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Messages - Sarelth

Mods / Re: Pack animal with 10 ton carrying capacity?
August 17, 2022, 10:09:54 PM
Have you looked into the Dinosauria or Megafauna mods, they add larger creatures that with some help can be pack animals.
The Bronto has a high carry weight.
Releases / Re: [1.1] SimpleSidearms (1.4.0)
February 28, 2021, 06:37:45 AM
I know the forums are much slower than the steam pages, but it's nice to come here sometimes and get a response from people who are not always as toxic as some people on steam. Also was not a super time-sensitive question.

I did figure it out though, it seems that the Simple sidearms UI vanishes when you are trying to use it and 'LTO Colony Groups' together and then include the 'Multiplayer' mod. Kind of a strange interaction, but I used the tried and true take things out of the modlist till you find the problem method. It usually works, but takes more time than asking if anyone else has seen that issue.

Sadly I don't think Colony Groups is usable in Multiplayer at all, but I was testing so it's all good.
Releases / Re: [1.1] SimpleSidearms (1.4.0)
February 28, 2021, 04:21:31 AM
Is there any mods that might conflict with this to the point of it still working fine, but just suddenly having no UI? Trying to put together a modpack for some friends and I can equip a sidearm, but I can not see anything from the UI when I select the pawn.
Mods / Re: [Mod Help] Errors for everyone
January 21, 2020, 05:43:21 PM
This error is Red and is caused when colony members chatting to each other.
Certain topics seem to cause errors. NPCs have a large number of Errorname for their name. I get weird named NPC Colonies also. Maybe the same reason, I am not sure. Just need some help figuring it out.

GrammarResolver failed to resolve a text (rootKeyword: r_logentry)
Custom rules:
  INITIATOR_nameFull->Sansa Stark
  INITIATOR_factionName->The Lost
  INITIATOR_title->urbworld entrepreneur
  RECIPIENT_nameFull->Brie 'Winter' Winterzee
  RECIPIENT_factionName->The Lost

Bare includes:
  r_logentry->[INITIATOR_nameDef] and [RECIPIENT_nameDef] [talkedabout] [TalkTopicLight].
  r_logentry->[INITIATOR_nameDef] [talkedabout] [TalkTopicLight] with [RECIPIENT_nameDef].
  r_logentry->[INITIATOR_nameDef] [commentedabout] [TalkTopicLight] to [RECIPIENT_nameDef].
  talkedabout->chatted about
  talkedabout->shared a word about
  talkedabout->spoke about
  talkedabout->gabbed about
  talkedabout->talked about
  talkedabout->joked about
  talkedabout->quipped about
  commentedabout->said something about
  commentedabout->said a word about
  commentedabout->made a comment about
  commentedabout->commented about
  commentedabout->told a joke about

