[Mod Request] Atheism mod

Started by MAD GOD, September 17, 2015, 09:43:48 AM

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Quote from: Adamiks on September 22, 2015, 09:38:22 AM
Quote from: johiah on September 22, 2015, 07:39:38 AM
Quote from: MAD GOD on September 17, 2015, 10:58:26 AM
ok, i just do it by myself
try it, if u want, and tell me, how it works

it must remove the "praying" & "visiting grave" activities
Ok, so if you are an atheist, you cant use the calendar, you cant celebrate christmas easter or thanksgiving (which was caused by search for religious freedom) you cant use ad or bc, you cant eat waffles (which were originally christian hosts)

Christmas is in part pagan "festival" (can't find any better word...).


"if you don't believe in god you can't use anything what people believing in god created"

No, it's not working like that. For example i can don't believe in God but be still happy every christmas that Jesus (as a normal man) was born. Nothing wrong with that.
I more mean that the schools and stuff are now using ce and bce, so why do they still use our calendars, celebrations, foods.
"My best warden has no jaw"


"our calendars, celebrations, foods"

Nice point of view.
"USA send human to mun first! USA own whole Mun! NO NOT-NASA SCIENTISTS ALLOWED!".
It's literally what you're saying.
If you created something and shared it with other people you shared it with the whole world, it's not like people who created food recipes created them for believing people only.

Also, would like to see world not using BC? For atheists it could be X year when for christians and other religions this would be 2015.

Also (2), tradition is tradition. Presents are presents. If only people who believe in God could have christmas this would be so unfair.


Quote from: Adamiks on September 22, 2015, 04:07:07 PM
"our calendars, celebrations, foods"

Nice point of view.
"USA send human to mun first! USA own whole Mun! NO NOT-NASA SCIENTISTS ALLOWED!".
It's literally what you're saying.
If you created something and shared it with other people you shared it with the whole world, it's not like people who created food recipes created them for believing people only.

Also, would like to see world not using BC? For atheists it could be X year when for christians and other religions this would be 2015.

Also (2), tradition is tradition. Presents are presents. If only people who believe in God could have christmas this would be so unfair.
They can do the present stuff. That's not of catholic origins. I am saying that if they won't use the correct bc/ad, then they should not use any of the other christian things either.
"My best warden has no jaw"



About the BC thing: Wikipedia for example uses BCE (before current era) and CE (current era).

Also are you guys honestly attacking/defending Christianity on a request to change the name of the "Praying" joy activity to "Thinking"? Did anyone notice praying isn't necessarily a Christian idea to begin with? Nevermind.


Quote from: MAD GOD on September 22, 2015, 10:50:54 AM
Quote from: TheGentlmen (GENT) on September 22, 2015, 10:30:57 AM
Ok, mad god... let me question your logic a little:

So you are an Athiest, that means that you don't believe in god. Now your also named 'MAD GOD' which meens your a god. If god does not esist like you state then why do you say that your name is god? Better yet, How can you be a god who is mad if gods do not exist? Do you not believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself why shall we belive in you?

i think this paradoxes much more funniest, then religious paradoxes
and THIS paradoxes is completely harmless

but this is offtop
please, do not start flame about religion
this is about modding
i just dont like what colonists must pray
they can pray, if player want this
if i can restrict anything, but can not restrict praying - its not right
they can eat dead bodies, but dont must eat dead bodies
i'm already have a colony with psychopathic cannibals & slavers
now i want to create a peacefully religious-free colony of vegetarian fighting zen monks

It was an interesting paradox I came up with. If anyone takes it seriously then they have nothing better to do.


Quote from: Alistaire on September 22, 2015, 06:39:01 PM
About the BC thing: Wikipedia for example uses BCE (before current era) and CE (current era).

Also are you guys honestly attacking/defending Christianity on a request to change the name of the "Praying" joy activity to "Thinking"? Did anyone notice praying isn't necessarily a Christian idea to begin with? Nevermind.

It isn't about christanity. It's about believing that there is God/Gods or whatever. Now we're talking about christian because that guy said atheists shouldn't use christian food/celebrations etc.


Quote from: johiah on September 22, 2015, 03:31:34 PM
OK so I know that this thing started a religious discussion, just gonna say this. I can't prove he exists, you can't prove he doesn't exist. PLus, he exists no matter how you feel about him, what does the earth being flat have to do with God? If he doesn't exist, and the world came into being from the big bang, then where did all that matter come from. It didn't just appear, and matter can't stay in one form for forever. that's not how physics work. it had to be created by something with the power to do that. If matter did exists forever, then we would have been created sooner, thus the HUGE hole in the big bang theory. Also this. Miracles are real, with real scientists doing tests on hosts that became the flesh and blood, so drop it atheists. I have proof things defying the laws of physics exist, and you have no proof that they dont exist. Also, God doesn't work by going to someone and saying "I am real" He does that by using exisiting christians to convert nonbeleivers.


