[B18] Plucker's MODLIST - APC and Tank deaths now spawn units (19/06/18)

Started by Chicken Plucker, November 20, 2017, 04:33:09 PM

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Which faction in the modlist is your favourite?

Umbra Company!
17 (13.3%)
War Mongrels!
22 (17.2%)
Elite Crew!
7 (5.5%)
Task Force: 141!
9 (7%)
Task Force: STALKER!
17 (13.3%)
I know its not in the options, but kittens and puppies.
45 (35.2%)
British Armed Forces!
11 (8.6%)

Total Members Voted: 128


Hello CP, I found an issue with the War mongrels mod while playing. Once they set up their siege, the screen turns grey. You can still see the UI and player names, however anything on the screen such as walls/ground or anything can no longer be seen. I attached the error messages that happened.

[attachment deleted due to age]

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: lakajadiwa on March 31, 2018, 03:07:11 AM
Hello CP, I found an issue with the War mongrels mod while playing. Once they set up their siege, the screen turns grey. You can still see the UI and player names, however anything on the screen such as walls/ground or anything can no longer be seen. I attached the error messages that happened.

Thanks for letting me know. The UGVs cause these errors (cause they can't build), I was supposed to disable sieges for War Mongrels but I forgot to, it should now be fixed.

The fix however only disables sieges, so unfortunately for existing errors, you have to kill their attacking pawns, but if the screen is grey you might need to load an autosave, so I apologize for the problems caused by the oversight

Chicken Plucker

Hello all, no updates or new mods for a bit. It's the final stretch for my university work, and I can't afford to do modding at this moment.

I'll be back later with some cool stuff, cheers!

Chicken Plucker

New faction(s) added:

Mod description:
The United Kingdom is at a national state of emergency, and the only hope of ever restoring the country's tea is by invading a brave new world.

Upon arriving at this Rim Planet, awaiting reinforcements from her ally nations, Her Majesty's Armed Forces are tasked with providing aid and weapons for counter-insurgency efforts, assisting local outlanders to neutralize any hostile faction that will carry out attacks against the British Armed Forces and it's allies.

God save the Queen.

New mod added:

Mod description:
Is your life so hardcore that you need to eat, sleep and peep looking tacticool, as if you are at war 24/7?!

This mod adds military themed furniture, from ammo can stools, ammo crate tables, footlockers and cot beds, you're gonna feel like you're deployed overseas
despite the fact that you have never seen a single moment of combat for your entire life!

Chicken Plucker

minor update, made the Serb airstrike craft-able after some requests.

I'm still not done on my uni work, but I felt like doing mods instead, rip. Enjoy all!


Just don't the your study die.  I want see a Dipl. Ing. Chicken Plucker someday ! :-)

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on April 07, 2018, 05:49:23 PM
Just don't the your study die.  I want see a Dipl. Ing. Chicken Plucker someday ! :-)

PhD. in Chickenomics, but I have to do both modding and my last uni project because as the Bible says: "There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked."

Chicken Plucker

New updates:

Military Furniture
- IV support and Instrument table added for cot beds and stretcher for medical bed conversion. Requires "Drug Production" research
(hard to make it compatible for vanilla beds without possibly causing mod conflict with others, so its only for military furniture)
- Stretcher spot renamed to "emergency stretcher"
- Double military cot bed description fixes

Rimmu-Nation - Weapons
- Added M4A1 (milspec) and M27 IAR for future US Armed Forces faction equipment


I don't know if this a bug or something when I raid the other factions like the War Mongrels they would not have a gun

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: samyf124 on April 09, 2018, 08:17:46 PM
I don't know if this a bug or something when I raid the other factions like the War Mongrels they would not have a gun

Hey! Welcome to the forums, this is most likely a mod conflict caused by mods like combat extended. The Rimmu-Nation weapons aren't compatible with that even with the CE patch someone else made since its outdated


Make Ghillie suit (UC)   80 wood ?
Wouldn't 80 texiles + 2 wood more realistic ?
80 wood weight 80x 0,4 kg  = 32 kg.
And the Ghillie just weight 0,32 kg, where does goes all the other wood ?

I know i mention this before.
But all these vehicles you made are very dangerous and you don't get anything when you destroy them, that's bother me.
Basicly these vehicles are just big pile's of steel. So why not create a furniture/art/idontknowwhat that is created instead of a corpse.
You need to deconstruct (hught amount of work) that to gain some resources. Or just leave steel slags which could be smelt.

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on April 10, 2018, 03:50:09 AM
Make Ghillie suit (UC)   80 wood ?
Wouldn't 80 texiles + 2 wood more realistic ?
80 wood weight 80x 0,4 kg  = 32 kg.
And the Ghillie just weight 0,32 kg, where does goes all the other wood ?

Textiles affect bullet penetration, I also kept it non-textile because of the color issue back then, but its no issue anymore.

If the game had leaves, I wouldn't use wood, but thats not a resource. Similar to beds not needing textiles, despite being comfortable being made of 100% raw resources.


So far i understood/remember the special forces/sniper use fibre net ponchos they improve with local flora.
Or ghilie's made from synthetic fibre with flora imitate's and no natural flora products which would dry out anyway before they are on mission.

Another thing i notice, other faction use appareal from your factions too.
Basicly nothing against this, but i think tribes shouldn't wear them at last.
Set the tech level for the appareal higher, or maybe made them exclusive for the special faction.

Chicken Plucker

Quote from: Canute on April 10, 2018, 05:47:31 AM
So far i understood/remember the special forces/sniper use fibre net ponchos they improve with local flora.
Or ghilie's made from synthetic fibre with flora imitate's and no natural flora products which would dry out anyway before they are on mission.

Another thing i notice, other faction use appareal from your factions too.
Basicly nothing against this, but i think tribes shouldn't wear them at last.
Set the tech level for the appareal higher, or maybe made them exclusive for the special faction.

The clothings being worn by tribes are a big issue I've gotten complaints about numerous times, it's hard coded in the game to automatically force every NPC during winter to wear an outfit that gives a certain amount of insulation during winter, and I can't stop it even when I change the apparel tags.

As for the ghillie suit, again, I understand they have artificial stuff in there, but I'm leaving it with wood similar to how the darn beds are made of wood only despite showing a mattress in the sprite

Canute come on man youre nitpicking me over here and Im trying to relax and eat chickens boi


You ate too much chicken last week anyway and this week you should invest some time into fish&chips or this kind. :-))

Ok, i am not a modder and beside some XML editing i didn't do any. But from my forum readings i though there is a tag to prevent other faction to use that stuff.
And force the tribals to use parka's.
The FurCoat from FashionRIMsta doing the other way, and tribal love to use these instead of parka's.