  INITIATOR_flesh: Normal
  RECIPIENT_flesh: Normal

0 ->[r_logentry]
1    r_logentry->[INITIATOR_nameDef] [talkedabout] [TalkTopicLight] with [RECIPIENT_nameDef].
2       INITIATOR_nameDef->Sansa
2       talkedabout->shared a word about
2       TalkTopicLight->[Game] UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Game'
2       TalkTopicLight->[talktopiclightfile] UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'talktopiclightfile'
2       TalkTopicLight->learning [Game] UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Game'
2       TalkTopicLight->taming [Animal]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Animal'
2       TalkTopicLight->crazy [Animal]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Animal'
2       TalkTopicLight->practicing [Game] UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Game'
2       TalkTopicLight->playing [Game] UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Game'
2       TalkTopicLight->eating [Vegetable]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Vegetable'
2       TalkTopicLight->[TerrainFeature]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'TerrainFeature'
2       TalkTopicLight->wearing [Apparel]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Apparel'
2       TalkTopicLight->cooking with [Vegetable]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Vegetable'
2       TalkTopicLight->making [Apparel]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Apparel'
2       TalkTopicLight->fighting [Animal]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Animal'
2       TalkTopicLight->using [Weapon]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Weapon'
2       TalkTopicLight->[PersonJob]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'PersonJob'
2       TalkTopicLight->friendly [PersonJob]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'PersonJob'
2       TalkTopicLight->[Apparel]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Apparel'
2       TalkTopicLight->[NaturalObject]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'NaturalObject'
2       TalkTopicLight->fighting [Enemy]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Enemy'
2       TalkTopicLight->[TreeType] trees UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'TreeType'
2       TalkTopicLight->[Animal]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Animal'
2       TalkTopicLight->[Enemy]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Enemy'
2       TalkTopicLight->practicing with [Weapon]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Weapon'
2       TalkTopicLight->[Weapon]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Weapon'
2       TalkTopicLight->hostile [PersonJob]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'PersonJob'
2       TalkTopicLight->[Vegetable]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Vegetable'
2       TalkTopicLight->training [Animal]s UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'Animal'UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'TalkTopicLight'
2       RECIPIENT_nameDef->Winter
1    r_logentry->[INITIATOR_nameDef] [commentedabout] [TalkTopicLight] to [RECIPIENT_nameDef].
2       INITIATOR_nameDef->Sansa
2       commentedabout->told a joke about UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'TalkTopicLight'
2       RECIPIENT_nameDef->Winter
1    r_logentry->[INITIATOR_nameDef] and [RECIPIENT_nameDef] [talkedabout] [TalkTopicLight].
2       INITIATOR_nameDef->Sansa
2       RECIPIENT_nameDef->Winter
2       talkedabout->gabbed about UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'TalkTopicLight'UNRESOLVABLE: Cannot resolve subsymbol 'r_logentry'
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.Log:ErrorOnce(String, Int32, Boolean)
Verse.Grammar.GrammarResolver:ResolveUnsafe(String, GrammarRequest, Boolean&, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.Grammar.GrammarResolver:ResolveUnsafe(String, GrammarRequest, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.Grammar.GrammarResolver:ResolveUnsafe(String, GrammarRequest, Boolean&, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.Grammar.GrammarResolver:ResolveUnsafe(String, GrammarRequest, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.Grammar.GrammarResolver:Resolve(String, GrammarRequest, String, Boolean, String)
Verse.PlayLogEntry_Interaction:ToGameStringFromPOV_Worker(Thing, Boolean)
Verse.LogEntry:ToGameStringFromPOV(Thing, Boolean)
Verse.PlayLog:Add_Patch1(Object, LogEntry)
RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker:TryInteractWith(Pawn, InteractionDef)
Hospitality.Harmony.TryInteractRandomly:Replacement(Pawn_InteractionsTracker, Boolean&)
Mods / Re: [Mod Help] Errors for everyone
January 21, 2020, 09:34:39 AM
The reds are mostly related to some animals and Word String stuff once I try to load a game.
Mods / Re: [Mod Help] Errors for everyone
January 21, 2020, 06:04:59 AM
My modlist has been cut down a bunch,  so it is no longer 400 I think. I still get some errors, but was able to play with only one crash for a good few hours. I did start out with a modpack and just modified it from there.

Save games are currently not a worry as I am just trying to make sure it works, I can always restart. I got a few red Errors when I loaded in this time, I think I can see where some are from easy enough. P{robably to many animals....

Current errors are
Mods / Re: [Mod Help] Errors for everyone
January 21, 2020, 04:43:58 AM
Okay, that helps me read the messages a little. That was a yellow error that only showed up in-game. I did have a few red errors when I loaded into the main screen. But none that seemed related. I have been whittling away at the mods trying to get rid of redundant ones, I found a few a far.

Trying the mod sorter now.
Mods / Re: [Mod Help] Errors for everyone
January 21, 2020, 04:07:37 AM
Then I get an error that looks to be related to a thought bubbles mod I have. \

So anyone that can read those errors, if you can let me in on their secrets would be cool
Mods / Re: [Mod Help] Errors for everyone
January 21, 2020, 03:58:20 AM
These popped just now in game also.
Mods / [Mod Help] Errors for everyone
January 21, 2020, 03:43:50 AM
Started up Rimworld after a bit of a break and have been getting a lot of errors, most likely due to the 400-ish mods I had installed. I uninstalled some, but I am getting errors in game now that I go that running again.

Been getting these as errors in game -
No idea why or how the are caused, but it looks like a creature mod I have is one culprit.

There are more errors, like all NPCs being named ErrorName as well as factions... Any help would be appreciated.
Releases / Re: [B19] Fuglypump's Mod Creations
September 27, 2018, 02:53:06 AM
Does the Weigh capacity bonus from the strength based perks actually add to the pawns now? I recall it was sort of broken at one point.
Keep up the good work. This looks well worth the wait for a B19 version. Can't wait to see it in action.
Looks like I deleted the mod from my Dropbox for some reason at one point. Here is a new link.
I started by comparing the older version to creatures in the newer version.
Look at the different sections of the def files and see what you don't need to change first, then work on what does need changing.
If the older version has a separate def file for kind and creature, you should be able to combine them into a single def. You can also add a section in the def file for the biomes that the creature spawns in.

Hope that points you in the right direction. If you need a little more help, feel free to pm me. I can't say I am good at modding, but I am figuring out how to update creatures pretty good.
This is rather outdated, thus why it is in the outdated area. It needs to be brought forward to current creature standards to work.