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Messages - daduhweewah

Ideas / Re: Skill combinations for jobs
January 02, 2017, 12:25:31 PM
making medicine in the game already requires ONE pawn to have two skills.

I would like to see more skills in the skill tree and breaking apart the link between smith, tailor and crafting into their own individual skill levels.

I don't like the idea of having two pawns needed to craft one item though, but to have electrician and wood worker and weaponsmith etc I am in favor of and think it would make things a bit better.

But then again, the game settings make the colony population 13-18 which doesn't allow for that many different types of pawns, which may be why things are kinda clumped together,
I think this would nerf the game... Everyone would make people do things that nets the most profit, and when you make them a specialist I assume they are going to automatically make high quality (exc to legen) items?

I dislike it, I wouldn't mind seeing a couple new categories, OR for tailoring, smithing, and crafting to become 3 different skills that could be different numbers. I def think that is needed, I dotn think someone should auto be the same skill level in tailoring smithing and crafting.

However, I wouldn't mind (like the first response here) if a skill was auto assigned, but I do not like the idea of having oen guy who can make certain things. I wouldn't mind if a lower skill level guy randomly got a boost in a certain production type every once in a while, like maybe a 1-3 point random boost.

Also would like the skill numbers to go up to 100, thus long games getting skill levels into the 90s or to 100 even would be making masterwork and legendary stuff more commonly, and taking longer to just have a very highly skilled individual (though for doctors I feel like I would hate this lol)
Ideas / Re: New Plight regarding Animals
January 02, 2017, 12:15:54 PM
 I assure you that more animals are on my wish list, when you have a colony that gets to 25ish you have to buy meat or make meals vegetarian so you can use all meat for kibble.

I have a game with 3 colonies of about 50-30 and 15 pop, the 15 pop is producing meat for the 50 pop along with buying every scrap of meat I find from bulk trading orbiters and requesting bulk traders every few days.

I have quite a few muffalos alpacas dromedaries sloths and grizz/polar bears and of course huskies, so I use an absurd amount of meat for kibble (and still have hay growing under two sun lamps in a cold biome)

if you start keeping animals and having a max population + colony (you can adjust in the game files your colony population settings) there is a severe lack of animals on any map, though the boreal forest seems to be the best for meat since all the animals are in herds for the most part.

In short, I think the animal amounts are pretty much fine. I am not requesting more animals, I have a larger than normal colony to feed, but having average size colonies makes it about right, the 30 population colony produces about the right amount of meat when feeding 20 animals and not using meat in the meals I produce. If you have colonies with 10-13 people (I think max pop is 13 and will go up to 18 on normal setting but is hard to gt to 18) and don't have more than a hand full of animals there will def be more meat than you need available on most maps, but I would imagine the majority of players are using the double pop mod or get in the files to adjust their max population and use up every bit of meat they find.
Alpha Beavers will attack when shot sometimes, caribou will, deer will, elk will, goats will, muffalo will, ummmm thewres others that will... The fact that you are in a lower level might be why you haven't seen them attack yet. 12-16 alpha beavers have turned on me a couple times, when I hit the first one all of them agro and that's a couple pawns down every time at minimal, doesn't result in deaths usually if you are on top of it.

The visitors ideas are great, hopefully some stuff with that is already in the works, but those are all pretty good to great suggestions in my opinion.

I think hunting should be one shot kills animals a lot though, it is annoying to watch animals get shot at for several minutes, get shot 5-15 times before going down, or be downed and get hit several times and still not die (while firing at other animals)
Bugs / dfdg
December 30, 2016, 03:05:06 PM
yea I am 100% sure that I am trying to put the output log in the "attach" area, when I click open that file it flashes and nothing happens. but I have the attachment area, and have the file located.

oh, on second notice, this file is 37 kb over the max.... That explains why it isn't attaching
Bugs / Re: Development Console scripts flooding my game
December 30, 2016, 02:59:11 PM
I'm not sure if the attachment is there, theres a link that says clear attachment but I see nothing on this page that shows me I have attached anything (sorry I am a noob when it comes to this stuff, finding the output log was hard enough)

I don't see it in preview, is there an email address I can send it to?
Bugs / Re: Development Console scripts flooding my game
December 30, 2016, 02:53:28 PM
I didn't see the other message, and am trying to give you the output log as we speak, I am in Rimworld_data and output_log is what you wanrt?

I have about 3-5 minutes of game play after the problem though
Bugs / Re: Development Console scripts flooding my game
December 30, 2016, 02:51:05 PM
Just switched out of the experimental******** not development* branch, so I doubt it fixes my problem, I had another game I played that called their experiemental branch the development branch.

