[1.5] RT Mods - expansion o'clock again (2024-04-20)

Started by Ratys, March 07, 2015, 05:23:09 PM

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WTF, you are an angel master, man....I cannot thank you enough, Grand Master!

Lupin III

I really love the Storage mod (and maybe even love the fuses, but have not had a short yet ;) ).
A few comments:

The name "quantum stockpile" somehow feels very out of place, when all your colonists are still running around with pistols and steel knifes. Why not simply call them "storage shelves"? The upgrades for more stacks would then be something like "heavy duty shelves I/II/III" aso.
The power requirements are a little excessive for stockpiles. I think "shelves" shouldn't use power at all. Make them more expensive to build (but out of "stuff", so wood shelves should be possible) and maybe reduce the initial stack size (before upgrades) to 2 and maybe just go up to 6.
No need to change the behaviour of the stockpiles. The autopickup without power can be explained by colonists putting the stuff in the shelf when dropping it there. And the defragmenting could simply be called "shelf labels", so colonists know where to put stuff (of course they won't go to the specific stack, but you can imagine they did, because the stacks on a 2x2 shelf aren't that far aprt and would take almost the same amount of walking anyway).

Similar with "quantum warehouse". Why not call it "warehouse automation". Instead of stacks being quantum teleported you could explain the distribution of stacks by automated forklifts or robotic lifters attached to the storage shelves.
Here are some suggestions that would be nice, but I don't know if rimworld supports this easily:
The automation should draw power depending on the number of storage shelves in the stockpile (more shelves, more work to do). Or if possible draw power on every action (whenever a stack is moved)
Could the build of a warehouse increase the number of stacks possible on the storage shelves in the same stockpile (e. g. add 4 stacks)? Explain that by the shelves' height no longer being limited by the height of humans ;)

I have not yet built a quantum relay (have the mod installed for two hours or so and not gotten to it yet), but something like "warehouse access pipe" would be more fitting. You could imagine it being some kind of pneumatic mail type of thing. Power requirements should either be dependent on distance from the warehouse or be on activity only (but also depending on distance).

I know that this may sound like a complete reinvention of the mod, but since the mod luckily is called "RT storage" and not "RT quantum storage" using "shelves" instead of "quantum" is more or less cosmetic.


Quote from: nguadien on September 21, 2015, 09:21:26 AM
WTF, you are an angel master, man....I cannot thank you enough, Grand Master!

I assume rsof69's "modpack" solved all of your issues then?

Side note to rsof69: distributing mods like that is not a good move. I myself don't care if my mods are distributed willy-nilly (the license should allow it if proper attribution is maintained, which is implied by being posted in this thread), others might be less thrilled. In fact, you might've even broke their license agreement. Meaning, in theory, particularly militant folks can take you to court over this; in practice, however, that's borderline impossible, so you just end up pissing off a couple of modders. And modders need to be loved and nurtured if they are to provide content, see?..

Quote from: Lupin III on September 21, 2015, 10:08:39 AM
I really love the Storage mod (and maybe even love the fuses, but have not had a short yet ;) ).
A few comments:


I know that this may sound like a complete reinvention of the mod, but since the mod luckily is called "RT storage" and not "RT quantum storage" using "shelves" instead of "quantum" is more or less cosmetic.

A very solid comment, thank you!

The "quantum stockpile" name is a Dwarf Fortress reference, where it's used to describe, in short, a set of methods to achieve practically infinite storage compression, using bugs and exploits. RT Storage does just that, but is intentional, finite, and somewhat balanced.

Still, after thinking about what you wrote I do realise that 'quantum' is kind of out of place in the "you're shipwrecked and stranded, survive at all costs" setting, no matter how sci-fi it is. While it's unlikely that I'll ever be changing the flavor of main distribution (since it's been making rounds and is *gasp* popular enough to be considered big and mainstream the way it is), I might make another flavor (like I did with my Mad Skills mod, except more cosmetic, like you correctly noted), which would be more 'rustic'  - likely based on your suggestions. If that ever happens you will be credited in one way or another, of course.


what its a mod pack ? I just put the mod folder in the zip so lets not call it a mod pack :D


Well, let me tell you my feelings then, Ratys.

I beat the vanilla game, then I know about mods. First I tried some basic mods (my Set 1) and everytime I go to the game it is bugs and bugs and bugs everywhere.

