[A16] Combat Realism [closed]

Started by skyarkhangel, November 11, 2016, 03:20:29 PM

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Combat Realism:

This mod is an extensive overhaul of the game's combat to make it both more realistic and more tactical and engaging.


All weapons have been rebalanced:

  • All weapons have ranges corresponding to their real life effective range. This means sniper rifles and heavy machine guns can easily cover half the map provided they have line of sight.
  • All weapons do damage in accordance with their calibers. No longer does putting a scope on your weapon make your bullets fly 5 times harder. Bullet speed is 1/5 of real world muzzle velocity.
  • Rate of fire is based on real world values.
  • Cooldown times are based on a weapons action type. Automatic weapons have very low cooldown, while pump- and bolt-action take significantly longer. For sniper rifles it is also based on type: .50cal anti-materiel rifles cannot be fired from the shoulder and need time to set up and tear down.
  • Weapons inflict penalties based on their loaded weight: -0.1c/s movespeed and -2% workspeed per kg.
  • Market values have been rebalanced in accordance with weapons' new power.
  • Shotguns fire 8 low damage pellets instead of a single projectile with damage depending on how many hit.
  • Many explosives now use a new fragmentation effect, scattering lethal shell fragments over large distances.
  • And more...
The health system has been rebalanced:

  • Generally, limbs are tougher while organs are squishier and bleed much more. A rifle shot to an unprotected heart is lethal, but it does not send an arm flying. Only repeated hits or a high power round (.50cal, Lasgun, etc.) can destroy limbs.
  • Internal body parts are significantly more likely to be hit. The human body is chock-full of vital organs and you are much more likely to hit one of them rather than this generic "torso" area that 80% of vanilla bullets would hit.
  • Battle wounds cause more pain, more bleeding and more penalties overall.
  • Walls and rocks are nearly impervious to bullets while explosives deal increased damage.
The aiming system has been redone:

  • Pawns have two stats, one for aiming and one for shooting
  • Pawns have to lead and estimate range on a target
  • Guns have inherent shot spread and dynamic recoil
  • Bullet height is tracked to determine collision. If a squirrel is behind a wall of sandbags you can't hit it
  • Collision is now dependent on how close the bullet actually passes to the target instead of pure RNG
  • And more...

New inventory and ammo system:

  • Pawns can carry various sidearms and items in their inventory
  • Carrying items confers penalties based on weight and bulk of carried items
  • Inventory space is limited
  • Weapons have magazines and need to be reloaded
  • Reloading consumes ammo
  • Different ammo types give different effects
  • Ammo can be looted from raiders, bought or crafted

Armor system has been redone:

  • Projectiles have armor penetration now
  • Deflection chances and damage depend on the relation of armor penetration to armor reduction
  • If penetration is too low damage won't go through the armor
  • Shots absorbed by armor might still cause bruises
  • And more...

New suppression mechanic:

  • Pawns have a suppression threshold dependent on their mental break threshold and current mood
  • Bullets flying past pawns will add to their suppression meter depending on the bullet's base damage and chances to penetrate the pawns armor
  • Once the threshold is reached pawns will run for the nearest cover
  • If suppression keeps building past the threshold a pawn will eventually hunker down
  • Hunkered pawns gain a lower profile, becoming impossible to hit through most hard cover but they also can't move or shoot

Important note: As many people have been asking about this, improvised turrets have been changed. Instead of being built they are made at the machining table and placed as minified furniture.

(Already included) Combat Realism Defence:

This is an addon introducing various defensive structures:

  • Barbed wire: Slow the enemy, cheap to build and lets gunfire through without providing cover.
  • Embrasures: Walls that let you shoot through them.
  • M240: Medium manned machine-gun turret, excellent for decimating enemy forces as they approach your colony.
  • Cannon Turret: A manned cannon emplacement. Fires HEAT shells that are effective against enemy armor and clustered infantry alike
  • AGS-30: Light-weight automatic grenade launcher, punches through even the heaviest cover.
  • Heavy Turret: Heavy automatic gun emplacement with a high caliber gun and improved health.
  • Charge Blaster Turret: Rapid-firing advanced auto turret with high rate of fire and range.
  • KPV: Heavy machine gun firing large caliber rounds, good for suppressive fire and taking out heavily armored targets.

