Quote from: TrashMan on July 30, 2022, 01:01:14 PM
Ideology has Trees Desired (not even Nature Primacy meme). Cutting down trees to build stuff murders your moral. Practically permanent -20 mood, despite being sorrounded by trees. Planting new trees grants nothing. Worst precept to pick.
Nudist. Rages because he/she is wearing a necklace/slave collar or a hat and is thus "not naked".
Holy hell, does anyone even playtest this? How can anyone think this is OK?
Weird thought process.
You have a car. That car gets destroyed. Youre angry because this car not only has a purpose functionally but it has sentimental value as well. Someone gives you another car. Do you suddenly forget your anger/feelings because of that? Humans tend to latch on to things that make them angry and rimworld to a extent tries to mimic this. Some beliefs are alot harder than others. If you dont like it, dont play that specific route or mitigate it using other means available in game.