"OK so I know that this thing started a religious discussion, just gonna say this. I can't prove he exists, you can't prove he doesn't exist. PLus, he exists no matter how you feel about him"
K, if he exists then where is your proof. Oh wait. You have NO proof. You can BELIEVE that he exist BUT untell you have proof you cannot claim for a fact that he exists. I BELIEVE he exists, but just beceasue I BELIEVE  he exists doesn't meen that he existing is a fact.

"What does the earth being flat have to do with God?"
Nothing, thats just something we mentioned.

"If he doesn't exist, and the world came into being from the big bang, then where did all that matter come from."
Thier are theories that in a prevois univereese a big crunch happened. followed by our big bang.  Then thier are theories that a blackhole/wormhole SO big in an other universe that it crunched everything up. Then lost stability and explode as in the big bang. But the truef is that scientest don't know yet. But thier constantly looking for an answer, or for another model (Although that would be hard to find), science isn't perfect, in the last 100 years we've advanced more then we did in the last thousand, with that our knowledge grows exponentialy and science is always evolving, from good model, to greater model to best model. If you can get the answer of where the matter came from OR find another model WITH *FACTS* to back it up then you will get a noble. No, not only a noble, you'll have advanced the field of Physics and astronomy by DECADES.

"It didn't just appear,"
ACTUALY matter _CAN_ just appear. In coiliders, by focusing a huge some of energy in a point they were able to make a pair of Virtual particles, one negative and other positive. Then they'd immediately merge together and disapear.
Slight mention:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztc6QPNUqls
"and matter can't stay in one form for forever."
HAHAHA. I got a cup infront of me. Its been thier for a week. Yes, i'm messy. But point is they _CAN_ stay thier.
"that's not how physics work."
YES it is.

"it had to be created by something with the power to do that."
K, mind to explain gravity. Quantum physics defines it has heavy objects put curves in the spacetime continuum. so when earth orbits the sun, its actualy going in a straight line (or atleast from quatum pysics perspective), but because the sun is MASSIVE it cuases a dent in the spacetime continuum, which makes that straight line not so straight.

So it does go on a straight line, its just bent.

But here is the question, if the object is not in motion then how will it fall? Something with the power needs to push it into motion.

Well, I don't know, scientest don't know, but like again, if ya have a better model with FACTs to back it up, then show it to a scientific commite so ya can get a noble. Probably patent is first or something so they don't steal it...

Where's the higs bosom get its energy? Like we get a MINORITY of our mass from it. But where does it get it's?
All unaswered questions, which is why science is constantly advancing.

On a further unrelated not, scientest where able to multiply the lifetime of rats by 3 if whats gonna kill them was NOT a genictic problem by inserting a cancerized version of what's ever's gonna kill them in thier body. Humans who have a 100% chance of dieing unless this works on hummans toohave volunteared to have it tested om them. Testing should start sometime in 2015 to 2017 (As the testing in the US has been aproved by the US gov) and papers of the results should come after that. If it works we mabey able to multply lifetimes by 3. This ofcourse if it works will lead to overpopulation, which will also lead to starvation unless the Goverments can put some restrictions on Woohoo and births, A.k.a mass-(mostly likely non-permentant)sterilization to the population, becuase you simply cannot sustain a race which rarely dies but multiples in numbers. Many of my fellow coworkers have been discussion the effics and repercussion of this.

"I have proof things defying the laws of physics exist, and you have no proof that they dont exist."
Which are what?

"Also, God doesn't work by going to someone and saying "I am real" He does that by using exisiting christians to convert nonbeleivers."
I see no reason why he shouldn't.

Now, let me end this with that I'm a muslim. I do BELIEVE in god. AND god and science can coexist. Thier is no reason that just becuase you belive in god that makes science immediately null. I just put this together to question YOUR logic. Your little rant was so full of flaws that I felt I _HAD_ to respond with my own rant (not saying that my rant doesn't contain flaws).

