[1.0] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK project v7: Sunrise

Started by skyarkhangel, May 10, 2015, 11:40:32 PM

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How you relate for the full removing automatic turrets?

Positive. It's realistic. Fight with killboxes continues.
Negative. Make a button to kill all enemies in one click.


Quote from: Dudok22 on September 01, 2016, 05:15:59 PM
I just realised that chicken eggs cant be used in meals. I have few chickens and I started to notice that my freezer is filling up slowly with eggs. I have more than 120 right now but I have no use for them.

just use the manager and have it keep a few for new eggs and have it kill any extra. right now i have 12 turkeys. 2 adult female for new ones 1 male for fertilzation and keep 5 male and 5 female adolsent and when they get adult they get slaughtered.


Wouldn't adaption refusal be a fitting mod for the modpack?
Obviously it would need some balancing, but overall it would add extremely awesome tribal play with Powerless! already.


Quote from: Zakhad on September 01, 2016, 11:32:18 AM
Quote from: adecoy95 on September 01, 2016, 08:01:15 AM

ooh i dident realize different materials affected different things, my medical beds are made of ogre skin T_T (73% effective)

Lol! At the ogre skin medical beds. that's one of, if not the worst material type i think :)

yeah, i realized that a little too late haha!

can anyone help me understand how to use the colony manager?

i put in a job to make kevlar helmets, and i included raw materials and set it up to create materials, but none of the jobs are added to any of the workbenches except for the kevlar helmet itself, even after getting a colonist to use the manager bench, what did i do wrong?


Quote from: adecoy95 on September 02, 2016, 10:30:05 AM

can anyone help me understand how to use the colony manager?

i put in a job to make kevlar helmets, and i included raw materials and set it up to create materials, but none of the jobs are added to any of the workbenches except for the kevlar helmet itself, even after getting a colonist to use the manager bench, what did i do wrong?

I never use the manager for crafting items, I find that it'll over burden it with tasks that could otherwise be set at each station, generally speaking when it comes to crafting apparel I always craft until 1 then someone will equip it if they have a worse item, then another gets queued up and made and whenever you have 1 excess it'll stop production. The Manager is fantastic for automating hunting / gathering of mushrooms/berry's/Tree's and finally animal husbandry be it taming or culling etc.


Just a quick bug report:

The Skilled Builder mod is causing a crash to desktop under Linux (and apparently on Mac as well but I can't confirm that myself). There have been similar reports on the original mod's thread here: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=19764.60

Basically, when skilled builder is turned on for a building, as soon as construction is fully complete the game crashes to desktop. This happens every time.

Simply turning the individual mod off works as a workaround, but I just wanted to give anyone else a head's up if they run into the same issue.

I'm using the latest version from GitHub (commit 1574b7443212dffdcd7cd6845e6ec5b174b0e4b9 ).


Quote from: herrcaptain on September 02, 2016, 04:08:57 PM
Just a quick bug report:

The Skilled Builder mod is causing a crash to desktop under Linux (and apparently on Mac as well but I can't confirm that myself). There have been similar reports on the original mod's thread here: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=19764.60

Basically, when skilled builder is turned on for a building, as soon as construction is fully complete the game crashes to desktop. This happens every time.

Simply turning the individual mod off works as a workaround, but I just wanted to give anyone else a head's up if they run into the same issue.

I'm using the latest version from GitHub (commit 1574b7443212dffdcd7cd6845e6ec5b174b0e4b9 ).

Are the people from said thread getting the issue without the modpack? If so its not hardcore SK's fault, if hes got a github you should ideally report it on there on their thread. I hope that this doesn't come across as dismissive. To maybe give you some direction Rimworld is built on unity, there is a small chance it might be a unity bug or it could be a file pathing issue, due to how mac/linux use different directory structures. I would say its unlikely that its acutally a direct problem with your operating system. Don't forget to include crash logs or anything for example my last crash had a folder named 2016-08-31_164306 created, date and some other info at the end of it. Inside that folder is a output log which could be uploaded to paste bin so people can read through the error log and try to help posting 200-300 lines of code in a forum tends to rub people off in a bad way, not suggesting you would judging by you linking the commit version. Goodluck with your endeavour.


