[A17/A18] [WIP] Warhammer 40k Corruption

Started by Cpt.Ohu, December 22, 2016, 05:17:18 AM

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Progressions Post :

Introducing the Mechanicum Surgical unit.

It's basically a cryptosleep-casket which allows operations to be performed directly on the pawn. It also allows for advanced surgical options like installing Mechadendrites.

Based on the Detour of PawnRendering done by Thirite and Erdelf such implants may now be displayed directly on the body as seen here:

Additionally I'm working on integrating a Tithe system.

On the CCM you may now request acknowledgement by Imperial authorities, whereupon the pawn you have sent to negotiate will be declared governor of the planet in the eyes of the Imperium. Your faction is now responsible for providing the Imperial Tithe. Your tithes are calculated based on your colony wealth. There are different tithes, ranging from raw ressources to manufactured items. You'll have to build containers designated as Tithe storage that will be collected once the tithes are due. Excluding this collection of the tithes, the above is almost fully integrated.

In return you'll eventually get access to better technology and you may request Imperial assistance in case you're troubled by more than interanl struggles with Outlanders/Pirates (meaning Xenos or Chaos).


Look at that surgery thingamajig! this is what I expected Rimworld implants to look like, sadly it was not delivered. One can only hope though.

On CCM, when requesting imperial assistance may we have to build foward bases for Imperial Guard troops? uncontrolled pawns that live a "player-constructed" Keep/Fort designated zone/area and travel around zone designed as "Patrol zone" ? If you do this... IMO this mod will be the biggest feature packed overhaul for rimworld with no competition whatsoever.

Perhaps a new tab can be created to show how the Imperial requisition reinforcements are feeling, their needs and personality, health and spirituality, show how many requisition troops we can ask and colony capacity, how long before new reinforcements may arrive. A overall overview of the uncontrolled military personnel living in the neutral fort zone, if they are receiving supplies from either the Imperium or colony.

The patrol zone is quite simple, like a animal zone, imperial guards are designed to only walk around these areas in "work" time, this is quite useful when setting guard rotation around the colony to keep dangerous animals, thiefs and other undesirables away.

Another useful addition would be to designate "Guard" and "retreat" areas for the Imperial troops, the guard zone is where the Imperial guards will go when the colony is raided, or sieged, the retreat area allow wounded imperial troops to retreat, if they do not die in the name of the emperor, or their attached regiment commisar doesnt shoot them, another implementation would be to designate a Planetary "ruler" and have imperial soldiers following when drafted.

Looks promising, so full of potential, wow.


Hey, every time I reload a save my pawns belief strength and psyker level changes. This isn't intended, right?


Thank you for reporting. I fixed the bug for the upcoming update.


I'm not sure how much control over IG I would give the player. If anything you'd be tasked with building a PDF, since you are a colony governor and not an Imperial General or anything like that.

Buildable/Mannable Outposts would be interesting however and the idea about patrols isn't bad either.


Progressions Post :

A bit more insight on the workings of the Tithe system.

Tithes get calculated like a tax progression based on colony wealth instead of income. A total market value of goods to be provided is calculated and then distributed among specific tithes.

You build containers specified for tithe-storage. In the ITab you can select which tithes should actively be loaded into the container. Depending on the total amount requested, you'll have to build several containers to satisfy the tithe demand.

Collection will mean a ship appearing in orbit by the end of a year (+- a couple of days due to WarpTravel being unpredictable) and giving you one week time before all containers are transported offworld.

If the tithes aren't ready or you simply refuse to pay, you'll get attacked by the IG. And I'm talking a big offensive since you have basically rebelled.

Currently the system isn't quite lore-fitting yet, as the tithe should be based on an entire planet, not just a faction. This would require your faction to dominate the others and demand tribute in order to pay the Imperium. Lacking proper diplomacy in RW, this would require another set of functions. On the other hand it might be another step towards long-term goals of colony development.

I'd appreciate some conceptual input on this before I go any further.


Maybe you could subjugate other factions and tribals and make them pay half the imperial tithe while you provide other types of resources to the Imperium, or maybe the whole tithe system could be overhauled to Planetary type industry and goverment, if you are a Penal Colony, the Imperium everywhere will drop a bunch of prisioners for you to take care and "rehabilitate" into Penal Legion where the IG will come at the end of 3 years collect these legionnaires, you'll have to deal with constant fight between inmates, secure the colony and prevent escapes.

Manufactorum Foundry Colony, you'll be tasked with crafting armors, weapons, tools, robotics and a lot of Imperial issued gear, you'll receive the Materials, but you need to deliver everything. NOTE: The demand list constantly if not specialized, changes and urgent supply demands may be issued with time limit.