I will NOT argue with you on your beliefs, if you post sometihng which basicly says I'm stupid or similar I'll ignore it and move on. If ya want a CIVILIZED discuasain take it my Gmail: [email protected]


Quote from: johiah on September 22, 2015, 03:31:34 PM
OK so I know that this thing started a religious discussion, just gonna say this. I can't prove he exists, you can't prove he doesn't exist. PLus, he exists no matter how you feel about him, what does the earth being flat have to do with God? If he doesn't exist, and the world came into being from the big bang, then where did all that matter come from. It didn't just appear, and matter can't stay in one form for forever. that's not how physics work. it had to be created by something with the power to do that. If matter did exists forever, then we would have been created sooner, thus the HUGE hole in the big bang theory. Also this. Miracles are real, with real scientists doing tests on hosts that became the flesh and blood, so drop it atheists. I have proof things defying the laws of physics exist, and you have no proof that they dont exist. Also, God doesn't work by going to someone and saying "I am real" He does that by using exisiting christians to convert nonbeleivers.

Let me tl;dr gentlemens post: You have zero proof, you're wrong, let's drop the subject (Last part is from me).
Selling broken colonist souls for two thousand gold. Accepting cash or credit.

A Friend

Jesus christ, how controversial.

Quote from: MAD GOD on September 22, 2015, 10:34:24 AM
factions its good
i hope it will be done in future
but now i think about two things:
adding something to train melee skill, like punching bags, wooden dummies
now i know a little more about how to modify rimworld, and maybe i can do it by myself

second important thing, after atheism
why i can prepare a lavish meal only with meat?
i realy need a vegetarian lavish meal

1. Here's a mod with archery targets and melee dummies

2. Also the lavish meal needing meat is a sort of balancing thing. Removing that would pretty much make meat useless and you could just live off forever on corn with 10+ mood buffs. But that's just my opinion. Dunno how to remove ingredients though.
"For you, the day Randy graced your colony with a game-ending raid was the most memorable part of your game. But for Cassandra, it was Tuesday"

Squiggly lines you call drawings aka "My Deviantart page"


Quote from: A Friend on September 21, 2015, 12:00:16 AM
Quote from: dareddevil7 on September 20, 2015, 05:52:38 PM
Quote from: cuproPanda on September 19, 2015, 11:49:23 PM
Quote from: SpaceDrunk on September 19, 2015, 10:09:54 PM
I kind of want the opposite, a mod that adds a game mode where you have to sacrifice one of your colonists every year to appease the evil star god TY-NAN, with terrible consequences if you don't.

Tyn'an demands muffalo blood or the crop blights continue!

Tyn'an needs the blood of a highborn virgin and the head of a person who's asking when the steam release will be

In an ocean of false promises and early access scams... A figure from the dimly lit sky descended.
The gloomy world were immediately engulfed with light.

It was the Great Tyn'an. In his palms were a kickstarter link leading to a shiny realm.
He called it "Rimworld A1"

Skeptical and cautious, we walked through the link. Unsure of what it holds.


All hope that we had lost in the past came rushing back at us.
We found paradise.

Our lord and saviour blessed us weekly with bugfixes, and monthly updates and replied to us equally in the community praying site.

This perfect world went on and on for 12 more A's... until...

"Hai guys, I'm gonna be taking a 6 month break. Getting pretty burned out here. Won't be much updates until then."

Our lord and saviour has chosen to abandon us. Hope for content and bugfixes evaporated.

The community was in turmoil. Some calmed themselves with hope of his return.
"cmon guys its only 6months."

While others plunged deep into the realm of hopelessness.
"6 Months? what the fuck, you gotta be kidding me. I'm not playing this buggy mess."

In a land of disarray, a group of strange people came.
With codes on their head and strange markings of on their arms.

With perfect synchronization, they extended they arms and offered they hands.
The strange markings became readable.
The arms of the man in the middle read "EdB's Interface UI - Download 3.1.1 for Alpha 12d (Dropbox)"

Each figure's arms were engraved with unique markings.
"Miscellaneous w MAI+Robots - MAI+Robots V1.12.4 - (standalone)"
"Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 1.51 - Download Version 1.51 (Mediafire):
Click Here!"

One by one, they hands reached for ours and behind them came more coded figures.
An endless row in the left, and countless line in the right.
In the time of no updates they offered us hope, content, and features...

But Tyn'an was watching...
A single finger movement was all it took to hide the release forum away into the 404 Errorealm
And with that, the main line of mods end. Their creators banned, or in hiding.

But their legacy will not be forgotten. So remember:
"Modders were banned for our content."

(lol, I have no idea why I just wrote that.)
This is going in my signature with credit to you


Quote from: dareddevil7 on September 22, 2015, 08:36:33 PM
Quote from: A Friend on September 21, 2015, 12:00:16 AM
Quote from: dareddevil7 on September 20, 2015, 05:52:38 PM
Quote from: cuproPanda on September 19, 2015, 11:49:23 PM
Quote from: SpaceDrunk on September 19, 2015, 10:09:54 PM
I kind of want the opposite, a mod that adds a game mode where you have to sacrifice one of your colonists every year to appease the evil star god TY-NAN, with terrible consequences if you don't.

