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Messages - FMJ Penguin

General Discussion / Re: Flooring and beauty
September 15, 2015, 09:52:39 PM
Doubt it's broken. They where different speeds at one time but my guess is he changed them to simplify some things a bit. Seeing as how they already vary in beauty and some things may have to give the more stuff they add sorta thing. You know some folks don't like having that much complexity in arguably such a trivial item. I'm def not one of those people but know plenty who are. The descriptions are just the old ones and never got changed as it looks. Wouldn't be hard to change all that to whatever you wanted though if you felt like it.
Releases / Re: [A11] Apparello v1.6.3 New Hope [17/6/2015]
September 15, 2015, 06:42:17 PM

Do you have a thread with all your work by chance?  ;D
Help / Re: Seeking a little advice getting started
September 15, 2015, 03:43:06 PM
Easiest way is download a mod that has a few building additions and jump in. All that can be done just within the xml's so you don't even need coding knowledge. 
Ideas / Re: Suggestions wanted: Animals!
September 15, 2015, 02:57:14 PM
Quote from: Wex on September 15, 2015, 01:36:54 PM
Housecat sized grasshoppers. They come in swarms, they eat and they go shortly afterwards.
What they eat, you say? Anything even remotely edible. They have a nice armor, but almost no HP, so killing them is advised. They drop meat, like a megascarab.

ooohhh what are those thingies that box each other... bug things with really long legs and long bodies.... They kinda look like a long pea pod with long legs and a triangular lil head...... damnit...... facepalm
Off-Topic / Re: Count to 9000 before Tynan posts!
September 15, 2015, 11:16:41 AM

Ewww!! Rock me Amadeus...Amadeus...Amadeus...Amadeus......
Ideas / Re: Remove Turrets
September 15, 2015, 10:58:23 AM
Quote from: MarvinKosh on September 15, 2015, 10:54:10 AM
I've experimented with changing the default turret explosion to a less damaging 'zap' which causes electrical burns to everyone nearby when the turret goes down. Yet to see how it pans out in typical gameplay, but I'll get there, when I'm not burning anything that moves in Skyrim. :)

blasphemy!! haha

That sounds awesome though! I wouldn't be able to wait to test it out  :)
Ideas / Re: Remove Turrets
September 15, 2015, 10:48:03 AM
Kinda thinkin no explosive turrets at all. Not really even sure what the point ever was besides allowing you to use them as make shift land mines which we no longer need. I really do like that idea of turrets somehow interfering with each other on a "frequency" level better as far as forcing you to spread them out a bit for auto-turrets anyways.

Even then, I'm not sure that would feel all that "fair". May just feel like a douchey way to limit player choice too. shrugs
General Discussion / Re: what is the hauling priority?
September 15, 2015, 09:58:03 AM
Hauling is just too wonky and convoluted atm. Way too much time is spent manualing hauling imo. Realy shouldn't be that much of a pain. Even DF's messy system was much much less bs. Then again, there were such high populations in DF that it didn't really matter how you set it up I guess.  ::)
General Discussion / Re: Flooring and beauty
September 15, 2015, 09:12:52 AM
  <!-- ================= Misc ================= -->

  <TerrainDef ParentName="FloorBase">
    <label>metal tile</label>
    <Description>Metal tiles, for that spaceship look. Pretty, but labor and material-intensive.</Description>
    <color>(0.369, 0.369, 0.369)</color>
  <TerrainDef ParentName="FloorBase">
    <label>silver tile</label>
    <Description>Expensive and slow to build, but very pretty. Fits perfectly into all kinds of luxurious rooms.</Description>
    <color>(0.45, 0.45, 0.45)</color>
  <TerrainDef ParentName="FloorBase">
    <label>gold tile</label>
    <Description>The most beautiful and impressive kind of floor. Very expensive and requires a lot of work to build.</Description>
    <color>(0.65, 0.65, 0.35)</color>
  <TerrainDef ParentName="FloorBase">
    <label>sterile tile</label>
    <Description>Sterile tiles help keep the room clean. Very useful in hospitals to prevent patients from getting various infections. Neutral in terms of looks and very slow to build.</Description>
    <color>(0.71, 0.71, 0.71)</color>

