[A17] Skullywags Misc mods - Storage (UPDATED), Vents, coolers, Fabrics updated!

Started by skullywag, June 29, 2015, 06:29:18 PM

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New stuff is inbound, im currently testing the fine work of doctorvangogh (you are legend mate!) who has done a HUUUUGE overhaul of everything, itll still use 2x1 but its no longer doing the splitoff destroy spawn new stuff magic hp repairing thing it currently does, it piles stacks on top of each other until storage limit is hit but we suppress and rewrite the label and change the stack texture (so no more half stack textures for over stacksize stacks), this basically means no need to harmony (detour/transpile etc) the truncation system in core (no more silly errors) as the stack obey stacksize limits, we just pile me on top of each other. Hes also got the apparel rack working great. Lots of cool stuff, ill hopefully get it out soon.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?


Ok, when you two supermodder working allready on all i got another idea.
About the storage. What do you think about big storage pads.
10x1 skips for Resources.
10x4 pallets for textiles (i think 36 tiles should cover the most leather)
Each of them just got 1 or 4 input tile and 9 or 36 storage tiles. Ofcourse they arn't limited to by the 1. item that get droped onto like the 2x1 ones. The limit should count in when the last storage tile got filled.
Full rotateable, and it would be nice if the input tile would be displayed at the placeing mode.
When the clothing rack is working, maybe a 10x1 big rack too.


Why not just use multiple storage objects rather than have a giant one that probably wouldn't fit anywhere?


The giant ones got less input fields which means more storage fields.
And 10x4 still can be placed on a orbital trade storage area.


You can just double the storage yourself if its the input cell being wasted space problem, pretend you have even stacks on both cells.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?


No, i don't want change anything on the current storages, beside the priority change i mention long time ago to avoid 2 half filled pads with the same item.

The giant pads, special the one for textiles, are just extras. When you recycle all the stuff from dead raiders you have tons of stack from all kind of leather in your stockpiles.
You can place 20 pads and set them to textiles, but at the end at the 20 pads are just 10-12 different kind of textiles because many pads carry the same kind of leather.  At the end you need to assign just 1 textile for each pad to avoid this.

So i though about a giant pad, with enough room for all kind of textiles.
Basicly the same would be useful for food, special meat.

But thats just an idea.

BTW. when the clothing rack is working, does it works for corpes too ? :-)


Oh i see the issue youre referring to, the hauler can pick an empty fabric hamper over one which already contains that fabric (therefore you end up with 2 hampers locked to the same fabric type). Thats the problem to address, I dont think adding a giant storage device to tackle that is the right solution.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?


I mention long ago, when the 1. item get droped onto a pad, the priority of this pad should increased by 1, so the hauler will prefer this.
But a giant pad should works too, so long the new droped items get added to an existing stack.
Not to speak about that the giant pad need less space compared to regular pads. 40 vs. 72 tiles.
From my gameplay side i would place 3-4 of these 10x4 pads. Textiles,meat,vegetables.  10x1 pads i would use for the most resources.


Quote from: skullywag on July 12, 2017, 10:06:28 AM
Oh i see the issue youre referring to, the hauler can pick an empty fabric hamper over one which already contains that fabric (therefore you end up with 2 hampers locked to the same fabric type). Thats the problem to address, I dont think adding a giant storage device to tackle that is the right solution.

This happens when there are two or more stacks of the same stuff and two haulers pick up fabric, because they both have an open stockpile that accepts the item they are hauling.
It is most common with fabrics, because those have, together with meat, the most entries in their sub-category.
If you watch new food bins, the same thing happens there, but meat is processed a lot faster into finished products so it is not that obious or annoying.

My solution, which I proposed several times allready is very simple.
First Option : Set the priority of the new storage buildings to low or lowest, so you have time to setup before some hauler does something stupid  ( doctorvangogh did this if I remember correctly. )
Second Option : disable all allowed items on construction, have the player set whats going into the container
Third option : pause on construcion :) ( not really )
Maxim 1   : Pillage, then burn
Maxim 37 : There is no overkill. There is only open fire and reload.
Rule 34 of Rimworld :There is a mod for that.
Avatar Made by Chickenplucker


I build lots of baskets and storages and and make a large stockpile just beside those then I put all baskets to allow nothing and then pawns with half a brain will carry them to stockpile while I manually assign what items goes to where. Its a candy to the eye watching them organize the items. Lol.
Bleeeee. . . . .


Some pretty nice stuff here, but craftable hyperweave; a rare, high-tech glitterworld-only material? I know it's easily removable via an XML tweak, but it'd be nice if it was a separate thing - but I can understand if this is fine-graining too much.

Maybe I'm just being too pedantic.


I love your mods, but everytime I use the wall lights my pawns will build them but they don't show up, it's like they disappear completely. I can't select them or anything and the resources that I used are gone. The rest of the lights work fine (except the path light). Any idea how to fix this?


I have never seen that bug Sam. The wall lights should be offset and appear almost on the walls. Anything in the logs?
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?


Nope, no errors at all and I have no other furniture/light mods. I tried moving the order to bring the mod right after Hugs, but still nothing. The other lights work fine. I've used your light mod before, on a non steam game, they worked perfect and just yesterday got the steam version and that's when it stopped working. I'm stumped. I started a new game to check and the same thing there. The pawns will make the wall light and then it's just POOF, gone. I even demolished the entire room to see if maybe I was just misclicking and couldn't click the light itself but it's not there at all.


It seems like closing a vent with Better Vents results in an NRE error being thrown repeatedly.

Exception printing Vent1543026 at (139, 0, 161): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Verse.Printer_Plane.PrintPlane (Verse.SectionLayer layer, Vector3 center, Vector2 size, UnityEngine.Material mat, Single rot, Boolean flipUv, UnityEngine.Vector2[] uvs, UnityEngine.Color32[] colors, Single topVerticesAltitudeBias) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Graphic.Print (Verse.SectionLayer layer, Verse.Thing thing) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.Thing.Print (Verse.SectionLayer layer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.ThingWithComps.Print (Verse.SectionLayer layer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.SectionLayer_ThingsGeneral.TakePrintFrom (Verse.Thing t) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0