Tyn'an demands muffalo blood or the crop blights continue!

Tyn'an needs the blood of a highborn virgin and the head of a person who's asking when the steam release will be

In an ocean of false promises and early access scams... A figure from the dimly lit sky descended.
The gloomy world were immediately engulfed with light.

It was the Great Tyn'an. In his palms were a kickstarter link leading to a shiny realm.
He called it "Rimworld A1"

Skeptical and cautious, we walked through the link. Unsure of what it holds.


All hope that we had lost in the past came rushing back at us.
We found paradise.

Our lord and saviour blessed us weekly with bugfixes, and monthly updates and replied to us equally in the community praying site.

This perfect world went on and on for 12 more A's... until...

"Hai guys, I'm gonna be taking a 6 month break. Getting pretty burned out here. Won't be much updates until then."

Our lord and saviour has chosen to abandon us. Hope for content and bugfixes evaporated.

The community was in turmoil. Some calmed themselves with hope of his return.
"cmon guys its only 6months."

While others plunged deep into the realm of hopelessness.
"6 Months? what the fuck, you gotta be kidding me. I'm not playing this buggy mess."

In a land of disarray, a group of strange people came.
With codes on their head and strange markings of on their arms.

With perfect synchronization, they extended they arms and offered they hands.
The strange markings became readable.
The arms of the man in the middle read "EdB's Interface UI - Download 3.1.1 for Alpha 12d (Dropbox)"

Each figure's arms were engraved with unique markings.
"Miscellaneous w MAI+Robots - MAI+Robots V1.12.4 - (standalone)"
"Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 1.51 - Download Version 1.51 (Mediafire):
Click Here!"

One by one, they hands reached for ours and behind them came more coded figures.
An endless row in the left, and countless line in the right.
In the time of no updates they offered us hope, content, and features...

But Tyn'an was watching...
A single finger movement was all it took to hide the release forum away into the 404 Errorealm
And with that, the main line of mods end. Their creators banned, or in hiding.

But their legacy will not be forgotten. So remember:
"Modders were banned for our content."

(lol, I have no idea why I just wrote that.)
This is going in my signature with credit to you

damnit it wont fit


Well, the gentleman, how long is that cup going to stay a cup? it won't stay a cup for eternity. That is my point. A higher power HAS to exist because it is physically impossible for matter to always exist. More matter CANNOT be created, phantom versions can, and particle colliders collide particales at high speed, not energy. You are saying that matter always existed, because matter can't spring into existence. You basically don't believe in god but you believe in miracles...
"My best warden has no jaw"


Quote from: johiah on September 22, 2015, 08:43:05 PM
Well, the gentleman, how long is that cup going to stay a cup? it won't stay a cup for eternity. That is my point. A higher power HAS to exist because it is physically impossible for matter to always exist. More matter CANNOT be created, phantom versions can, and particle colliders collide particales at high speed, not energy.
Can we not argue religion and just accept tynan as our lord and savior?


Quote from: Z0MBIE2 on September 22, 2015, 08:13:16 PM
Quote from: johiah on September 22, 2015, 03:31:34 PM
OK so I know that this thing started a religious discussion, just gonna say this. I can't prove he exists, you can't prove he doesn't exist. PLus, he exists no matter how you feel about him, what does the earth being flat have to do with God? If he doesn't exist, and the world came into being from the big bang, then where did all that matter come from. It didn't just appear, and matter can't stay in one form for forever. that's not how physics work. it had to be created by something with the power to do that. If matter did exists forever, then we would have been created sooner, thus the HUGE hole in the big bang theory. Also this. Miracles are real, with real scientists doing tests on hosts that became the flesh and blood, so drop it atheists. I have proof things defying the laws of physics exist, and you have no proof that they dont exist. Also, God doesn't work by going to someone and saying "I am real" He does that by using exisiting christians to convert nonbeleivers.

Let me tl;dr gentlemens post: You have zero proof, you're wrong, let's drop the subject (Last part is from me).
I have no proof you exist, but here you are writing messages and posts. You have no proof I exist, but here I am writing a message to you. I have no proof God exists, but here he is creating this perfect world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rare_Earth_hypothesis You say god doesn't exist, but what are the chances of the earth forming just the right way for us? Astronomical! I will never be able to convince you, you can't convince me, but at least I don't approve of slaughtering innocent children.
"My best warden has no jaw"