Agri-World Central Colony, you're tasked with feeding nearby fortress/urbworlds under imperial control, you'll receive plans for industrial scale food produce, a few servitors to help with the food production, you need to turn 70% of your colony into a fully-manned-automated Farm, while dealing with constant pests and desperate raiders/enemies seeking to disrupt supply channels, this might sound the hardest type of tithe, but its is easier and simpler, MRE and Nutrient Bar/ canned food production is easy and the Imperium only collects these or huge packets of raw food.

Fortress world colony, constant enemy attack, consider this a frontline. You need to maintain a huge garrison, you'll receive lots of Imperial Guard Soldiers and all sorts of supply and gear, but the challenge is quite high. Sieges are frequent, the tithe is survival and research material collected from enemies.

Penal World Colony, as stated above you'll recieve a lot of prisioners where you'll be tasked to rehabilitate them and turn them into IG penal legionnaires, they will try to escape and will cause a lot of havok, but the Imperium could send some IG wardens and mental rehab drugs to see that they are fit for duty.

Growing Urbworld Colony, you'll be tasked with creating a huge colony for lots of refugees, civilians and soldiers, a recruitment center where the Imperium will ask for conscripts, you need to ensure the survival of these uncontrolled colonists for 5 years while and ensure they have bed, food and health, covering at least 75% of the colony with civilian housing and giving them food, clothes, healthcare and safety, quell chaos rebellions before the inquistion finds out and destroy the planet.

Shrine world, you'll be tasked with temple building and overall religious facilities, you'll recieve pilgrims who require bed, food, health and security, the tithe is to make sure all the year-round pilgrims do not die and they leave the planet with their "religion" bar satisfied.

The Rebellion system should be improved, failure to comply with tithe does not always end in rebellion as much is having the governor decimated and replaced with better candidates.

I a lot could be changed to fit the mod though, however thats how I see the tithes, you can't simply find a random planet and ask a bunch of food or minerals from it on a whim, the imperial administration evaluates what each planet can give, whether it should have a specialization such as agri world, penal world, foundry world and collect their due.

Still, if a planet has no specialization, they could at least give half they have and consider it tithe.


After having tried this out (love the mod, keep up the good work), it feels like the prevalence of psi powers is way too high.

I recognize that we want to have people be able to play with psi, so psi powers should be more prevalent than in the canon. That's fine. But I saw three (!) Delta-level psykers within 5 days of founding my colony. (Similarly, Pariahs are probably two common - two of my starting colonists were Omega, with another three visitors ranking Omega as well. All within the first season.)

I would think the sweet spot might be that I would maybe see three Deltas over the average life of a colony (call it 5 years).

Maybe I got exceedingly (un)lucky, but I figured feedback wouldn't hurt.

ETA a probably-bug report:

I noticed that alien apparel is blocked from being manually assigned to (human?) colonists. However, if said apparel is part of their allowed outfit, said colonists will put it on by themselves with no difficulty.

Further, if this happens, your pawn can be subject to some interesting graphical glitches (such as a partially-opaque white square outline, or the well-loved pink rectangle).



The biggest problem for the entire system is scale. RW will probably never be able to handle the population and economics required to simulate something more than a backwater planet. One regiment alone contains thousands of members, the complex way individuals are simulated would result in the savegame becoming too bloated to play.

Currently you are designated a frontier world with barely any civilization. Specialization is as of yet unfeasible for such a planet. You would be part of the Imperium just because they want to oversee you and not lose your (potential) ressources to enemies. The tithes themselves are negligible in comparison to what would actually contribute to the Imperium GDP, this is about loyalty.

The subjugation of the other factions is on the agenda. However as I said, that requires a whole new way of diplomacy. It's also not that realistic that your tiny new colony gets to decide that you're providing a governor now. Maybe I'll change it around so in the beginning you are required to pay the tithe for another factions governor.

In the end though, this is still RW, with a focus on individual stories, and not a 4X strategy game. I'd like to give the player some endgame options so even if your colony dominates the planet, there are still a few more challenges for you. Tithes, uprisings and xeno invasions will be part of that.

@ Jovus:

Thank you for taking the time!
I think you got lucky in your playthrough. Currently powers are really prevalent because the mod is still in a testing phase. Later on the assignment of power level will be redone so that Omega and anything > Iota will be extremely rare.

The white/pink textures are there because for some apparel I didn't create the proper variations for all bodyshapes, since there's no such thing as fat Eldar or thin orks. I think I know the answer to the race-restriction bug, it should be fixable.


And thank you for making the mod.

