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Messages - FMJ Penguin

tx for the update!

small suggestion:
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Craftable Armor vest
September 13, 2015, 12:58:14 PM
Quote from: Stinkycat752 on September 12, 2015, 05:54:36 PM
Hooray, I'm as crap as I thought I was!

frantically reaches for the thumbs up button to mash it


ty Stinky for that one  ;D
Outdated / Re: [A12] Mod List (Last Updated: 9/13/2015)
September 13, 2015, 12:04:32 PM
As important as mods are in a game like this particular one, it's quite surprising there isn't a moderator-managed and stickied page in the mod forum already. Who knows maybe there aint enough time to add posted mods to a list each day?<<<<yeah smart ass alert. Not like there's a 100 new mods a day or something, then I could def understand. Not talking a list as involved as this one mind you but just a list with links to the mods themselves would really help.

Thank god for the big compilation mods, otherwise I wouldn't have known about even a 10th of what's available and I woulda all but forgotten and quit playing a long time ago.

Mods for me make up a big portion of the life-blood(the fun stuff baby) pumping through this game's veins, a big part of why it's done as well as it has so far, and why this forum isn't a baron wasteland by now. Hopefully devs understand how important this aspect of their game is cuzz as good as it is, it's just that, good. With mods, it can really be great for so many more tastes. But if it's  a pain to find what your looking for......

Could go on for days but had to get that out of my system after I saw Ramsis's "We don't just sticky threads for fun" reply there. I'm sure that was more of a snap post in reaction to whoever "reported" but still. Sry, struck a nerv with me for some reason.  ::)

I kinda hope I'm preaching to the quire honestly.

General Discussion / Re: A12 its all gone a bit Scottish.
September 13, 2015, 08:32:23 AM
Same. I try and try but just can't get myself out of the northern half of the continents. Interesting though, never heard of that sickness in RL. Learn something every day :)
Outdated / Re: [A12] Mod List (Last Updated: 9/13/2015)
September 13, 2015, 06:15:15 AM

And ty utai for continuing to update something like this which is such a selfless thing that won't garner many thanks even if people use the crap out of it.

Ideas / Re: Remove Turrets
September 13, 2015, 06:02:51 AM
@ chaotix14

Bout as meta is meta gets haha. Forcing the AI to enter by using turrets as AI deterrent bug spray? I Guess that's pretty much what they currently are for the most part. Don't really have an opinion on them in that sense just saying that's an interesting way to look at it. Like the way you think. :)
General Discussion / Re: A12 its all gone a bit Scottish.
September 13, 2015, 01:46:48 AM
What is sleeping sickness? Can't say I've noticed that one yet. That like the game version of MONOnucleosis?
Ideas / Re: Remove Turrets
September 13, 2015, 01:22:22 AM
Haven't seen a sapper yet so no clue. Play on challenge/Cass normally. Although I been playing an open base layout sense a12 so maybe that has something to do with it.   ???
General Discussion / Re: what is the hauling priority?
September 12, 2015, 05:48:02 AM
Quote from: Too-DAMN-Much on September 12, 2015, 05:15:38 AM
i'm not too sure on the mechanical workings so hopefully someone can fill that in for you, but on the other hand if you have a food only stockpile already try making that one critical priority is what i do, not really sure but it seems to help a bit, just set your others to lower priorities or leave at default.

Think at the moment that's about the only way to manage hauling jobs specifically. Otherwise it's just whatever they happened to be closest to or something. Been alot of posts asking for a separate hauling priority schedule so you could set it up by item priority lately. Can't say I'd be apposed to that if it was optional which I'm sure it would be.
General Discussion / Re: A12 its all gone a bit Scottish.
September 12, 2015, 05:41:54 AM
Oh that plant idea is awsome  :o  Man-eaters or just leg eaters. Who colony of pirates with peg-legs arrrrg....

Have you ever survived malaria without an actual bed and just sleep spots?
Ideas / Re: Remove Turrets
September 11, 2015, 08:58:14 PM
Quote from: CB elite on September 11, 2015, 03:19:47 PM
60+ Colonists!? And here I was thinking my 10 colonist base was successful.

Don't get how people end up with soo many colonists. Never have understood it. Special breeding programs in their basements with thrumbols? Crimes against nature right there.... sickos lol 

"excuse me ma'am, dare I ask how you keep your horns so shiny and clean?"
General Discussion / Re: A12 its all gone a bit Scottish.
September 11, 2015, 08:49:27 PM
Omg.., how full up your pawn is actually matters for immunity buildup speed? My dudes don't eat tell they're on E lol.
General Discussion / Re: A12 its all gone a bit Scottish.
September 11, 2015, 02:33:17 PM
Quote from: Rahjital on September 11, 2015, 01:01:01 PM
No, FMJ Penguin was right, room cleanlines does not affect immunity gain, only infection chance. The only way to raise immunity gain speed are hospital beds and vitals monitors as far as I'm aware, otherwise treating diseases completely relies on slowing progress of the disease enough to allow the sick pawn get immune.

There any other way to slow it besides those two things that you know of? Curious as it would be nice to have some option early on. At least some chance at survival if you do get infected, even if it was only like 20% chance. Take any advice or tips I can get.  :) If not then I guess I'll have to edit some research or something in these mods I'm using I guess.
General Discussion / Re: A12 its all gone a bit Scottish.
September 11, 2015, 12:30:13 PM
Ahhh well the rest thing would make sense then because my prisoners always die from them ridiculously fast. And of course they're the last ones to get a real bed.

I'm not sure what the deal is with the immunity rate but it seems to increase extremely slowly for me regardless of hospital beds, clean rooms, clean tiles, etc.. To the point of feeling broken as it's almost always certain death. Prolly doesn't help that I play towards that end now days. I've just sorta accepted that they're dead so rarely bother trying to save em haha
General Discussion / Re: A12 its all gone a bit Scottish.
September 11, 2015, 12:09:42 PM
I actually do really really dig the fact that there's more weight on non-combat issues now but.... but.... yeah maybe some tweaking is in order?

Infections are just laughable.... Cleaning seems to only affect the initial chance to get an infection but not immunity-development  rate so it may as well be the black death if you get a scratch and remotely unlucky early on. It never fails, it's always a torso infection from a scratch lolz.. if I could cut off a torso?

That said if I had a choice between the insanity of it all in a12 or utter dull-drum of previous alphas.... I'll take the black death 7 days a week.