[MOD] (Alpha 7) TechTreeMinami v3.3 RIMWORLD COMPLETE

Started by minami26, May 05, 2014, 11:49:17 AM

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I find that the Mining Co. only causes lag when the deep-driller or mineral sonar is turned on, when off fps is perfectly stable, but I have found that since I started making guns at the Weapon Assembly table, the game stutters every few seconds and more frequently when time is sped up and I've basically abandoned that save because it is pretty much unplayable, which was a pretty big bummer as I was planning on mass producing miniguns to make much silver. I tried removing the weapon assembler and all the guns I'd made but the stutter persisted, and I'm sure that's the last thing I did before it started.


Minami can you something say about the materials for walls and such? For me TTM has taken a step back crafting-way no wooden planks for walls or doors, no table items for tables. Near everything(at beginning at least) is build from normal wood and normal metal. Whats wrong? :-[ :'(

Is it a problem with the new "one button but changable materials"-thingy or only forgotten? ;D Or is it a change how you like the mod more?


Quote from: Kitsune on October 21, 2014, 06:57:30 AM
Minami can you something say about the materials for walls and such? For me TTM has taken a step back crafting-way no wooden planks for walls or doors, no table items for tables. Near everything(at beginning at least) is build from normal wood and normal metal. Whats wrong? :-[ :'(

Is it a problem with the new "one button but changable materials"-thingy or only forgotten? ;D Or is it a change how you like the mod more?
i can easily make that for the new version, i just wanted to play with the wood logs for now, because of the new stuff system.
I am currently playtesting the mod because of the no raiders bug. when i add the woodplank as stuffs it destroys my saves, so icant do that now since im still looking for bugs. don't worry i will implement the woodplanks when everything is fixed :)


Here is a fix for the Signal Beacon and a new option on the Signal Beacon plus a simple but awesome Eyecandy!
The Trading Contract is a new option on the Signal Beacon that provides a trading contract for the colony which establishes a fixed trading ship arrival. you can view how many days till the next ship arrives by looking at the status box of the Signal Beacon.
-- this mechanic also replaces the near imbalanced overflow of trading ships and local traders. so i have removed that.

also added new lights you guys wanted, there is a TikiTorch that needs wood and a C-light that turns on during nighttime and off during daytime it consumes 60 power during daytime and non during nighttime, think of it as charging during daytime. Also the OilLamp now doesnt need an OilTank anymore so that your Colonist can now just haul a hunk of oil and carry it to which OilLamp needs oil rather than putting a stack of oil on an OilTank.

also fireplace items shouldnt burn anymore, also bunch of stuffs changed, check the changelog.

This update shouldnt break saves so just replace your v3.1 TTM MAIN with this new version.

*make sure to get the new update for Custom Events as it removes the explosions on the abomination thus hopefully preventing that gamebreaking loop.

Trading Contract + New Lights + Moar Fixes

New Feature:
Replaced Trading Vessels that come every month with a Fixed Trading Contract with a Fee. Initiate a trading contract on the Signal Beacon.
The Signal Beacon now has a nice Blinking Red light eyecandy when used.

New Lights:
TikiTorch, C-Light - go check em out!

Increased Signal Call/Order Vessel price to 800silver.
Added a permanent Neurotrainer supply on the Call/Order Vessel.

OilLamp now has a new refill mechanic, doesnt need oilTanks anymore, OilLamps are now much more viable as an early light source for the colony.

Added Doctoring XP when performing surgery.

Fireplace: items that interact with the fireplace shouldnt burn anymore

LogWall: changed texture, added a brown shadow underneath.

Added a Signal Beacon failsafe to prevent an interaction lock.
Fixed well get water not getting saved.


Quote from: minami26 on October 21, 2014, 07:17:40 AM
Quote from: Kitsune on October 21, 2014, 06:57:30 AM
Minami can you something say about the materials for walls and such? For me TTM has taken a step back crafting-way no wooden planks for walls or doors, no table items for tables. Near everything(at beginning at least) is build from normal wood and normal metal. Whats wrong? :-[ :'(

Is it a problem with the new "one button but changable materials"-thingy or only forgotten? ;D Or is it a change how you like the mod more?
i can easily make that for the new version, i just wanted to play with the wood logs for now, because of the new stuff system.
I am currently playtesting the mod because of the no raiders bug. when i add the woodplank as stuffs it destroys my saves, so icant do that now since im still looking for bugs. don't worry i will implement the woodplanks when everything is fixed :)

Phew, ok i can live with that. :) It was only a little fear as i seen all the things with only the vanilla materials, the first time i struggeld to build an oil lamp because it needed the bulb and now with only metal needed its feeling to easy. ;D