  <TerrainDef ParentName="FloorBase">
    <label>paved tile</label>
    <Description>Utilitarian concrete tiles. Cheap and quick to move around on, but neutral in terms of looks and slow to build.</Description>

  <TerrainDef ParentName="FloorBase">
    <Description>Quick-poured concrete. Fast to walk on, cheap, and very quick to pour, but quite ugly.</Description>

  <TerrainDef  ParentName="FloorBase">
    <label>wood floor</label>
    <Description>Wood plank flooring. For that warm, homey feeling.</Description>

  <!-- ================= Carpets ================= -->

    <TerrainDef Name="CarpetBase" ParentName="FloorBase" Abstract="True">

Here you can see all the beauty numbers. If it doesn't have one then it's just default of no bonus/penalty or "0" beauty.

Pretty sure everything is the same flat 100% speed as far as constructed flooring goes. Not 100% sure sense I haven't really payed attention while playing.
Outdated / Re: [A12d] A2B: conveyor belts & co. [v0.12.1]
September 14, 2015, 01:39:27 PM
So yeah, I really wanna use this mod. Looks like good fun and all but I feel like I'm gonna have a seizure from those arrows tick...tick...tick...tick...... Not poking fun or joking at all. Anyone tell me how to "stop" the arrows from animating or moving at all would be fine too. Thanks guys

Get motion sickness easier the older I get I swear.... 
General Discussion / Re: Flooring and beauty
September 14, 2015, 12:17:39 PM
Yeah, remember back in the day pawns where such carpet whores. Even the slightest hint of carpet on the map and they'd drop their pants.  It was quite....... worrysome.

Tynan makes me wonder sometimes..... really does. Nobody noticed the lack of pant textures on some duds but me?
Mods / Re: [Mod Idea] Ghosts!
September 14, 2015, 11:50:14 AM
muhahaha..... boo... I like it, even if it were only a mood debuff/bonus coupled with an interesting "thought" and such.  Grumpy because x-wife's ghost hung his underwear in a nearby tree...
Quote from: akiceabear on September 14, 2015, 06:41:25 AM
One possible solution is to have two types of points - some that can only be allocated to items (based on the default item loadout) and others that can only allocated to pawns, based on the starting stats of your random pawns.

Yeah, EdB aint keen on that idea though. Likes them being part of the same point pool I guess. Which is understandable considering the mod is alot about choice.

Honestly I just wish a simplified version was built right into the game which was a bit more limiting based around the original game's difficulty settings. It's nice to have the choice to at least change cosmetics and such but I just skip the item loadout entirely cuzz even one weapon change can imbalance the start of the game sometimes. :) Meh, don't mind me I'm just rambling. It's not like you use a mod like this for it's balance haha
Quote from: dismar on September 13, 2015, 04:37:02 PM
Quote from: FMJ Penguin on September 13, 2015, 01:53:02 PM
tx for the update!

small suggestion:

where at ? :P lots of codes !

Oh sorry....

Anywhere in your building defs xml's on each building somewhere.

Think something like this should work.

  <ThingDef ParentName="BuildingBase">
   <Description>An oven</Description>



Quote from: WilliamKids on September 13, 2015, 09:43:39 PM
Absolutely love the mod, the only one thing is, isn't it a little OP that I can decide to start without much ressources (sacrificing silver, wood, steel even meals if I want to) to give all of my colonists burning passions in every skills without busting the no extra points limit? To maximise the number of burning passions your colonist have you can sacrifice initial ressources which are not really hard to get back and this does feel a bit unbalanced. I know it's a hard balancing issue because how can you rightfully decide of how many burning passions should be allowed per colonist but I just thought i would let you know if you weren't already aware of it.

Thanks again for the mod, it's great!


What if....

Passion points where limited by age. Say, 1 pp per 10 years of age or 1.5(rounded up). Would give me a reason to take old pawns :).  Granted it doesn't make much sense but it may work well in practice?