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Messages - Drglord

Releases / Re: [1.0] Multiplayer
March 01, 2019, 04:10:24 PM
Quote from: samuk190 on February 24, 2019, 06:27:22 PM
Quote from: cppdude on February 23, 2019, 05:15:34 PM
Quote from: Bozobub on February 23, 2019, 11:06:29 AM
You're not very smart, are you?  Seriously, posting the crash log from a pirated game on the devs' server is incredibly boneheaded.

I mean, for it to be boneheaded there would have to be some sort of repercussion, right? What's the dev gonna do, suspend his game license? Btw I don't mean to support piracy here.

I dont think piracy is bad as people say..
the dev vs piracy costs more money than the piracy itself.

I pirated the game, but I bought it later to help the dev.

Calm down there i also have 2 copies of rimworld yet i still use the pirated version SOME times (at least in the past) because with the original you got screwed when you had no internet and could not use mods or even continue a game with mods. Also about 2 years ago i was ONLY using the pirated because for some reason the original that i had bought was bugged out but i didn't care cause i buy the games to support the dev. Anyway i am all for piracy if you are to see if the game is worth it after all you should really buy ESPECIALLY a game like rimworld where you are expected to reach 2.000 hours into it. That is all no need to be abrasive :)
Releases / Re: [1.0] Zetrith's Multiplayer
February 16, 2019, 05:48:26 PM
So great mod loving it. Even though not being 100% compatible with mods which i understand is impossible. The problem is that i see in the compatible excel sheet that is fully compatible with expanded roofing yet i am unable to make transparent roofing... kinda like with stuffed floors... (which i know is incompatible)
Quote from: mangalores on March 26, 2018, 01:18:42 PM
It may be the same as the destroyed outpost bug reported a few pages back but at this stage it seems the mod cannot support the map missions?

I tried to rescue a wounded wanderer by flying there. It worked and cured the wanderer but I could only rescue him by leaving the map on foot, not via the dropship which was a pain.

I also tried to meet for peace talks but while a map was loaded the peace talk dialoge was not.

Hope this can be fixed in the future. I like the mod alot. Heck, a raid against me was pirates landing with two dropships to attack me. Though there may be some balancing in there concerning dismantling those for valuable resources.

Great work!

For the peace talks i have a workaround.
Fly to the spot of the talks.
Then select the ship-caravan on the map and right click (or it is left?) on the peace talks like you want to walk there with a caravan. And boom peace talks resolved.
For the rest of the missions - trade or such you could land a hex away and then walk to the outpost- city with mission... Best that can be done and really it would take less than a day.
Releases / Re: [B18] Mods by Fyarn
March 09, 2018, 08:04:49 PM
What the hell is that Boss Fight in the github mod? WIP?
Okay people still choose to put people into these ships when rescuing them since they seem to work as stasis pods... Anybody know a way to turn that off by editing something on the files?
Damn this is amazing but i wish it was more in the way of customization.... i guess i'll dig around and maybe a i can steal some stuff as i really liked the textures for the dropships maybe i can put them in my game since i don't want a real overhaul. Great job though
Getting this error in the load up. With Umbra Mod.

Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at Things/Projectile/Proj_AT4Rocket in any active mod or in base resources.
Verse.ContentFinder`1:Get(String, Boolean)
Verse.GraphicDatabase:Get(Type, String, Shader, Vector2, Color, Color, GraphicData)

I am guessing some dependency left over from rimmunation? I thought Umbra was supposed to be standalone. If not the case then my bad i am sorry to bother you.
Also most of the weapons in the dropbox files have no quality and i have added them on my own if anyone is interested. Hope he updates the dropbox files.
I had the same thing happen to me with the explosives mod i could built it for free... It is some weird interaction... I have never even seen what it does as it costs 30.000 cause i am guessing it's a death machine.
You really should not build it... Some other mod you have gives you the ability to make it cause it seems it creates the group it is hidden in.
I am guessing explosives or something?
What happened to the no Steam links?
Also sorry but even though it sounds cool it  seems that they are plenty of bugs (could be conflicts). Had to stop a run in the end. Good work though.
1st) Multiple Lord errors were produced every time a caravan arrived....
2nd) Alot of times caravans with just 1 person arrived with no stuff
3rd) 9 of 10 times i requested for help just a single guy arrived and the one time 10 power armor guys arrived seems quite weird

Anyways it is a great work but too many bugs to squash and hunt down in my current setup. But keep up the good work maybe i'll check it out when hovercrafts arrive.
First give us already the hover bikes.... It is cruel to keep us waiting....

2nd i am getting this error which i think it's not important... i was just wondering... I think the mod is trying to add ai in the traders? And i think some other mod has done that already? Or i could be completely wrong here...

[[B18] Trading Economy Mod 2.4 ] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationRemove(*/ThingDef[defName = "AIPersonaCore"]/tradeability) failed
file: E:\Games\RimWorld.v0.18.1722\Mods\TradingEconomy V2.4\Patches\ProductsPatches.xml
Releases / Re: [B18] Cassandra Hardcore
February 28, 2018, 10:51:25 AM
So you have completely removed the turrets and traps points? Also do turrets from rimsenal count?
Last run no ships crashed no errors or dust generated. Either i was really lucky or you did it you rascal.... Well done