The embrasures and barbed wire can be built while the new turrets have to be bought from combat suppliers.


Note that as far as I'm concerned taking donations falls under "commercial use" and you do not have permission to use my work if you plan on collecting donations.


Mods that modify vanilla weapons, walls, bodies or body parts (human and mechanoid, animals are fine), rock walls or rock chunks are inherently incompatible, meaning whichever mod is last in your load order will overwrite the changes of the other. Mods that add new guns, body parts, etc. are not incompatible but will likely be unbalanced in the context of this mod.

Known issues:
  • Sometimes enemies don't properly attack pawns behind embrasures.
  • When hunting, pawns will close to point-blank range for an execution but will be unable to hit particularly large animals like rhinos.


  • NoImageAvailable - mod author
  • Killface - coding, updating
  • Alistaire - coding, misc art
  • fluffy - coding, misc art
  • Latta - coding, Korean translation
  • Spoonshortage - translation
  • A friend - art
  • stinkycat752 - art
  • Shinzy - art
  • DaemonDeathAngel - consultant on the topic of pain caused by bullet wounds and knife attacks.


  • Combat is very lethal as most weapons have the potential to oneshot a pawn. Wear body armor to eliminate this risk as only a few weapons are capable of destroying organs through an armor vest.
  • Weapons are generally best at their individual range brackets. Shotguns, SMG's and sub-carbines rule close range combat, assault rifles dominate the fields and sniper rifles can take out enemies from far away. MGs also have a lot of range and firepower, however they are highly inaccurate and are therefore best used against clusters of enemies.
  • Make sure to build up your defenses in time. You don't need killboxes but a well placed heavy machine gun can make a group of tribals turn tail before they even reach the colony.
  • Stick to cover and watch your flanks. Pawns in the open are very vulnerable. Make sure you bring appropriate weaponry for the battlefield, charging through rifle fire to get into shotgun range is a good way to get killed.
  • Use rapid fire on automatic weapons to suppress high value targets. Suppression prevents the use of aimed shot and can make pawns hunker down. Putting a lot of MG fire on a pawn with a rocket launcher might make the difference between him whiffing or blowing up your pillbox.
  • Make intelligent use of aim modes. Use aimed shot to hit far-away targets and snapshot to get the first strike in close quarters. Use single and burst fire to take out single targets and auto fire to suppress or break up clustered enemies.
  • Choose the right ammo for the enemy you are facing. Hollow-points shred unarmored opponents but are easily deflected while armor-piercing rounds excel against body armor and Mechanoids.
  • Mortar shells are lethal but their fragments can be stopped by sandbags and other obstructions. Take cover to increase your chance of survival.
  • If you're having trouble with Centipedes, try crafting EMP weapons. Wait until they are in range of your defenders, then hit them with the EMP, it will stun them and do a fair bit of electrical damage. To take them down you will need weapons with high armor penetration or explosives so plan your loadouts accordingly.

Current release available from GitHub here


  • No CCL required
  • Download and install the CR Core using standard installation procedure
  • Disable Achtung mod if exist (already included)
  • Place Combat Realism Core below Core in your load order



Is it compatable with other weapon packs / turret packs?  Just need to know which ones to disable.



Quote from: kaptain_kavern on November 11, 2016, 03:51:26 PM
You crazy lunatics! Awesome. Looks like great piece of work

Thanks kaptain kavern :0

Quote from: SteelRev on November 11, 2016, 04:08:46 PM
Is it compatable with other weapon packs / turret packs?  Just need to know which ones to disable.

For now, nope.
I hope soon other packs make update for a15 version. Not much changes = Easy update, for some minutes.


