[B18] Plucker's MODLIST - APC and Tank deaths now spawn units (19/06/18)

Started by Chicken Plucker, November 20, 2017, 04:33:09 PM

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Which faction in the modlist is your favourite?

Umbra Company!
17 (13.3%)
War Mongrels!
22 (17.2%)
Elite Crew!
7 (5.5%)
Task Force: 141!
9 (7%)
Task Force: STALKER!
17 (13.3%)
I know its not in the options, but kittens and puppies.
45 (35.2%)
British Armed Forces!
11 (8.6%)

Total Members Voted: 128

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on January 22, 2018, 06:19:17 AM
Exploding tanks?
I think you watched to many Hollywood blockbusters when every car crash end into an explosion ! :-)
Sure they can explode but everytime ? And why doesn't wear the melee-soldier some heart monitor MADness vest ?

Are you trying to make me bloody rant Canute? Rimworld isn't real life, you may have noticed that everyone needs to walk close to each other at close range to shoot each other with guns. I don't like the tanks going on the floor and wagging around while they are downed.

If Umbra Company is your ally, and the tank is downed, guess what? You can't shut them down because Umbra Company will become an enemy immediately.

So why do I want them to explode? Well because the C# is coded so that the tank is destroyed as soon as it is downed, instead of dying. If I didn't have any explosions, it will instead look like Harry Houdini was driving the tanks and they just vanish and leave resources.

If you want, write me a C# code that sets the tank on fire and go up in smokes instead of blowing up, or however tanks behave outside of Hollywood, I will patiently wait


I see your point, and didn't even though at the point umbra get friendly.
I just thought/hoped they are an allways enemy faction.

Yep, the vehicles don't need to be unconsious laying around.
But instead of an explosion (or at last one with radius 0), why not spawn 1-3 Umbra soldier.

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on January 22, 2018, 07:37:14 AM
I see your point, and didn't even though at the point umbra get friendly.
I just thought/hoped they are an allways enemy faction.

Yep, the vehicles don't need to be unconsious laying around.
But instead of an explosion (or at last one with radius 0), why not spawn 1-3 Umbra soldier.

The vehicles are UGVs, they are empty vehicles with mechanoid parts installed, but really it was my excuse not having to make a properly working vehicle because I don't know how to do that.

That's why I'm in a long term project with Swenzi and the "Justice League Avengers Initiative Sinister Six Legion of Doom of Rimworld", so far Swenzi broke his computer, but I have plenty of textures on standby for vehicles. Most of the coding stuff is on his end


Np, keep it like you want.
Maybe later with Swenzi's help you can find a better solution.

And hey the idea with the MADness vest wasn't a 100% joke, think about it. It some kind of motivation for the attacking troops to be victorious. Or nothing remain to get buried ! :-)

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on January 22, 2018, 10:19:01 AM
Np, keep it like you want.
Maybe later with Swenzi's help you can find a better solution.

And hey the idea with the MADness vest wasn't a 100% joke, think about it. It some kind of motivation for the attacking troops to be victorious. Or nothing remain to get buried ! :-)

What is a madness vest? You are driving me MAD with all of these requests (sorry for bad pun)


Doh, yeah ok.
MADness device is from a mod i think Rimsenal. A kamikaze bomb, like a Doomsday rocket launcher without the launcher.
In this case, something like an armor vest, but instead of armor plates it got explosives.
When the user die (death not incap.), the vest explode.
I think at some of your crazy faction this behavior might fit and could be a real dangerous threat.

And this is just an idea, not a request.
If you like it use it, if not -> trashcan.

Chicken Plucker

Chicken Plucker

Special thanks to O-Negative, the chainsaw is back babyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Chicken Plucker

Chicken Plucker


Them furnitures look cool. Kudos to people who demand adidas jumpsuit slavic patch.



Do you think we can get like a spreadsheet or something with every weapon or armor you added, if not, oh well...
And this happened to me a while ago, just wanted someone to know, I have the c&p mod and got raided by the Umbra company with a 13 and 4 year old...gotta love their unconventional tactics.

