19, 2014, 08:11:57 PM
5) If you add a mod which adds factions, create a whole new world to see them in your game. Not colony, world. So remember your world seeds for the same map!
This point is kind of obsolete, since World are no longer independent from Colonies.


Yeah, but I'll change it to creating a new colony as you still need to do that.
Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!


Hey guys. Any tips on the order of the mods installed? What should be on top, what should be below?


Core is always loaded first, then anything marked such as CCL, HugsLib and other mods that are split separately such as ED, and Misc. +Mai
Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!


I'm having a really odd problem installing mods to the B18 version of the game, at first I installed Rimsenal and Fish Industry without any issues, any further mods I installed have said that they are out of date. When I go in game no other mods except for those original 2 would work even thought they are all B18, nothing starts up with them even though they appear in mod list and order is correct for any that was relevant for. Then an update for Fish Industry came out so I updated it and got same error, not really sure how to fix I reinstalled the EXACT same file I had before hand....and now I'm getting the error for that. I'm sure its a simple fix and I'm sure this is wrong place to post it but id appreciate the help


Maybe try to install hugslib first
If this works without trouble, maybe try the new green button "share log" at the error window and post the link, so we can see the error messages.

Be sure you have the mod's installed/unziped correctly. Sometimes the file structure is different at the archives  (Modname folder / About,Defs,...).


May I suggest a mention on ModSync for mod updating? It's actually a pretty neat tool.


Quote from: frenchiveruti on October 20, 2018, 09:07:18 AM
May I suggest a mention on ModSync for mod updating? It's actually a pretty neat tool.
Added, thanks for the idea.
Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!