In that way i'm happyly testing and waiting for the materials to be back. ;)

Edit: By the way, about the project armory, i hope if its really grow to big, render it to collectibles. It saves much work time for you and i think dont hurt the players to much. And if anyone yells at you, give him the work if he need it so badly. ;)

EditÃ,²:  :o Its the first time i saw that there is a quote in the first post from me, wohooo i'm immortally integratet in the mod. ;D Say it... say it the "cloud of fluffy kittens" hooked you! xD ... And i'm on the credits.*dies from happyness*


Quote from: Kitsune on October 21, 2014, 09:59:27 AM*dies from happyness*

Look what you went and did now, minnie! look at what you did! Kitty's heart couldn't take it
I hope you're happy now!



Quote from: Shinzy on October 21, 2014, 11:05:25 AM
Quote from: Kitsune on October 21, 2014, 09:59:27 AM*dies from happyness*

Look what you went and did now, minnie! look at what you did! Kitty's heart couldn't take it
I hope you're happy now!


But but, i didnt mean to do it, i swear!! D:


About the problem with the raider,

I still can have sometime the event with the two factions fighting in my area, and the normal raid. (year 3+)

BUT, i hardly get any event. Using cassendra challenge, i can count with my finger the number of raid i got if i don't include the event with the factions. and from the very few event i got, i don't remember any direct raid ... from well a lot of time ago.

Edit : i could make another post but im not sure its worth it. I found that reloading the game completly fixe the problem with the event, for a moment. I reload the game about every 30 min of play, and it's look like i got raider as usual, with other events.


Quote from: minami26 on October 21, 2014, 11:52:12 AM
Quote from: Shinzy on October 21, 2014, 11:05:25 AM
Quote from: Kitsune on October 21, 2014, 09:59:27 AM*dies from happyness*

Look what you went and did now, minnie! look at what you did! Kitty's heart couldn't take it
I hope you're happy now!


But but, i didnt mean to do it, i swear!! D:

If you hear a knocking on your door and no one is there if you open, its me your friendly ghost-girl.  ;) Hm ... no no better not, thats sounds to "spooky" for me. ;D


Back onto this myself now i'm use to Alpha 7. Brilliant little mod minami  8)


Quote from: evilnine9 on October 21, 2014, 05:29:50 AM
I find that the Mining Co. only causes lag when the deep-driller or mineral sonar is turned on, when off fps is perfectly stable, but I have found that since I started making guns at the Weapon Assembly table, the game stutters every few seconds and more frequently when time is sped up and I've basically abandoned that save because it is pretty much unplayable, which was a pretty big bummer as I was planning on mass producing miniguns to make much silver. I tried removing the weapon assembler and all the guns I'd made but the stutter persisted, and I'm sure that's the last thing I did before it started.

I found a similar issue while crafting. I solved this by :
-Set off all crafting table (suspend)
-Shutdown the game
-See that problem is still here.
-ragequit the game
-come back after a few hours
-problem solved !

I don't even know why it's fixed, but while it happened there was a message saying that they couldn't do a job. And it was spaming like hell (over 50 000 message).


Quite a strange bug, I never got this one...
It is not a memory leak though as it would have been solved by restarting the game.

Do you have the job error message please? I would like to know if this is also present in genuine Deepdriller mod.

Also, is your computer old? I play on a medium laptop (map of 300x300) without too much lags (except in tropical biomes at speed 3, there are too much trees to rock I believe :D).


Quote from: Rikiki on October 22, 2014, 08:30:47 AM
Quite a strange bug, I never got this one...
It is not a memory leak though as it would have been solved by restarting the game.

Do you have the job error message please? I would like to know if this is also present in genuine Deepdriller mod.

Also, is your computer old? I play on a medium laptop (map of 300x300) without too much lags (except in tropical biomes at speed 3, there are too much trees to rock I believe :D).

In my case i have a quite decent computer, so it doesn't come from this side.
I don't have the message, but it didn't show anything but "nul value", and some adresse 0000x0000, something like this. Nothing to point out. So I didn't screen, but i will if it happen again.
I'm actually using the mining mod without problem or any lag.

I got a few lag on my 300*300 map with my 14 colonist only when i close the blast door of my base/ build stuff while it close some path/ raider come in mass, but not that much so ... this bug do an insane lag.


I cannot find any mention of it in the last page or two - is project armory still being added in, or is it already there ?


Bug report for the new version :
Signal beacon => make a trading contract for 12 months
A red "dot" appear; fine

Wait 12 months, the red "dot" become a BIG red "dot" (maybe a radius of 3 square-unit)

Disparear when i make a new contract :)