Quote from: SteelRev on November 11, 2016, 04:27:38 PM
No I mean like A15 rt weapon pack ect.  Any conflicts?

RT author could make it easy, its has a14 version (need to update to a15). Plz inform :)


Thank you, starting a new game for this.

Hope CCL is making progress.  I also thank them too!


Is this compatible with EPOE and if not any plans of making a patch?(No rush or need to do it cause its already great that its updated to A15)


I have a question about the armor piercing mechanic and shotgun pellets.

I've done a test with the shotgun. Loaded buckshot, slug then birdshot, then shot a colonist in full power armor at melee range. I was expecting the birdshot to merely glance over the armor, while the buckshot managed to get some damage in, and the slug to deal less damage, but overall more than the other two.

Unfortuntately, it seems like it is functioning the other way around. Birdshot right now pierced through the power armor more effectively than buckshot and the slug. If this mod is supposed to be realistic, I'm just giving my two cents in this specific issue. There needs to have some sort of mechanic to prevent pellets from dealing any damage if they fracture too much (birdshot is, after all, 77 lead pellets which would have a lot of trouble penetrating a metallic surface).

I've also never fully understood why the pistol needs to be severely nerfed in its range department. Other than that, fantastic job translating the job to A15 without CCL. Keep up the good work.


@Razz,  the bird shot being over powered is a bug from previous versions.


I am probably being blind but how do you craft ammo? Loading bench doesnt do anything. It has no bill options. What is it for?
A guide would be nice...
Bug report: If you right click ammo on the ground 1 of the options is  CR_PickUpHalf and the ammo type's name


Quote from: SteelRev on November 12, 2016, 09:58:20 AM
@Razz,  the bird shot being over powered is a bug from previous versions.
AFAIK, it was not a bug, it was an issue of armor concepts.

Since percentages are laid off, and I believe they round up, a shotgun shooting 30 pellets of birdshot which deal 2 damage each would deal 15 maximum damage to pawns with 15% armor and also to those with 90% armor. So what happened was power armor pawns would reduce birdshot damage by 1, and still take 50% of damage from each pellet.


Quote from: Kapun on November 12, 2016, 10:21:21 AM
I am probably being blind but how do you craft ammo? Loading bench doesnt do anything. It has no bill options. What is it for?
A guide would be nice...
Bug report: If you right click ammo on the ground 1 of the options is  CR_PickUpHalf and the ammo type's name

I have the same, not being able  to craft ammo, at first I thought it might have been a conflict, but then i made a fresh world with just Core and Combat Realism enabled andthe same thing happens.

Update: I've had a poke around in the files, Neolithic and Hand Grenades are able to be manufactured, but poking around in the RecipeDefs_Ammo the Recipes_AmmoNeolithic.xml and the  Recipes_HandGrenades.xml has

<RecipeDef Name="AmmoRecipeNeolithicBase" Abstract="true">

and <RecipeDef ParentName="AmmoRecipeBase" Name="GrenadeRecipeBase" Abstract="true">

in them respectively, but everything else seems to be missing the code defining the primary recipe base for each class of ammo I'm no coder but perhaps this has something to do with it.

Or it may have something to do with the BenchBase error that gets kicked up when I load the game with just CR enabled.



Sky: Do you have someplace where we can donate to thank you for your efforts?  I've given a decent amount to DF modders over the years, and frankly, your work beats them hands down.

Quote from: skyarkhangel on November 11, 2016, 03:20:29 PM
Embrasures: Walls that let you shoot through them.
Using the hardcore sk build as of a couple of days ago, embrasures are not walls.  They are slowly passable, like parapets or sandbags.  How are they supposed to work?


Is there something I can change in the XML files to alter how fast people die?

For instance, 1 swipe from a powerful melee weapon hit a guy in the leg, took it down to 4 health - he died instantly.
Literally from that 1 wound, no bleeding time.

This seems to happen a lot.
I can understand someone going down from being in too much pain, but dying on the spot seems wrong.