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Topics - patoka

Ideas / scenario? reenactment? campaign?
May 24, 2024, 11:14:39 AM
long time no see
i was wondering if there is a community of rimworld player outside of casuals/sea ice masochists/big time modders/mosaic drawers/etc who like "reenactment" type of things, or maybe let's call it "scenario"/"campaign" lovers from other single player games. if there are, i wanted ask how and where i could join.

if there isnt yet:
an idea came to my mind where you'd still play a regular rimworld game but as close to a specific thing that happened in history as possible. my idea was tromelin island (formerly sand island, see here YT or google) where a bunch of people got stranded. the captain was supposed to transport meat and other things from mauritius (formerly isle of france) to madagascar, but he also participated in the then already forbidden slave trade, so he intended on making a detour to smuggle some for big bucks. so anyway, they got stranded and the entire island is completely barren and the best they can do is to save some resources from the ship and to hunt for animals and fish. the captain immediately lost his mind and was replaced. eventually they rebuilt a new ship and the crew took off without taking the slaves with them. many years later some people came back for them, but the mission failed and it took even longer for them to finally go home.


i was imagining a scenario where you'd start on a single tile island with permanent growth climate, but it's a desert, maybe even extreme desert and you'd have 1 royal (praetor or above, i'd say), another 30 normal colonists (maybe with slightly focused backgrounds), 15 tribal slaves and 185 corpses strewn about the broken ship bc for rimworld we just assume three quarters more of them died so the game balance isnt all over the place. you'd have to forbid all kinds of animals from appearing there except certain birds, turtles and fish (fishing in rimworld when?), also no trees but maybe the odd cactus to simulate corals and bone as a building material. most likely a normal start techwise but with very limited tech, maybe electricity isnt even allowed at all. there should be a certain amount of pollution to simulate the fact that the survivors have used lead for cooking with. oh and there should obviously be some ship chunks strewn about on the shore for an easy source of steel, some wooden structures in the water to simulate a broken ship with doors, drapes to simulate sails, some of the few items mentionned in the documentaries.

and that's about it, everything else should be purely cosmetic like ancient barrels, containers, crates, toilet, sink and equipment block. the rest would be premade quests like building a new ship (could be simulated with a mission where you build a monument that roughly looks like a ship and requires a ton of wood and some steel), driftwood arriving, maybe another monument to be built that looks like a well where you could use smooth flooring to replace other types of flooring that you cant afford for the lack of resources to simulate the time it took to build, then another mission for a smaller raft-like monument and eventually you just need to reach a certain time limit to finally be saved, but you could entirely add another mission where you have to build a light tower and flag or sth.

personally, the more factual details we could add, the better. like the captain being a highly skilled pawn but with the traits volatile, depressive and very neurotic for constant mental breaks making it obvious that you need a new leader asap.

the first ship being built and used to sail off would obviously immediately remove both nobles and all normal colonists from the map including all fire weapons, turning all your slaves into normal colonists and i have no clue on how to code sth like that. the raft being built would further "save" (or not) more colonists of yours. maybe there'll just be a regular rimworld spaceship which has to be filled with all your colonists (even a possibly knocked out captain) and part of the missions would be to erect some kind of big tent where you could send all your slaves and once done, all pawns disappear and new colonists spawn that just so happen to be the same as the slaves sent to the tent.

not finishing missions asap would result in mood drones or sth similar, maybe even an outbreak of some disease bc of too many people with too many corpses and too many dead animals on that tiny island. the game would most likely play with tons of action in the beginning and then you could really speed up the game once the slaves are alone. i'd imagine the whole thing not taking longer than a couple rimworld years, 15 would be super excessive. 3, maybe 5, so starvation can be a factor? raids on this map wouldnt make much sense to me. you cant freeze food or grow much at all, so you'd constantly have to hunt anyway, major threats would mostly be quite comical if you ask me. maybe environmental stuff make sense like volcanic winter, toxic fallout and stuff like ambrosia sprouts, but not aurora. wanderers, wild people, travelers, visitors, royale tribute collectors, traders, beavers, solar flares, zzzzt, man in black, ancient danger, rare thrumbos and transport pod crashes also dont make sense. maybe gauranlen pod sprouts and meteorites?

you win by having survivors at the end of it all. (duh)

lotsa love, patoka
General Discussion / how to sell NPM
June 08, 2019, 07:27:11 PM
hey, i'm kinda surprised i never noticed, but i also took a long break from playing any games at all, including rimworld, but how do i sell NPM? none of the friendly villages near me seem to be interested in them and i thought in the updates before i was perfectly able to sell them. it isnt exactly a common occurence, so it took me a while to realize. at first i thought it was just traders that didnt like them, but now i see that i'm the only colony that eats them :/ any ideas?
Off-Topic / bored/drunk me had an idea
June 11, 2018, 02:26:29 AM
so i am (still) drunk and bored and suddenly remembered rimworld because beer and smokeleaf.

