[1.0] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK project v7: Sunrise

Started by skyarkhangel, May 10, 2015, 11:40:32 PM

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How you relate for the full removing automatic turrets?

Positive. It's realistic. Fight with killboxes continues.
Negative. Make a button to kill all enemies in one click.


Quote from: notfood on January 17, 2017, 02:53:22 PM
It may be my fault. I'll check, it's supposed to live for 5 seconds.
I suppose this is why I stop to see this floating text issue, because I disabled seeds.
(It is nice mechanics but at practice  it just disable farming for me, and lack of it is too serious handicap )


Sorry if this seems like a really stupid issue but it's kind of got me stuck (I'm a novice when it comes to mod installation)
My issue is that, using (what appears to me to be) the latest version of the pack on github, I can't actually use the modpack. Loading the game has all of the mods with the indicator that they are for an out of date version of Rimworld. Enabling them simply prevents me from starting a game. The debug console is full of errors on loading, including one to do with objects that keeps increasing in the amount of times the error has occured. The only thing I can think of is that I'm simply not using the up to date version, as Rimworld is telling me, but I can't find what could be the correct version. I am fairly certain I am installing it correctly, as I am following the instructions, but I can't be certain.

I know I've been pretty vague, I'd give the details of the errorlog but I've just done a clean install and I don't have time right now to try it all again.
If anyone thinks they might be able to help then I would be happy to give as much detail as is required, any screenshots or whatever is needed.


Quote from: zzz1000 on January 17, 2017, 03:11:58 PM

Quote from: notfood on January 17, 2017, 02:53:22 PM
It may be my fault. I'll check, it's supposed to live for 5 seconds.
I suppose this is why I stop to see this floating text issue, because I disabled seeds.
(It is nice mechanics but at practice  it just disable farming for me, and lack of it is too serious handicap )

its not realy hard. only thing to remember is to make sure to have outside farms with a wall around them to keep animals from eating the plants and to have animal zones to not cover farms.

trajan get the pack from the clone/download button


PSA: the HCSK Cheat Sheet now has ammo and material information for your viewing pleasure.


Quote from: sidfu on January 17, 2017, 03:47:24 PM
its not realy hard.
It disable farming for me not because to manage seeds is too hard but because at practice I just do not have seeds for what I need in the first place.  It's  harder but less handy and remove important for me capabilities.

Quote from: Owlchemist on January 17, 2017, 03:53:52 PM
PSA: the HCSK Cheat Sheet now has ammo and material information for your viewing pleasure.
Realy nice. Thanks


I use the seeds mods as well but I usually never have any seeds left by year 3. The problem is the seeds deteriorate real fast (they only have 10HP). Seems if they sow and a day goes by where I didn't notice the seeds were lying around on the ground, they'll likely deteriorate before either I have a chance to force the order to haul them to safety, or the pawns catch up on their mile-long haul queue and get to it.

Personally I prefer how it was in the A14 version, where only crops required seeds but native flora didn't, like trees, bushes and grass.


Does anyone know all the "layers" that can go on people?
There's such a huge amount of clothing that I don't know if, for instance, people can wear a hauberk over a t-shirt, and also wear gloves and boots and a scarf.


Quote from: rekasa on January 17, 2017, 04:28:30 PM
Does anyone know all the "layers" that can go on people?
There's such a huge amount of clothing that I don't know if, for instance, people can wear a hauberk over a t-shirt, and also wear gloves and boots and a scarf.

Off the top of my head: feet, legs, lower torso (shirts), mid torso (vests), upper torso (jackets), gloves, hats, eye wear (full helms use both head slots though), belt, backpack.
A few versions back there seemed to be multiple layers on feet and legs too (like socks below shoes) but I don't think that's the case anymore.


with seeds i normaly have a building close to growing area where they stored. they just have to have a roof over them not be inside or refirgirated.

only realy important thing to do is make sure when they planting they dont leave seeds out. thats probaly where u loseing all your seeds.

usualy say u plant 30 crops u will get around 40 seeds back depending on their harvest skill.

good rule of thumb i follow is for seeds always have double what u want to plant, any extra u can sell.


Quote from: sidfu on January 17, 2017, 04:49:49 PM
only realy important thing to do is make sure when they planting they dont leave seeds out. thats probaly where u loseing all your seeds.

Yeah that's basically all I was saying. They're leaving the seeds out because after I have them do the last planting for the year, I disable sowing so they don't stupidly plant seeds again when there's only 1 day left in the growing season.

It doesn't help that the field is usually always cluttered with garbage because the pawns keep going back to cut away any plants that approach the perimeter, so it's easier to not notice there's crop seeds lying around.


Quote from: Owlchemist on January 17, 2017, 05:22:58 PM
Quote from: sidfu on January 17, 2017, 04:49:49 PM
only realy important thing to do is make sure when they planting they dont leave seeds out. thats probaly where u loseing all your seeds.

Yeah that's basically all I was saying. They're leaving the seeds out because after I have them do the last planting for the year, I disable sowing so they don't stupidly plant seeds again when there's only 1 day left in the growing season.

It doesn't help that the field is usually always cluttered with garbage because the pawns keep going back to cut away any plants that approach the perimeter, so it's easier to not notice there's crop seeds lying around.

well one thing i do is the guy who does all my research i have him as hauler for secondary. i have him research 1 day and when he finish hault next. well its important i do that as the map im on only has 20 growing days and even in mid falll the temps can get to -10F. u probaly have to micro manage your seeds a bit. after a while like me its second nature that if i see them planting i make sure to check and have them haul back seeds.


Where is the SK encyclopedia that were in research tab ? I really need it to understand how things works!!


Quote from: tornado02 on January 17, 2017, 06:38:21 PM
Where is the SK encyclopedia that were in research tab ? I really need it to understand how things works!!
I wish they added that back in too - it's awfully confusing to learn.

Random wrong text - on the Snow Wall, it says that it is flammable, though it's flammability is 0.


Quote from: rekasa on January 17, 2017, 06:53:23 PM
Quote from: tornado02 on January 17, 2017, 06:38:21 PM
Where is the SK encyclopedia that were in research tab ? I really need it to understand how things works!!
Random wrong text - on the Snow Wall, it says that it is flammable, though it's flammability is 0.

Got it, thanks. Keep 'em coming :)


Quote from: Owlchemist on January 17, 2017, 03:53:52 PM
PSA: the HCSK Cheat Sheet now has ammo and material information for your viewing pleasure.

Dude, this is awsome! CLAP CLAP CLAP!