I can confirm I am getting this same crash in linux. Disabling skillbuilder solves the issue. I can provide whatever debug information/testing is needed by anyone. I posted in the other linked thread as well.


Gets trader gets event animal genocide profit! Surely nothing bad will happen with my newfound wealth :/


Quote from: Zakhad on September 02, 2016, 05:10:26 PM
Are the people from said thread getting the issue without the modpack? If so its not hardcore SK's fault, if hes got a github you should ideally report it on there on their thread. I hope that this doesn't come across as dismissive. To maybe give you some direction Rimworld is built on unity, there is a small chance it might be a unity bug or it could be a file pathing issue, due to how mac/linux use different directory structures. I would say its unlikely that its acutally a direct problem with your operating system. Don't forget to include crash logs or anything for example my last crash had a folder named 2016-08-31_164306 created, date and some other info at the end of it. Inside that folder is a output log which could be uploaded to paste bin so people can read through the error log and try to help posting 200-300 lines of code in a forum tends to rub people off in a bad way, not suggesting you would judging by you linking the commit version. Goodluck with your endeavour.

I totally understand - I didn't mean to imply that it was the fault of the modpack (as the source seems to be the mod itself judging from the posts in the other thread), just pointing it out in case anyone else was trying to figure out why they were getting a crash on one of the latest commits. If you weren't actually watching as the building in question was being built it might be easy to miss the cause of the problem as it simply freezes up and boots you back to desktop. Unfortunately I hadn't thought to make a copy of my log file at the time of the crash and have since resolved the problem by disabling the faulty mod.

Anyway - definitely not trying to imply that anyone is at fault here. I know how much work goes into compiling these mod packs (I briefly did one of my own last year) and just wanted to help in whatever small way I could by pointing out this problem.


Quote from: blub01 on August 31, 2016, 02:58:23 PM
Quote from: Makko on August 31, 2016, 02:23:47 PM
So how do I treat critical radiation sickness?

I had a pawn walk into the uranium refinery by mistake and now they're in a coma while the % slowly ticks down, but it's been two seasons and it's gone down like 30%, so it's going to be more than a year before it heals naturally, is there a way I can speed it up?

well, as far as I know, there's no real way in real life, so..

Well in real life we haven't crafted a lot of plasma weapons so...


Quote from: Makko on September 02, 2016, 08:04:01 PM
Quote from: blub01 on August 31, 2016, 02:58:23 PM
Quote from: Makko on August 31, 2016, 02:23:47 PM
So how do I treat critical radiation sickness?

well, as far as I know, there's no real way in real life, so..

Well in real life we haven't crafted a lot of plasma weapons so...

That's a terribly unfair comparison. The technology to create inefficient plasma weapons already exists. In fact we already have plasma torches, the Shiva Star project, the dense plasma focus which has been around since 1954, and technically electrolasers are plasma based weaponry, though the plasma is used to deliver an electrical shock, not as what is itself causing damage.

On the other hand radiation poisoning to the body is still essentially beyond our means to cure, it's barely even treatable. High doses of ionizing radiation cause damage on a cellular level, usually to essentially everything in the body. In order to repair damage caused by a high dose you either need to replace essentially every vital organ which suffered sufficient damage, or hope that the organs don't fail and the body repairs itself without becoming extremely tumorous. Radioactive contamination may be present in the lungs, digestive system, blood, thyroid, liver, or elsewhere and will continue to increase the dosage those organs have received. These are going to be either atoms or molecules and asides from potassium iodide pills to overload you thyroid with iodine before the radioactive version gets stuck in there, there isn't terribly much we can do about that either. A mindbogglingly advanced synthetic organ could collect the radioactive material, but it'd still have to be manually removed, or have some other ejection system rigged. Preferably to a shielded container so the person isn't spewing radioactive contamination everywhere they go. Mindbogglingly advanced since this organ would need to be able to identify individual atoms and suspect molecules and then discretely capture and remove them.

