[MOD PACK] (Alpha 8) Epyk Pack 1.18y[Alpha 9 update soon!]

Started by Epyk, January 07, 2015, 07:42:27 AM

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Rate your Epyk Pack experience.

Epyk Pack is awesome! 10/10
It's a good mod pack.
It's okay.
Meh, not my cup of tea.
I don't like this mod pack at all.
I haven't tried the Epyk Pack.


Quote from: shhfiftyfive on March 24, 2015, 11:52:58 AM
wonder if alpha 10 will come out before we see epyk here again...
Maybe, I would not worry of such things,...life happens. Getting some mods to work together is not sooo difficult, just avoid multiple same content. It is not 100% fault free, but is workable.

The key is to add the bare minimum, and or to check them as you add them. This is easy enough to do with Dev mode, use it to your advantage till the game is more stable. (With mods)


I'm starting to get worried again, he hasn't been logged in since a week ago. :(


Maybe he is sick of hearing people  either PM or post saying "Is it done yet?". XD


Quote from: DevilKhan on March 25, 2015, 06:17:52 AM
Maybe he is sick of hearing people  either PM or post saying "Is it done yet?". XD

That may be ture


Just a quick bump for you folks in case you haven't seen it:

I checked which mods work and what don't from this pack. Head over to page 40 to see my screenshot...after the first couple of silly screen shots.

It shows the folders of what works and not.


This is my first time using this mod pack, so I'm not sure if Epyk does anything to integrate the different mods or not.  That said, I was able to download and load all the mods listed as having updated to A9 without problems.  For the load order, I used the old xml file as a guide and reordered them manually.  The ones not listed I just let load in alphabetical order.  I haven't gotten a chance to play much yet, but everything seems to be working properly.

Chall T. dow



It'll be ready when it's ready. Please try not to badger mod creators to update. :)


Eah, it's kinda written in the topic @Mese

[MOD PACK] (Alpha 8) Epyk Pack 1.18y[Alpha 9 update soon!] )

It means vaguely in the future, not now and not in the past :).


I also got most of the mods working without errors. I was having problems with it crashing trying to load any save but an unfinished mod (ED-Vehicles) in Enhanced Defense (apparently Jaxxa forgot to take it out before uploading) was causing it. After disabling that, no problems. I also have several mods not included in Epyk pack (Glitter Tech, Crash Landing, Expanded Prosthetics, Door Control, FireFly, Priority Haul, Hospitality, Modular Tables, RT Mods, Biodiversity, Mending) as well as the alternative for modular hydroponics that was linked earlier in this thread and they are all playing nicely together. I haven't noticed any glaring bugs so far but will post any if I do.


So, I did a bit of research and almost all the mods are updated or have a third-party update for A9. I haven't personally tested all of them (yet) due to just finishing looking everything up. So far the feedback from others is positive that they work so I have high hopes that this modpack is going to be updated very soon for A9. Only ones in the list that are not updated at all from 8 to 9 are:

  • RimTroopers
  • Quality Labels

The rest of the mods are either updated, have a third-party update, or work already dispite it being released for A8, according to the forum thread posts.

Also if I could make a suggestion Epyk, there's another mod (https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=11056.0) that is based on Central Heating that would probably be a good replacement mod, since it adds heated ducts and the mod author mentioned the guy doing Central Heating isn't modding atm.

Third-Party Update links (will send you to the post with the third party update):

Only mod that seems to be able to work for both A8 and A9 is IceSheet: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=7882.msg114140#msg114140 unfortunately will remove the wolfsies event untill updated

Do note the mods listed here are the ones listed as needed updates in the parent post at the time of this post


Looks like we are no need to w8 for an update no more?


 Looks like Alpha 9 update will never release. Epyk is liar.


That or he has been busy with life, which always comes before anything online


Too bad... maybe someone can make similar modpack for alpha 9/10??