Then I was desperate after 5 games having bugs like freezing, no events (the game runs forever without any events happen), no factions (no one visits you, no one raids you), forever rain, 10 solar flares in 2 months, with 5 raids per day (yes it is infinite raids)... and I tried Set 2 of my mods without any success (the bug log is as long as the river of my country)

Then I tried the Modpack (https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14229.0) and what I had is this:
+ Cannot build any bed but only the beds requiring cloths - it just lacks all other beds in the menu
+ Cannot build any temperature things - there is only the Heater in the menu
+ For all other menus, it is just the "Deconstruct" and "Cancel" buttons

So I tried (https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=12996.0) and what I got is this:
+ Cannot tell my colonists to pickup anything, even weapons
+ Cannot click on menu

Of course the 4 sets of mods above are installed with fresh Rimworld, deleted LocalLow\Ludeon Studios; with some dozens times installing the CCL, 5 times download 12D from the website again and again, reinstalling my Windows.

It is just that I nearly quit using mods, until I made an account and come here to complain about the Fusebox because, I really hate the Solar Flares but I cannot build Magnetic Shield, and finally rsof69 (with a really funny gif of Peter Dinklage) sent me his folder of Mods, and it works magically.

So, I think the problem is that newbie guides to using mods are really bad here, they do not tell me how to solve the bug log at all.

I am really grateful for rsof69, and sharing mods folder is not making Modpacks. It is not illegal, just good sharings between players. Please respect him for helping me.


It was a simple head's up, really. Some modders are a bit anal retentive about that kind of thing. Edit - I should qualify that Ratys is not one of these modders :)

As for this...

Quote from: nguadien on September 21, 2015, 11:21:53 PM
Then I tried the Modpack (https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14229.0) and what I had is this:
+ Cannot build any bed but only the beds requiring cloths - it just lacks all other beds in the menu
+ Cannot build any temperature things - there is only the Heater in the menu
+ For all other menus, it is just the "Deconstruct" and "Cancel" buttons

I play the Overhaul modpack almost exclusively and I've not encountered these issues. It could be that the particular version you downloaded was bugged, or maybe just user error.


Yeah, but right now I am enjoying rsof69's mods folder, and I added Romance, Infusing, Vein Miner without any problems at all.

It feels like a miracle, man.


Quote from: whoishigh on September 21, 2015, 11:29:37 PM
It was a simple head's up, really. Some modders are a bit anal retentive about that kind of thing. Edit - I should qualify that Ratys is not one of these modders :)

As for this...

Quote from: nguadien on September 21, 2015, 11:21:53 PM
Then I tried the Modpack (https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=14229.0) and what I had is this:
+ Cannot build any bed but only the beds requiring cloths - it just lacks all other beds in the menu
+ Cannot build any temperature things - there is only the Heater in the menu
+ For all other menus, it is just the "Deconstruct" and "Cancel" buttons

I play the Overhaul modpack almost exclusively and I've not encountered these issues. It could be that the particular version you downloaded was bugged, or maybe just user error.

Well we were talking about this in slack, since I didnt post it as a mod pack I think the rules should not apply though and in the next release he will have a problem of finding the mods :D ahahahaha


Quote from: rsof69 on September 22, 2015, 12:53:57 AM
Well we were talking about this in slack, since I didnt post it as a mod pack I think the rules should not apply though and in the next release he will have a problem of finding the mods :D ahahahaha

Unfortunately it's not up to you to decide when the rules do and don't apply, that's entirely up to the content creator :P The "issue" isn't that you created a modpack or anything, just that you were technically modifying and redistributing someone else's work. Ratys himself said he personally didn't mind so there's no real issue here, he just wanted to make sure you understood that other modders might not feel the same way about their own works being distributed like this.


A feature request please!

Would it be possible to have a capacity indicator on the warehouses? So when you select a quantum stockpile it would show "91% Capacity", and the same for any quantum warehouses - showing percentage full for all its linked stockpiles.

Perhaps you could even show the slots free / taken? Or even useless info like total number of goods stored / removed since building - that last one's a bit silly, though might be oddly interesting to see how much stuff you've had stored and removed for a long term huge colony.


Hey, I've got a question:

I've got two stockpiles where I mainly use Quantum Warehouses:

My freezer, which is adjacent to a cooled, but not freezing kitchen and a general stockpile for degenerating goods, like weapons and apparel.