Believe it or not the performance is better now, and the development scripts are not popping up now. Weird if they are the same exact game files, or maybe just maybe restarting the game the 3rd time specifically fixes the issue...

Ty again for the response skully

I am definitely in A16 and on the unstable branch and on 1393.

I am not really getting bugs just the scripts that are going crazy, and since they are titled development console and I am in the "development" branch, I thought there might be a slim chance switching to the stable branch might makes those stay hidden. Though the performance has gotten bad enough that I think I may have to start a new game soon anyways, or kill off all my pawns that are not worth much.

I thank you for the response.
Bugs / Development Console scripts flooding my game
December 30, 2016, 02:21:31 PM
I have a large game running, I have 3 colonies with 48-28 and 14 people (last I counted, might be  a bit higher now also have a few prisoners) and I have approx. 60 animals.

Performance has been bogged down as expected, but over the last couple in game days I have been getting scripts popping up in the bottom left of the screen and at the top it says Devlopment Console and then the scripts are all starting with a pawn name it looks like and usually ending with "wait" or "waiting" I cant remember/really tell the box pops up and off the screen really fast but is doing it at a rate of a slowish strobe light.

So I am not sure if this is caused because I am currently in the development unstable branch of the game, if I switch to the stable A16 branch will I lose my saves? I would like to switch over to the stable branch but don't want to lose my long game since I have managed to scrape together a load of jade gold and uranium to do stuff with along with a ton of silver.

the game is unplayable though just because of the nuisance of the script box popping up repeatedly.

I can give a save game file if you need, but I am not sure it will do much since I have a feeling this is somewhat related to my laptop. I would really like to know if me switching branches will delete my save game files though, since I know it did when you switched from 14-15 and 15-16.

Thanks in advance and to moderator lmk if you want me to get a save game file for you.
No one?

Also, after trying to read some of it when it pops up, it says Development Console at the top, and has a list of scripts usually saying wait at the end and a pawns name at the beginning, and on the right it has a close and clear button but clicking close (if I am actually able to click it in time feels like I am) does nothing but closes thato ne, then the box pops up again, it is making the game unplayable due to just being annoying.

Have 3 colonies with 48-28 and 14 people and have approx. 60 animals so I am sure it is the reason the box is popping up, performance has bogged  down a bit due to the size of the game, running 2x speed is starting to skip a bit and I haven't ran the full speed in a long time on the game, but had been running 2x at all times.

Once again, any help greatly appreciated.
I think the dead mans clothing is absolutely perfect, just consider it ruined clothing from the fight, and the dead man is just the name for the ruined clothing.

You can make crazy amounts of silver mass producing clothing in the game right now, having clothing be valuable from raids would just make it insanely easy to make silver. They redid the pricing, so they had to do something about all the clothes from the dead raiders.

Weapons need repriced though.You can not even break even on making weapons unless you make legendary every time or masterwork just about breaks you even.
I have a 400 day old file I don't want to lose but I am having a bunch of script popping up on my screen in the development mode (it is red type with black background and all I can ever see is "wait" as the order for the pawn at the end of the script and it says development somewhere in the beginning (I think, I could be wrong on that)

So I wanted to try and switch from the development mode to the normal branch, both are A16 obv, just curious if I would lose my file if I do this.

Ty for help in advance
Ideas / Re: Please. Add. Vehicles! :)
December 29, 2016, 09:36:35 AM
maps are so small, theres no need for vehicles? Maybe you could set up assembly lines somehow, like underground assembly lines to run from deep drills, but that would be as close to vehicles as I could see feasible for this game. The map is just way too small to make it practical.

Also- wtf does "if a grizzly bear can get around in the woods so could a 2-4 person buggy" - this might be the silliest statement to try and justify a car being practical lol, like grizzly bears cant get around in the real life woods cause they are that big? They live in the woods.... Are extremely agile and can even climb mountain sides.

Horses would be great though for caravans, would perhaps allow them to travel an extra 2-4 hours per day. Horses should be in the game anyways.
Ideas / Re: Fast hypothermia in cold shallow water
December 29, 2016, 09:32:18 AM
I would imagine this is because it would require some goofy pathing stuff (I am such a fish when it comes to programming) so if this would cause hypothermia, people would bitch that their pawns walk right through it, so to fix it it would require some kind of pathing that would bog down the game or something.

Just a wild guess from someone who has zero knowledge of programming/coding etc.