my brain thinks it would be a funny "social experiment" if i "tipped off" the media of the existence of it.
[size=78%]you know. rimworld. pew pew pew. people dying. blood carpets. prisoner abuse. animal cruelty. randpm acts of violence towards minors. nudity. public sexy timey. homosexuality. "fornication". cannibalism. art from the parts of dead people. starvation. people living in their own dirt (in some mods). being forced to tragically fight your family members to the death. stealing organs of incapacitated visitors. producing and selling hard drugs to inigenous people. and worst of all: real. fur. coats.[/size]
anyway. you know what rim goodness i mean.

so what if *certain* news outlets caught wind of this game? this incarnation of evil? what it [insert news media name] would eat it up like ot happened so many times already with so many other games by all sides of politics?
what if they didnt even do it for a political statement but for some kickass clickbait? ("you will not guess what this game teaches your children that involves overdosing on drugs; enjoying cannibalism; and unattended minors")
everybody knows one or two media companies that would be perfectly suited for a little "outrage" over a game, especially nowadays. (i purposely dont say any concrete names, no need to start something that silly here. i am just here for the fun)

it has happened before but as far as i know only on a very small scale. i kinda wanna repeat this until more mainstream media notices rimworld, especially since 1.0 might just eventually come out and i heard tynan wouldnt be too mad about some more peeps buying this game. it is free advertising, afterall.

can anybody think of a real downside to this? like, would it actually be that much of a hassle for whoever is responsible for press statements at ludeon studios? i am sure they can just copy and paste their last statement that the media shouldnt be such crybabies and that you guys dont care.

another downside i wouldnt count is how we should feel remorse for screwing with the media. no we shouldnt feel bad for it because we dont force them to write about anything. they actively choose to put each and every story into their show or newspaper or radio/tv program or podcast or whatever and it is entirely their responsibility to check stories for truth and if it makes logical sense what they claim and so on. you know. they should at least act as if they all were interested in good journalism and stuff.

@mods or generally non-normal users: feel especially encouraged to comment on it, even if it is a: "get sober first and then a real hobby, idiot" as you guys have more insight to what the big "rimworld exposed" articles in the media sparked (or didnt)
also please dont ban me. if you ban me for this post instead of answering i take it as an "oh hell no, dont do that you dumbass" and will think of something anyway because i dont like censorship. (yes this is a political statement. please dont derail the topic anyway)

Help / different story teller mod
March 05, 2018, 06:54:51 PM
hey guys, big mod noob here (i did some html back when it was cool, but that was ages ago and doesnt count)
i was wondering if i could make my own storyteller
seeing how many people had performance issues and how most people dislike small maps, my aim was making one that would make playing on small maps a bit more rewarding/fun.
how i'd achieve that with a storyteller alone is that i want to put the player under constant pressure, like the worst combination in vanilla rn. (pissed randy or cassandra on high difficulty) but to make it fair, the story teller would immediately help you out again to get on your feet for a proper defence. i intend to change the way of playing rimworld for many players that would wanna try my new storyteller, in that colonists will die all over the place, you wont be able to save too many enemy pawns either to recruit them due to your low numbers, but wanderers and refugees will join you left and right, so the social and levelling aspect of the game would be less focussed and also bionics would see less play and instead cheap alternatives (like peg legs and even scyther blades) and hopefully even higher amounts of drugs than usual.
ideally, i'd say, we'd see battles that will kill a considerable amount of your colonists and the ones that do survive, only do so because of appropriate use of drugs. soon after you'll be stocked up with new pawns though, so unless you grow fond of them, all you end up with is tons of loot and dead bodies for your war beasts.
since you're gonna have quite a hard time anyway, i guess this map is more intended to be played on easy-medium difficulty maps like temperate and tropical forests, but also arid shrubland and taiga if you want even more of a challenge. the more difficult maps will probably barely be playable like this, but hey, players have survived on sea ice aswell, so what do i know.
ps: totally forgot to say that the pop limits would be between 5 and 7 (crit: 9) for the story teller.

so now to the technicalties:
aside from the fact that i have no clue whatsoever how to program ai (story teller), i did look into it anyway on the wiki and came up with a few questions. what do all these expressions mean: xD

threatCycleLength: does this mean that all threats are in a cycle in random order and that if i make the cycle length shorter that it will be less random? why would anybody want to change this? i must be missing sth.

classic_RandomEventMTBDays: ? to me just random words jumbled together. is it maybe that it says how many days have to pass for the same event to happen again?

classic_ThreatBigMTBDays: is this how long volcanic winters and toxic fallout takes?

classic_ThreatSmallMTBDays: and this is a number of how many days i can hunt as my heart desires since the last animal turned manhunter? no way, right? i thought that was directly dependent on how much you hunted and which animals

General Weight: no idea. nope. cant be difficulty, that is sth else.

