[MOD] (Alpha 7) TechTreeMinami v3.3 RIMWORLD COMPLETE

Started by minami26, May 05, 2014, 11:49:17 AM

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Quote from: Goldberger on November 28, 2014, 07:28:01 AM
Quote from: Kitsune on November 26, 2014, 08:30:02 AM
Ah ok. ^.^ So i hope for you its only single time problem and never show up again. :3

Yeah it seems to be a single time problem. This time i had a larger base with more buildings and everything worked like a charm. Colony was tough destroyed with a pirate attack, had too little men against so many and of course the solar flare came at the same time so turrets did not work at all.

Happy to hear thats a one time problem and me sady for your lost colonists. :'(

@alpha8: I dont read that much in the news blog but my interesst is growing. :3 With the last updates it feels more or less i play a new game. And with more and more options for modders the game grows more to an game that i cant miss, i already cant miss it because its one of my favorit games in my collection.

For sure i'm interesstet what minami do with the new update and if our fluffy sensei can make the mod even fluffyer. ;D If not i would be veryyyyy disappointed and minami have to live with the fakt he makes me crying.*giggle*


Quote from: Haplo on November 07, 2014, 12:59:15 PM
To be honest, the non-medical bed for visitors is much harder to do, as you effectively have to change the AI code of the pawns, so that they really USE the bed. And as I have a principle to not change vanilla parts where I can, and here is a change of the vanilla pawn thinktree needed, I won't make them, sorry.
Maybe if I have an idea how to do that without changes to the pawn.. but not anytime soon..

And now to something completely different:
I've looked through the TTM and found the error culprints.
Here is a corrected version of the language files: TTM Language Corrections for Trader+Mai
Just delete the language folder of both of the mod parts and copy the attached version of the Language folder inside.
Note: You need to delete the Language folder. Overwrite isn't enough to get rid of all the warnings.
Note2: Afterwards there are some debug messages from RecipeNurse showing. These can be ignored, I think.

this needs to be on main page till next update


Fixed problem. Ty Haplo


I'm noticing this mod likes to crash on the big maps which is kinda sad since I rather like the buffer zone between me and the more terrifying events.


Quote from: Chaplain on December 02, 2014, 03:51:33 PM
I'm noticing this mod likes to crash on the big maps which is kinda sad since I rather like the buffer zone between me and the more terrifying events.

the last 2 large map selections are not best to use for any mod like this cause the map is already unstable. adding this mod will just ask for trouble. just play on the normal large maps and u be fine


Quote from: Chaplain on December 02, 2014, 03:51:33 PM
I'm noticing this mod likes to crash on the big maps which is kinda sad since I rather like the buffer zone between me and the more terrifying events.
If you want to play the two biggest map try to play with the rules :

-Do not build near around +-40 block from the edge (for the last). Try to build near the middle if possible.
-If there some mountain that force raider to do a big walk to your base, make a tunnel.
-Don't harvest, mine, or any order on both side of the map at the same time.
-If you see some fire regularly, that burn a lot of thing, try make some path of concrete or something else so it won't spread as much (don't forget to remove the home area :)

Basically don't give any order that could lead the pathfinding of of any creature in your map to be really long. It's the main issue for me, because eve if it doesn't crash my game (and it does for me if i ask side from side task) it really slow down the game witch is already slowed down by the size itself.
The second biggest for me is the readers or tribe, they tend to broke the game when they spawn near a side and move right away to the other side (flee/ just pass in the map).

Anyway you shouldn't play it with mod as it ask even more things.


God i love this one! It is like from stone age to future era, and the best thing is that this mod is not short!


First I will say love this game and this mod but I'm having issues surviving fights. Not directly a mod issue but it seems much more prevalent while using this mod vs without yet I refuse to uninstall it is that good. The issue is some playthroughs the second group to attack me has such massive firepower I don't make it 15 minutes into the game. I have pistols and they come in with guns that have almost twice the range, base damage, and shoots 7 times!

Anyone have tips on how to better my odds? I don't want to know about ways to cheat the ai or an op tactic that gets over used. I wonder if it's a me problem rather this mod or the game in general. For example hiding behind walls is there a way to tell how much is improves survivability? The dps difference isn't even close so I must be missing some way to stay alive here. Any help I would appreciate that can be applied to the first 20 minutes of gameplay. Thanks.


I am new at playing with mods.  How do you load the main mod first? A tutorial would be great


Anyone else having issues creating certain components? Everything else works fine, but I cannot seem to make fertilizer pump engines for the fertilizer pumps. I got all the materials needed crafted, got a citizen with 15 crafting and he still refuses to make it. The only weird thing I see is that the recipee allows for mechanical engines to be added, but only requires mechanical components. Hopefully there is something obvious I missed.

Johnny Masters

Howdy there, that's one sweet mod pack you got there, I've been playing it for a while and i have to say I'll probably never go back to vanilla.

Just a few issues and notes:

a) This is the one real issue: I got shelled pretty hard at some point and lost my comm console and the compact research terminal with it. Is there a way to craft or get it via traveler trading?

Is this a weakness in the mod (and will be fixed in the future) or a feature? If it is a feature, what makes the CRT so unique that you can't craft, nor anyone else in the 'verse seem willing to trade? How more advanced is a CRT over self-sustaining oil refineries, plasma weaponry and bionic parts? What kind of lore can possibly explain this?

I can understand the intention of the mod and i appreciate it, but making irreplaceable parts (CRT, beacons?, etc) is not only bad from a design standpoint but also doesn't make sense from an immersion POV, first because there's a ton of advanced and evidently more complex stuff you can build, second because you can still build a research table. What gives?

(forgive me if there is a way, for i have found nor read nothing on it)

b) Isn't the oil refinery a bit OP? It's a 3 in 1 little building that pumps oil, refines it and provides (nice) power, plus the fast pumping rate means it's one huge cash cow. By simply placing an stockpile + beacon you've pretty much won economically.  Wouldn't making it less bountiful go in tone with the intent of the mod? Perhaps inserting a pump + refinery + powerplant chain, or requiring a pawn to run it?

c) Turrets? Nah! Now, a trap hole... This 6-log trap is the single most useful security item from day 1 till take off. It almost feel like cheating. Easy to make, construct and replace. The only downside is that it instakills, so you can't get prisoners, but then again, insta-killing something isn't really a downside from a security standpoint right?  Would it be feasible to just injure the pawns? Or make the terrain impassable? (because, you know, there's a hole there).

Well, that's all i can think for now. Again, great mod +pack.


Beacons can be made in the advanced modifier workstation, the compact research terminal can be traded for, but not built afaik. Which is somewhat agravating seeing as trading becomes a lot harder when your comm console burns down.

I do think the oil refinery produces a lot of power while also producing a trade goods only useable to produce more power (atleast what I've discovered so far).

For the trap hole, I just don't play with it. If it made terrain impassable though, it would not really work as a trap anymore as enemy pawns wouldn't trigger it anymore.


Hi all,

I just started with this nice mode but I have some questions:

1- How works the oil extraction? I cannot place the extractor on the oil field, it says that the place is already occupied. I am not sure about the correct error message.

2- How to trade with the itinerant (on land) traders? I have arround 2000 silvers but I cannot buy someting from them... The error message is : not enough sylver... Do you have a solution for that? Because I cannot purchase CPU module and etc... This annoys me a lot...

Thanks for your help :)


For the traders: You don't need a Com console, but you need a trade beacon to mark the tradable resources..


Minami-senpai, new alpha! Go to work! ;D

The new alpha looks really interessting but as alway's i wait until TTM & the other mod's are updatet. :)