Source- Former nuclear mechanic and radiation worker.

And before the other RimWorld tech gets brought up, we are currently experimenting with fusion power and we can create antimatter, it's just prohibitively expensive, and storing it is difficult though also possible with existing technology. When it comes down to it a real world analogue to great deal of RimWorld tech as we know it is feasible within the next few hundred years, if not our lifetime. The post-transcendent worlds and a good deal of Glittertech is probably outside of that timespan though. Such a shame.
Yest' chelovék, yest' probléma. Net chelovéka, net problémy.
If there is a person, there is a problem. If there is no person, then there is no problem.


Quote from: Makko on September 02, 2016, 08:04:01 PM
Quote from: blub01 on August 31, 2016, 02:58:23 PM
Quote from: Makko on August 31, 2016, 02:23:47 PM
So how do I treat critical radiation sickness?

I had a pawn walk into the uranium refinery by mistake and now they're in a coma while the % slowly ticks down, but it's been two seasons and it's gone down like 30%, so it's going to be more than a year before it heals naturally, is there a way I can speed it up?

well, as far as I know, there's no real way in real life, so..

Well in real life we haven't crafted a lot of plasma weapons so...

*Ahem* (Fastest Method I know)
Ask me about the Hardcore SK Modpack Discord Server!


Honest question how often do you cheat/reload? in this mornings session for me probably 5-10 times within the first 2 hours, (plague within the first 12 days nothing I can do about it 3 dead colonists so I edited the immunity how can I cure plague with only straw beds I've only just started getting hide beds and its not like you can craft medicine from the get go, that's several tech's into the research tree, I did attempt to cure them letting it get to about 70-75% (Medical skill 5-6) before they all started dying so at that point I edited them (Constant care/food 1 of them decided to have a sad mood wander was immediately put down by everyone punching him, got eye scarred and lost a finger... reloaded)

This isn't a complaint I understand that the game is hard, and I purposely play on harder than most difficulty by not spawning with anything other than 5 colonists, I just want to know whats peoples thoughts on saving and reload or just accepting that you really got screwed over etc?


That wholly depends on how where and why I started a game, if I make a backstory and give my colonists the appropriate stuff beforehand, I deal a lot less in such a way with my colony.
I reload on most times.

To the people with skilled builder problems, since quality builder is backwards compatible, try that at least I am.


Quote from: Zakhad on September 03, 2016, 08:06:58 AM
Honest question how often do you cheat/reload? in this mornings session for me probably 5-10 times within the first 2 hours, (plague within the first 12 days nothing I can do about it 3 dead colonists so I edited the immunity how can I cure plague with only straw beds I've only just started getting hide beds and its not like you can craft medicine from the get go, that's several tech's into the research tree, I did attempt to cure them letting it get to about 70-75% (Medical skill 5-6) before they all started dying so at that point I edited them (Constant care/food 1 of them decided to have a sad mood wander was immediately put down by everyone punching him, got eye scarred and lost a finger... reloaded)

This isn't a complaint I understand that the game is hard, and I purposely play on harder than most difficulty by not spawning with anything other than 5 colonists, I just want to know whats peoples thoughts on saving and reload or just accepting that you really got screwed over etc?

I usually keep back up saves. (Since a lot of things can break, Stargates, random "no more events", things like that.) I did cheat out fibrous mechanites because I had no power research. Practically had nothing and having two of my four colonists on mental break at any given point in time was a bit unbearable.

But I also use Impassable fences (With HP set to like 40 from 180) so I can have pretty gardens. And use them for defense in a pinch. With 39HP on steel fences I accidentally shoot through a lot of them.
Ask me about the Hardcore SK Modpack Discord Server!