Chicken Plucker

BAOM update

Upcoming faction mod features

- US Air force BDU and their AFSOC
- Rank system for soldiers
- Tanks
- Rimmu-Nation weapon compatability
- Chewing tobacco and Rip IT energy drink (multiple flavours and chewing leaf tobacco)
- Soldiers carrying IFAK, medic bag and MREs

- Air force chair
-Target practice
- folding cot bed, foot lockers, folding stool
- gasoline generator "5kW" or 10k diesel generator
- noticeboards/wall of fame/shame
- ammo crate chair (rocket crate propped up by smaller ammo crates), old XBOX consoles nobody wants to play, computers
- DRASH D-1000B HEATER, military AC
- Tent walls cloth system, prison cell walls?
- New sandbags, retextured, costs cloth? maybe.
- HESCO walls, T wall
- cheap leonium flooring
- Tripod lights
- Shipping containers and tents, requires C# coder
- Rimmu-Nation SAM turret
- skedco litter stretcher

Quote from: The_Mild on January 29, 2018, 06:47:47 PM
Do you think we can get like a spreadsheet or something with every weapon or armor you added, if not, oh well...
And this happened to me a while ago, just wanted someone to know, I have the c&p mod and got raided by the Umbra company with a 13 and 4 year old...gotta love their unconventional tactics.

Hey there, sorry for the late reply, I was dead for a while. I burned out. I don't have a list at all, no plans to make one because there's just so many. I have plans to remove some for 1.0 in fact. As for the child, that's funny cause in the code I was supposed to set a maximum age, no minimal age, I'm assuming some kind of mod that adds children (like the pregnancy mod) affected this.

Quote from: RyanRim on January 28, 2018, 03:13:39 AM
Them furnitures look cool. Kudos to people who demand adidas jumpsuit slavic patch.

Thanks Ryan bra 8)


Quote from: Chicken Plucker on February 08, 2018, 12:26:44 PM
Upcoming faction mod features

- Rank system for soldiers

Could you elaborate on this? I made a post a few weeks ago thinking about how I wish there was a sort of "military rank" page that you could assign pawns to squads. Each squad cold have a sergeant, and then in the colony you would have one commander, a guy who sorta leads all the men into battle, and also another person who is the more strategic military planning role. Anyway, all of these different ranks and roles would have had different bonuses the give to the pawn in that slot. I wanted to have two tabs at the bottom of the screen. One for military rank & squads, and another tab for a colony council (mayor/leader, commander, strategic defense, head engineer, head scientist, head doctor, head of agriculture/botanist, head warden, head chef, etc.).

There is the mod Colony Leadership, you can get it out of the HardcoreSK mod pack. But with it on, and if you use God Mode, you can make any pawn you want in your colony a dictator. When they are a leader, they have a "leader" needs bar that gets leveled up. As their leader "level" levels up, so do the bonuses that their leader aura gives off. There are 4 different types of leaders, and the type of leader a pawn is, is based off of how the pawns skill points are located. Engineer, warrior, botanist, and scientist, I think they were.

So if you have a warrior leader, then all the pawns fighting around them will have bonuses to their combat abilities, via a hediff buff that is coming off of a leader as an aura. Pretty awesome if you ask me. I thought it would be really cool to expand upon this idea. I would have needed someone to do the C#, but I would be willing to go through and do all the xml stuff for the different ranks, buffs, hediffs, etc. Also, the idea with the colony council is that all of the positions would have their owns benefits they could affect. Not only as an aura, but maybe colony wide.

Maybe you have a terrible head doctor, so they make everyone's medical quality and such go down in percent. But I think it would be more interesting if they had mechanics you could actually interact with with. Like maybe the commander has special abilities that he can use in battle. The head doctor can perform some special surgery. The head engineer will let you build new types of buildings. Depending on how you build your engineer. Maybe you build him towards utility, and he let's you create drawbridges. Or maybe you make him more towards direct defense, and he can build a new turret with unique abilities.

So, uhhhh, is it anything like that? At least with the rank and buff part, or anything? Or is it more of a rank that you can assign to anyone, and they will have a rank in their name, or maybe the rank symbol?

Sorry I start to ramble sometimes ::)