ThreatSmallWeight: umm...maybe the percentage of how many threats are small and how many big? so if this number is small, i will have more big threats like raids?

LargeThreatWeight: confused now... so is it maybe that general weight is for generally good and bad events, threatsmallweight is for small threats and largethreatweight stands for large threats and these three numbers essentially tell you the percentage of the kinds of events that happen?

MaxThreatBigIntervalDays: this is like a max number of days between big threats?

(and after looking at some other modded storytellers:)

populationIntentFromPopCurve: this is like a little list of things but always seems to be the same over many storytellers. contrary to its name, it doesnt seem to be sth connected to the number of colonists you this sth completely different?

minDaysPassed: what does this one specify? how many days have to pass for the threats to start popping up?

mtbDaysThreatSmall and mtbDaysThreatBig: is this just a different way of writing every how many days small threats occur on average?

i think imma stop comment on each and every single one and just make a list of stuff i found that i dont 100% understand, hope that's ok. i mean, most i have an idea of, but i am not sure why the commands seem to repeat themselves in different ways.




      <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_AllyAssistance">

      <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_CategoryIndividualMTBByBiome">

      <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_ShipChunkDrop"/>
no ship chunks ever? or starting off with ship chunks? i dont understand...

      <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_JourneyOffer"/>
i think this means that there wont be a frienly ai that takes me for a trip, right? or does it mean the exact opposite?

<li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_Disease">

i thiiiiiiink this makes it that you can only have a disease per week and not more often, right?

and then there are these huge chunks that i dont understand:
                        <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_CategoryMTB">

         <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_CategoryMTB">

      <li Class="StorytellerCompProperties_AllyInteraction">

the worst offender in this regard is this list right here:
            <li>0, 8</li>
            <li>1, 4</li>
            <li>5, 1</li>
            <li>9, 0.5</li>
            <li>13, 0</li>
            <li>18, -1</li>

what does it influence? what if i change some numbers? how can i calculate the outcome? should i keep it in as is, or throw it out?

=> and very specifically, i do not see a command that would let me set how often "good" events would happen. can i not set this on my own? do i have to let the story teller decide if the player is in need of good events or not, just by looking at the population counter?

thanks to anyone that cares to read all this and to even respond. will take me probably a day or two for my first version which will probably suck and then maybe a new version every few hours until i have a decent enough version to show you guys. i hope.

and if anybody feels like this mod needs some proper rimworld style pictures, feel free to post them. i am a level 0 artist, so i could never do sth like this on my own. maybe i could go find sth on google, but i probably would end up posting sth unrelated. dont let me do this part. i WILL ruin it.

pps: am i doing this correctly? there isnt an easy make-your-own-storyteller out there, right? and xml is the right choice for me, as an html-rookie, right?
Ideas / gloves and shoes
December 10, 2017, 03:15:09 PM
I dont wanna be that guy, but why werent gloves and shoes added to the game, yet?
there are two types of shirts and three types of jackety thingies and three types of hats, but no gloves or shoes and my colonists' fingers and toes always go flying...why

please, tynan, add them. you can make it quite simple:
for gloves:
- combat gloves that can only be made of non-hairy textiles (or you shave the hair off off-screen) and definitely no wool for that. they should add good protection with no debuffs, but barely if any insulation. easily researchable in industrial tree.
- winter gloves that lower work speed slightly but high insulation. for this to work out you might lower the workspeed debuff of parkas. researchable as complex clothing.

for shoes: (only leathers allowed, so no wool, synthread, hyperweave, cloth, devilstrand or anything weird.)
- stronk boots: high production time, cost and armor, low insulation. slight general movement debuff. gives you movement boost on chunks, trees and other items and in marshes and water. (if ever added: prevents foot dislocation). researchable in industrial tree.
- normal ass shoes: medium production cost, medium production time, low armor, slight movement buff, low insulation. researchable as complex clothing.

and if you really want to you could add shorts to these normal pants. they only give you a slight heat resistance and cold resistance, but cost less, are quicker to produce and you arent naked. no wool allowed, though.
maybe even add sandals for the superheated sand. cheap, easy to built and only adds heat insulation, not even armor.

lastly, but i guess this is definitely not main game content anymore: wood chucks could kick trees down for instant cutting if they wear boots and have cut as many % of the tree already as it already grew similarly to real life. so a fully grown tree (100%) cant be kicked, but a tree that is 90% grown can be kicked for insta-job-finish if the wood chuck cut 90% of it already. wood chucks can do that automatically of course.