Both of these stockpiles are at "normal" priority and have "important" counterparts. For the kitchen these are 3 1*2 stockpiles, one for vegetabels, one for meat and one for animal products. The general stockpile has a couple of equipment racks to have quick access to weapons in good condition.

The problem here is that pawns seem unable to draw from the quantum stockpiles to fill the other stockpiles up. Only items on the ground are taken. (I assume this is to stop pawns from taking items out of QSs and laying them onto the free spots next to it, resulting in the item being sucked into the QS and the pawn trying to take it out again). Is there a way to make it so pawns can take items out of Quantum stockpiles to fill stockpiles of higher priority? I thought about using relays, but for the kitchen this would result in wasted goods, since the relays store more than 1 - 2 stacks and I guess the items for the equipment rack wouldn't be taken out of relays either and be in an accumulated mess :/

Lupin III

After playing with the mod for some time, I've to commend you on the work! It's the first storage mod I tried that works without issues. (others like MAI nano storage makes my game lag the more stacks are in the storages and it's a PITA to manage the receive/dispense and MD2 deep storage is a little weird as you have to rebuild the storage after every upgrade and only one of it's two squares is actually interactive and can be blocked by other storages). It also doesn't feel OP (but I'm still imagining evreything as shelves and pipe mail ;) )

(no need to read from here on; it's more of a small rant on hauling in core ;) )
If now only core would be a little bit more intelligent in hauling (and manage stockpile priorities better). For example: I have a quantum relay (center of a 3x3 stockpile) near a farm linked to the main walk-in freezer stockpile (same priority, otherwise it would not work at all). On harvesting there's loads of small stacks of food. As soon as there's the first plant harvested a hauler reserves to haul its stack and one of the spots around the relay as destination. Then a second small stack becomes available. The first hauler now isn't intelligent enough to pick that up, too (could easily be carried), but a second hauler comes running from the colony and reserves another spot around the relay. This happens eight times until all spots around the relay are reserved and all other stacks will now be carried to a stockpile farther away until one of the first eight colonists finished his job and a spot around the relay becomes available again. So eight people managed to carry maybe a full stack's worth of food to the relay and another 20 colonists (yeah it's a big colony with many haulers) are running a much farther (directly to the freezer for example) with in total maybe 2 stacks of food. It works a little bit better if the harvesters are much faster than the haulers, because it seems that when there are multiple small stacks available at the time a hauler searches for work, he will pick up multiple of them.

Still that's something that really needs to be fixed in core. Best would of course be to make the haulers rethink there hauling (and even take the job away from another colonist if that one is farther away). Or something that would make it work a little bit better than now, would be to not make the drop off spot in a stockpile be reserved exclusively, but to allow others to drop on top of it, if it's the thing and the stack would have room for it.

Fluffy (l2032)

@rsof + completely offtopic;

Yeah, technically what you did there is against my license. From my license;
QuoteRELEASE is a MOD or a pre-packaged combination of multiple MODs that is made available for download, or is distributed in any form, in a specific location.
A MODPACK is a RELEASE containing multiple MODs.
QuoteYou must obtain permission for the RELEASE of a MODPACK containing THIS MOD.

I don't particularly care in this instance, it's just you helping someone out, so I hereby grant you permission for the re-distribution of my mods in this thread :P.

Lupin III

Quote from: Cheet4h on September 25, 2015, 08:26:15 AM
Hey, I've got a question:

I've got two stockpiles where I mainly use Quantum Warehouses:

My freezer, which is adjacent to a cooled, but not freezing kitchen and a general stockpile for degenerating goods, like weapons and apparel.

I have pretty much the same setup, but none of the issues. Are you sure your stockpile area is also underneath the quantum stockpiles? My main freezer (important priority) for example is hooked up to several relays. Some near farms with a stockpile around them (also important priority), the relay itself is set to low priority and all times cleared so no items appear on it. And then I have relays without any stockpile area for dispensing items like raw foods in the kitchen and meals in farther off gathering rooms or cells (sometimes within a 1x1 room with its own cooling to avoid rot). The priority for these relays is set to critical, so it is always filled. A relay only has one stack on it btw (but I don't know if colonists are intelligent enough to pick the "oldest" food of the stack first). Colonists have no problems picking up stuff from the freezer quantum stockpiles (like lavish meals, which I don't have any dispensing relay for). I also have some food tray racks (from omnistorage) with higher priority than the freezer. The always get filled up.