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Messages - pawnstorm

I really do mean to stop pushing new updates every day after version 1.0, but I think my mod may have been responsible for a bug someone reported, anyway:

1.1- Fixed possible bug caused by "Stay inside during threats", changed auto unforbidding corpses to also affect non-human corpses
Oh dear, I have a feeling my mod might be responsible for this. Is there anything strange in your output_log.txt after this happens? Perhaps it would help if you posted your output_log.txt here.

Edit: I have a feeling this has to do with the "Stay inside during threats" option on the second page of the Vanilla+ menu. Maybe your colonist will become unstuck when you toggle it?
The way that option works is it prevents colonists from taking new jobs outside of your home region, but maybe it has some unexpected side effects for colonists who are already outside, is the colonist blocked in any way from going back to the home region by any chance? Perhaps by one of those special doors?
I guess an easy way to fix it is to change it so colonists that are already outside are unaffected by that option.

Edit2: I uploaded a new version of Vanilla+, hopefully it fixes everything. I'd still like to see your output_log.txt though if that's alright, because the menus going all unresponsive does worry me a little.
Quote from: Dr. Z on May 16, 2014, 07:45:57 AM
What exatly is the sort menu supposed to do? I don't see any differece whether I toggle one categorie or not.
It sorts the items in your tab menus alphabetically (the ones after cancel and deconstruct).
Video / [REQUEST] Playthrough with Vanilla+
May 15, 2014, 11:58:33 PM
Hey guys, would anybody be interested in doing a playthrough on youtube with my mod Vanilla+? I just released v1.0 so it's basically done.

I always had these mods enabled too while testing, so if you add any combination of these mods there shouldn't be any issues:

PowerSwitch, Cremation Chamber, Electro Slag Remelting, Resource Compression, Fertilizer Pump, Rotating Hoppers.

If you add any other mods to the mix, your mileage may vary.
Version 1.0 is out!

I improved firefighting even more. No more watching your solar panels burn to the ground because they're burning while a colonist is standing right beside them, but the fire is reserved for another colonist halfway across the map!
Also did some minor fixes to a few options not always being loaded properly.

Edit: Small update, now it also automatically undrafts colonists after rescueing/capturing/etc.
General Discussion / Re: How do I debug RimWorld?
May 15, 2014, 10:02:31 PM
Yeah, that's what I mean... Mods are in the same AppDomain as the game, right? So you can create a mod that debugs the game ;)
General Discussion / Re: How do I debug RimWorld?
May 15, 2014, 09:04:34 PM
Quote from: longbyte1 on May 15, 2014, 08:53:24 PM
I can't because the ILSpy debugger only shows managed processes. Since the RimWorld runtime is enclosed by Unity (which is not considered managed), it doesn't show up.
Ah bummer, I guess the ILSpy debugger is kinda useless for debugging rimworld then. You could try to create your own "debug mod". No idea if it works, I'm not a .NET expert, but perhaps you can add your own exception handlers to your mod using the events in AppDomain. Actually, that sounds like an interesting idea, perhaps I'll give that a try when I'm done with Vanilla+.
New version! I think it's about ready for a longplay, I'd love to see some videos of people using my mod on youtube :P. I don't have anymore features planned, so if there aren't any bugs I think the only thing I'll change for v1.0 is maybe improve the settings dialog a little.

- I changed the update home region feature a little, now it waits until the building is completed.
- When there are enemies on the map, now it also makes colonists that are still in your home region but are on their way to do something outside of your home region cancel their task
- Added improved firefighting as an option, on by default
- Added removing of thin rock roofs to the no roof region, also on by default. I didn't add a toggle for this, but if you want to turn it off you can do so in the Mods/VanillaPlus/Settings.xml file (by setting improvedNoRoof to False).
Quote from: roboto69 on May 14, 2014, 11:45:28 PM
Just felt it would be a good idea to mention that I have experienced a problem using rmeditor to edit my colonists with this mod. I also had the same issue with that "more fit colonists" mod, and I'm pretty certain the issue is with both of the mods as I used them separately.
Compatibility with 3rd party tools isn't really one of my objectives. Frankly, I'd have been surprised if it did work with my mod. My best guess as to why your editor doesn't work with my mod is because my mod changes the class which colonists use, there's nothing I can do to change that without losing functionality.
It shouldn't be too hard to update the editor to parse xml a bit more freely and handle mods better. You might have better luck if you make a request to the author of that tool. Or you can just use any general purpose xml editor, or notepad even.
General Discussion / Re: How do I debug RimWorld?
May 14, 2014, 10:39:24 PM
Quote from: longbyte1 on May 14, 2014, 10:30:33 PM
Thanks. It looks extremely useful, but the one problem is that the RimWorld EXE is native and not a managed .NET assembly... no!!!! :(
You can attach it to a running process, have you tried that?

Quote from: longbyte1 on May 14, 2014, 10:30:33 PM
I hope Tynan builds a non-native Unity player in the future. That would greatly help in debugging.
Doubtful. I think the unity player isn't even written in a .NET compatible language, as far as I can tell it was compiled with Visual C++ 6.0.
General Discussion / Re: How do I debug RimWorld?
May 14, 2014, 09:47:46 PM
Quote from: longbyte1 on May 14, 2014, 09:21:15 PM
Quote from: pawnstorm on May 14, 2014, 08:56:21 PM
I didn't mean to suggest you decompile all the source, that'd be a mammoth task... I just meant I assume you'll want a debugger that shows you something that's at least a bit more readable than MSIL.

Like what? There doesn't seem to be anything available. :-\
Well, no free options I guess... How about this?
General Discussion / Re: How do I debug RimWorld?
May 14, 2014, 08:56:21 PM
I didn't mean to suggest you decompile all the source, that'd be a mammoth task... I just meant I assume you'll want a debugger that shows you something that's at least a bit more readable than MSIL.
General Discussion / Re: How do I debug RimWorld?
May 14, 2014, 08:02:05 PM
The "RimWorld EXE" is just a loader for unity games, it's not coded in .NET. I'm sure Tynan just uses the Unity Debugger to debug rimworld, but to use that I think you need all the source files.

I'm assuming you don't want to trace through all the MSIL code. If there are any useful debuggers out that that produce more humanly readable output than just MSIL, I'm sure you can find them here or here.
Quote from: Crimsonknight3 on May 14, 2014, 05:36:25 PM
Only thing of note, and I am not sure at all that I am correct, but with all my mods installed, pawns appear to sleep and eat a lot more often. Is that simply functionality of the food/sleep thresholds?
Hmm, that sounds odd... I can't think of any reason why they would eat or sleep more.
I noticed this too, but I just figured Tynan probably intended it this way.

Edit: Just looked at what it does, and it should be easy to create a mod that also removes thin rock roofs. However, I think there's a good reason why Tynan made the no roof region only remove metal roofs.
For one, it doesn't even check if there's something under it supporting the roof. So you could just add a big fresh mountain to your no roof region, and half of its roof would magically go poof.
Ofcourse it would be possible to add some sanity checks, like if the roof has rock under it or if it's still fogged, but then the code to remove the roof wouldn't automatically trigger later.

Edit2: I'll add this to Vanilla+. Should be there in the next release.