I'll drop any other things I see in this thread as I see them, under the assumption that you'd prefer the feedback, but I understand of course that this is a work in progress and I'm acting as a tester, not an end-user.


I'm making a few more eldar weapons - tell me ,you want them in 64x64 or 128x128?

Also, I got a bunch of files for making astartes - both my own and various other peoples. Some have tried making gene-seed growable/harvestable, but actually given the player the ability to turn someone into an Astartes is too much work for too little gain.
Not only can only children be turned into astartes, but the process last 4 years AND doing it that way jsut bring a whole lot of trouble and issues.

Best way is to make astaertes a separate race/species - makes things a lot easier. Giving them a separate body definition with tougher body parts and MUCH tougher bones, increased regeneration, less bleeding ,etc... then add in a bunch of organs into hte definition.
Of course, generating an astartes means that all much be male, above 16, all have HULK body type and appropriate traits.
child backgrounds would probably be - death world aspirant, hive world aspirant, guard cadet, etc..
adult background would be astartes, although you could diversify with assault or devastator company or such

As for traits - a  combo of desentisized, iron will, abrasive and a few otehrs coudl probably all be rolled into one trait - transhuman or something. Just my thougths. Will make the few files I have avilable once I clean them up.

Also - you said you wanted shoulder pads on all armors as separate, and with the team color template, right?


You are right on track with making a separate race. That would have been my suggestion as well.

The creation of space marines itself is so complex and difficult lorewise, I'm not sure this should even be possible for a colony just starting out on a new planet, even ignoring the fact that the chapter whose geneseed you're taking would probably like to have a word or two.

And once you have created your own Space Marine, what should he do? Even with frequent raids, it would seem odd to me to have an Astartes just chilling among crops for days on end.

Personally I'd add them in as another type of enemy/ally with a lot power. I imagine you can be designated a recruiting world, and your patron chapter will help you out by sometimes sending singular marines to your aid, who may be a former colonist that you provided.

Tough enemies are interesting anyway, since a single chaos SM would wreak havoc among a colony.

What I would enable is the option of advanced implants via the above mentioned MSU. So you could still create enhanced humans, but no full SM.

The combined trait is a good idea. I got something similar running with Orks, Dark Eldar and Chaos already.

As for textures, I've sent you a PM.


You could also avoid that and simply send a suitable colonist to the chapter in question, and he returns as an astartes? I think it possible to change race. But again, not lore-frindly for an astartes to return (unless on some important mission). Maybe you can call in astartes help sometimes?

One possible game start could be "lone survivor" - an astartes crashed on the planet, alone

another one could be "Unlikely allies" - warned by the eldar or an impending threat, an inquisitor sets forth to stop it, but his ship is intercepted on the way. Only a few survive the destruction of the ship, among them an astartes, a sororitas and the eldar guide. The tyranids are coming, and the group has to prepare the planet to fend them off.

QuoteEven with frequent raids, it would seem odd to me to have an Astartes just chilling among crops for days on end.

Astartes were made to excel at everything.


Quote from: TrashMan on March 06, 2017, 08:34:26 AM
You could also avoid that and simply send a suitable colonist to the chapter in question, and he returns as an astartes? I think it possible to change race. But again, not lore-frindly for an astartes to return (unless on some important mission). Maybe you can call in astartes help sometimes?

Well, that would be the idea of being a recruiting world. You are under protection by a chapter and if xenos / chaos invade, they'll send help.

Different scenarios would be a nice addition, are you interested in implementing them?


New features:

- Tithe system basics:

You can request to be acknowledged by the Imperium at the CCC, which triggers the calculation of tithes. You can build a tithe-container that has to be filled with ressources over time.

At the moment this is set to testing-parameters, meaning the tithe-collectors arrive within the next day to collect. Currently there are no consequences to paying or refusing other than you have to request acknowledgement again.

Later this will occur once a year, and you'll get one week extra time while they prepare in orbit. Refusal/Inability to pay will have consequences.

- Mechanicum Templates:

You can now obtain templates from the Adeptus Mechanicum in order to build and manufacture advanced tech. This is based on research that you can buy if you got high enough relations with the Mechanicum. Access via the CCC.

Power Armor is now even more difficult to manufacture on your own, as it requires several advanced components and rare resources. Basically you have to create a working template on a specialized workbench that you can then assemble on the basic machining table.


On the first post the download links should list all the dependencies. Something like so:

Install the following set of mods in the order listed:
My 5-point rating system: Yay, Kay, Meh, Erm, Bleh


Thank you, I've updated the first page according to your suggestion. Presentation isn't my strongest point.

However Faction Colors is not a requirement, I'm using a slightly modified version and it gets shipped with the base mod.