i am a big coding-noob, so i cant do it myself, but this is something so essential, please dont let me down
Hello guys

i've been playing RimWorld on my older laptop for half a year by now and didnt really ever run into problems, only once my colony grew a lot (3 towns, 40 pawns and 70 animals approximately and up to 3 caravans that may or may not be fighting currently) did i encounter some lag if i scrolled around the map too fast or when multiple colonists started and ended many jobs after eachother (cleaning, short hauling, easy sowing/harvesting, large battles, building long wooden walls and cables etc)
but that i always considered to be very acceptable, seeing as that was a small laptop that i bought now almost two years ago, that has many other things installed already and has seen action (my gf stepped on its monitor once and now the plastic is slightly waved)

what i find to be very weird is that on this newer laptop (larger, mid-end product and less than a year old) where i can play fallout new vegas, tf2 and war thunder no problem i suddenly run into the issue that when starting a new game where i select my landing site with the 3d model of the planet, it lags VERY much. i can barely move the map, zooming in takes a minute and once i moved the camera it never stops moving (although it never moves fast either). starting the game and being on the actually playable map where your pawns land at only very slightly improve the lag, so it isnt the 3d map only, but the game itself once i leave the main menu.

i do not think it is a problem with my laptop, because the program runs smoothly while i edit a scenario. i do have some mods enabled, but they were also installed on my other laptop and there it didnt make such an issue.

my question is ofc if there is a way to make the game more efficient, or if i was doing sth obvious wrong, but i havent seen anything i could easily change like in other games where i can just turn the graphics lower. are there maybe mods that make the game more efficient? i have heard of one that is good for late game colonies or one that removes superfluous social structures, but this wouldnt help me here because i would start a new game.

any other ideas?
Bugs / A17 visitor wont leave
October 19, 2017, 07:29:34 PM
so i recently posted in the "funniest thing you've seen" thread that i recently got methusalem as a visitor. he has all kinds of sicknesses and is therefore very slow and starved till he fainted. i wanted to patch him up and send him on his way, but i accidentally stripped all his clothes and he wouldnt get dressed anymore and it was deep winter, so he could barely walk 3 squares from my base before losing consciousness from the cold. i had to save him over and over again and tried many things to make him leave the map earlier, but he just isnt able to, even if i put him in a bed as near as possible to the map edge. winter and his countless and relentless tries to get up and away had its toll on him, he lost two toes and two fingers due to infections and frostbites.

my issue here is that for the past few days he didnt get up anymore and now the temperature would be just right for him. he is frail, has a bad back, dementia, double cataract, double hearing loss and a scar aside from two lost toes and fingers which leaves him with very little.
movement 14%
consciousness 80%
manipulation 19%
and so on. my question is if he legit isnt able to move or if this is a bug. also, if this is real, can i drug him to make him go the heck home? which ones should i use, is a smokeleaf joint enough, or do i have to go for flake or even harder?
even more importantly, this guy has been giving me quite some grief lately, what organs can i steal from him without pissing anyone off? i would imagine his liver being alright, but he'd surely die from it sooner or later. would he still be able to leave the map tho?

(see further down below for how things evolved)

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]
Bugs / caravan resources disappear when they starve
September 17, 2017, 10:46:47 PM
Hi guys, this is a weird bug (tbh i dont even know if it is a bug or an unknown feature) that happened to me when i sent a caravan towards another village. they wanted to give me around 4k silver for giving them 1.7k hops. usually i wouldnt have noticed the resources missing as my caravans are always so large and carry loads of resources, but since this time i took exactly enough hops with me for this trade deal, i immediately noticed when sth was wrong and i was missing around 80 hops. as i desperately needed the silver to buy myself new food i immediately reloaded my last save state but this kept repeating. whenever i check the number of hops beforehand i have enough, but when i wanna sell them i lack some. as a proud save scum for life i have made around 7 save states that all didnt help me. and it obviously didnt rot as the hops are all the same age and the others are still good for another quadrum. seeing as i couldnt sell it with starving troops, i tried starting a new village in the wilderness and gather food that way and sell it afterwards, i still had 10 days for the deal afterall. but even when starting a new village i lack the resources afterwards.
unfortunately i didnt count the resources exactly when they were still in a caravan, because i there are like 20 groups of 75 or sth hops in my caravan. i remember having to sell some pack animals on my trip aswell, but i never ran into trouble of having too much weight. (and even if so, i could choose what to get rid of, couldnt i?)

as you see this is a really bad situation that i am in and tbh i dont expect to solve it. i mostly wrote here in hopes of someone telling me how to "cheat" the hops back, should that bein conflict with this topic, just put my thread somewhere else where it belongs.

thanks in advance