I want to hear about exploit strategies!

Started by Tynan, March 21, 2016, 04:46:51 PM

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The giant room one is nice... So is the tundra plantation. Only problem is, what about raids? A massive room is going to skyrocket ur wealth, which consequently makes raids harder.

If you build a giant room in the mountain, it's just going to open you to infestations. So I wouldn't consider them exploits, but definitely cool tactics that I would no doubt try out.
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I don't know if this has already been reported, but as it seems to me a very important issue I post it:

Raiders would just jump into these deadfall traps. Basically any base can include a long corridor out of deadfall traps and most raids will just fail.

Deadfall traps seem to be too strong, I mean who'd walk right into it?

Have a look at my QoL mod!


No one would walk into known deadfall traps just because there is no other open entrance. The raiders should start breaking down walls if your only entrance is filled with known deadfall traps. Unknown traps are a different story. It might be hard to program but if raiders are running down a hallway and two or three unknown traps get triggered they should be smart enough to find another entrance rather than keep heading down that obviously trapped hallway.


Don't know if this is the right thread or not, but the LOOT situation is out of control.  Some mechanoids showed up to attack my colony.  Immediately afterwards (because Cassandra is bored and throwing a pile of random events at me) an Exotic Goods Caravan shows up and promptly gets slaughtered while all my colonists are in the locker room suiting up for battle.

I got a psychic insanity lance, two lungs, two thrumbo horns, a liver, an AI core, oh, and a Plasteel Large Sculpture.  Profit!

I gotta unload all this loot before the next raid shows up or I'm totally screwed :)
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


I see the Reconnect vs Flick Power exploit remains in place for A16. 

Basically instead of using the flick power option (or a power switch) one can turn items on/off by using the reconnect power button to reconnect to a dead piece of conduit. This exploit would be solved easily imo if reconnecting power required the same interaction as flick power. However the reconnect power should remain an option of course because of isolated power networks. 

Anyway if this has somehow never been mentioned, now it has!


I haven't built any caravans yet but this came up over on reddit.

"...had a heat wave destroy about 800 meat and all 100 of my prepared meals... reloaded a dozen times, but I couldn't fix the issue fast enough... prepare a caravan and packed ALL food & meat, which took like 30 seconds. Right as they're done packing up, cancel the caravan, draft them, and do stuff manually. The characters will run around with 100s of meat in their pockets and none of it spoils."


Also I hate to mention this one myself but it does seem out of wack.

The deep mining scanner can easily be switched on/off without any effect on the deep mining itself. So you can put it on a switch, or flick it on and off manually, for the brief times when you need to find more resources. Then leave it powered off for 99% of the time.

I like this of course, because the power usage is ridiculous, but it also seems weird that this would have such a high power use but not need to be on for deep mining to work. So I am not sure if this is an exploit, but it feels unbalanced. Basically that mining works without the deep scanner being powered.


Quote from: pdxsean on December 31, 2016, 08:13:58 PM
I haven't built any caravans yet but this came up over on reddit.

"...had a heat wave destroy about 800 meat and all 100 of my prepared meals... reloaded a dozen times, but I couldn't fix the issue fast enough... prepare a caravan and packed ALL food & meat, which took like 30 seconds. Right as they're done packing up, cancel the caravan, draft them, and do stuff manually. The characters will run around with 100s of meat in their pockets and none of it spoils."

Yeah, there will have to be a broad rework of inventory later. I'm currently using the caravan-cancelling exploit to have my luciferium-addict carry all the luciferium on him, so animals can't accidently eat it.

As for the Deep Mining Scanner, that's the same issue that all power-requiring devices that aren't used 24/7 have, including stoves & sewing tables. I think "turning it off" is only a minor exploit, but I would fix it by making its construction require uranium (like the cryosleep caskets) and removing the power requirement entirely.


Quote from: pdxsean on December 31, 2016, 08:20:34 PM
The deep mining scanner can easily be switched on/off without any effect on the deep mining itself. So you can put it on a switch, or flick it on and off manually, for the brief times when you need to find more resources. Then leave it powered off for 99% of the time.

I like this of course, because the power usage is ridiculous, but it also seems weird that this would have such a high power use but not need to be on for deep mining to work. So I am not sure if this is an exploit, but it feels unbalanced. Basically that mining works without the deep scanner being powered.
I really wouldn't call that an exploit. The power usage is high because you're scanning the entire map, but once you KNOW where something is (not what it is, just where it is) you don't need it because while you're drilling you don't need the scanner to tell you "still there. still there. yep, still there". It's not like the resource is going to move on you.


- You can end a colonist's food or drug binge by setting his bedtime to the current hour. He will finish his smoke or whatever, go to bed, and the binge will end right away. Might not work if his rest bar is already full.

- You can trade resources in far corners of the map by making a zone around them.

- You can keep a colonist or prisoner unconscious for an indefinite period of time by beginning to euthanize him, then cancelling. I don't know if this is an exploit, because it seems like a reasonable thing to be able to do (put someone under with a command) but the way it's done is very "workaround" and doesn't require medicine.
Whole body          RimWorld addiction


Minor exploit: all pawns standing on a square benefit from a comfy chair there.  So if you have four crafting spots all with the same access point you can have four colonists piling into the same chair.

Are these colonists or cats? :)
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Quote from: Shurp on January 01, 2017, 08:13:10 AMAre these colonists or cats? :)

If you've played the game, you know the answer is cats.


Right now sleeping enemies won't get up when you move around them. As a good builder can build a room in like five secons, you can build a wooden room around someone and set it on fire while they sleep, or do some other crazy shit like farm siegers for loot that comes down from the skies every day. Works especially well against thrumbos, since there are few of them and the reward is so great. They are basically free stuff right now. It shouldn't work unless the enemy is drunk or something, or at least have a percentage of agroing them.


Yes, enemies wake up if someone nearby gets shot; they should wake up if any construction occurs nearby too.

And since you necro'd this thread, I'd like to add my own exploit note.  Assigning a dumping stockpile to the square that your dead colonist is rotting on removes the -10 unburied colonist penalty.
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


I present to you... The Thrumbo Killer 6000 Mk.2 Lite

Take down thrumbos with ease!

Only for a cheap price of a few hundred stone and 25 wood! (turret is optional)

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
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If 666 is evil, does that make 25.8069758011 the root of all evil?