[1.5-1.0] Tech Advancing (1.9.11)

Started by GHXX, July 31, 2016, 04:53:24 PM

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Tech Advancing

This mod advances the Techlevel of your Colony. Once certain conditions (mentioned below) are fulfilled, your Techlevel gets improved.

Some more Info
When does the Techlevel get improved?

Once one of the two Conditions(either A or B) is fulfilled:
            Condition A:
            if the player researched all projects of techlevel X and below , then the techlevel rises to X+1
            Condition B:
            If the player researched more than 50% of the projects with the techlevel Y, then the techlevel rises to Y
        Since A17 there is also the option to require a non-tribal pawn to advance beyond the 'Medieval' techlevel, but it is disabled by default and
        has to be enabled manually if you would like to have that extra challenge. :)

What techlevel equals what number?

        Undefined = 0,
        Animal = 1,
        Neolithic = 2,
        Medieval = 3,
        Industrial = 4,
        Spacer = 5,
        Ultra = 6,
        Archotech = 7


How to change the Tech-Advancing-Rules:
1. Go to the "mod options" menu
2. Select the "Tech Advancing" - Tab.
3. Edit the Rules.
(A15 and early A16)
1. Click the Tech Advancing Cfg Tab.
2. Edit the Rules.
(late A16 and newer)
1. Click the research button.
2. Click the Techadvancing config - button below the progress bar.

Special Thanks to:
Thanks to Andreas Pardeike aka Brrainz who made "Harmony", which is used by this mod: http://github.com/pardeike/Harmony
Thanks to 1000101 for the detour code that CCL used.
Thanks to CANALETA for the spanish (latin) translation.
Thanks to Amanore for the french translation.
Thanks to farevell for the chinese simplified translation.
Thanks to duduluu and BOX for the traditional chinese and the original chinese simplified translation.
Thanks to MMAciek for the polish translation.
Thanks to Blackraven6 for the russian translation.

Download (by Downloading you agree to the Terms and Conditions below):
->Download 1.0-1.5 (latest) Here<-

This Mod is also available on Steam (the latest stable version as some people yelled at me last time for updating it to the pre-release):
->Click me<-

Old versions are available in the 'releases' section on github: ->Click me<- (A17+)
For even older versions (A14-A16 contact me)

How to install:
-(ONLY REQUIRED FOR THE A14 Version) Make sure you have CCL (Community Core Library) installed!
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.
- The file Structure should look like this:

                                            \-----Defs                   (the Defs folder might not be present)

For Steam:
Rimworld should now download the mod.
Go to the Mods menu, and then enable Tech-Advancing.

This mod is released under the license "GNU General Public License v3"

Update 19.07.24 : (Version 1.9.12) Ignore techs with a techlevel of "Undefined" by default. This should fix some anomaly troubles. If this behaviour is unwanted, you can opt-out and use the old behaviour by unchecking the setting on the second tab of the config menu or, for new saves, you can override the default value too (as with all other settings).
Update 23.04.24 : (Version 1.9.11) Suppressed some errors.
Update 20.03.24 : (Version 1.9.10) Updated to 1.5.
Update 19.01.23 : (Version 1.9.9) Fixed a small bug regarding improperly registered research projects; updated simplified Chinese translation.
Update 16.10.22 : (Version 1.9.8) Updated to 1.4.
Update 30.09.21 : (Version Fixed issue where Rule A would return techlevel 0 when all unignored projects were researched.
Update 19.09.21 : (Version Updated french and russian translations.
Update 11.09.21 : (Version 1.9.7) Added the ability to set default values.
Update 15.07.21 : (Version Updated to 1.3.
Update 19.03.21 : (Version Added setting to ignore researches that require techprints.
Update 05.09.20 : (Version Fixed russian translation again.
Update 05.09.20 : (Version Fixed russian translation.
Update 04.09.20 : (Version Added russian translation.
Update 10.08.20 : (Version 1.9.6) Updated to 1.2. Optimized Multiversion-build-process.
Update 22.07.20 : (Version Added a scrollbar to the research project info tab. Updated translations.
Update 22.07.20 : (Version 1.9.5) Added setting to ignore researches that are not located on the main research tab, added a new settings tab which shows the research projects left to complete for each techlevel.
Update 12.07.20 : (Version 1.9.4) Fixed techlevel autodetecting not working properly. Also contains some more smaller fixes and updated translations.
Update 09.07.20 : (Version 1.9.3) Added a discount setting for techs that are below your techlevel.
Update 21.03.20 : (Version Fixed a bug where TechAdvancing would lift the medieval penalty (if enabled) when a slave enters the map.
Update 18.03.20 : (Version 1.9.2) Re-Added multi versioning.
Update 10.03.20 : (Version Fixed an issue with the new save system which threw errors.
Update 01.03.20 : (Version 1.9.1) Removed multi versioning due to several issues. Overhauled the save system.
Update 20.02.20 : (Version 1.9) Updated to 1.1 via multi versioning.
Update 16.02.20 : (Version 1.8.15) Added a slider to allow scaling the cost of all researches and made the setting of the last update configurable.
Update 14.02.20 : (Version 1.8.14) Added a setting for making techlevels that are more advanced than your techlevel much more expensive.
Update 08.02.20 : (Version 1.8.13) Fixed an issue with SSRSU, and cleaned up some code
Update 07.02.20 : (Version Cleaned up some code
Update 23.01.20 : (Version Rolled back the blocking research feature as it was causing issues with multiple mods because of different issues on their side.
Update 20.01.20 : (Version Hotfix for breaking ResearchPal's search feature and updated french translation translation
Update 19.01.20 : (Version 1.8.12) Overhauled save system, and added locking projects that are more advanced than your techlevel.
Update 17.10.19 : (Version 1.8.11) Fixed a minor config-save issue, fixed Spacer+ techs being made cheaper by accident)
Update 10.07.19 : (Version 1.8.10) Added Multiplayer support.
Update 12.04.19 : (Version 1.8.9) Switched to new About supported version notation, added French translation
Update 02.01.19 : (Version 1.8.8) Added config option to restore old research penalty calculation (A18 and earlier)
Update 11.11.18 : Minor save-fix, Updated preview image.
Update 02.10.18 : (Version 1.8.7) Updated to 1.0.
Update 28.08.18 : (Version 1.8.6) Updated to A19.
Update 19.06.18 : (Version 1.8.5) Updated to the prerelease of Rimworld 1.0 (which then turned into A19).
Update 29.01.18 : (Version 1.8.4) Added polish translation. Increased config menu size in order to prevent text from being cut off at the bottom.
Update 01.01.18 : (Version 1.8.3) Fixed two bugs (moderate).
Update 02.12.17 : (Version 1.8.2) Added a slider for configuring the percentage of the second rule (rule B).
Update 19.11.17 : (Version 1.8.1) Updated to A18-pre.
Update 15.11.17 : (Version 1.8.0) Rewrote most of the code in the mod. Renamed the mod to 'Tech Advancing'
Update 01.08.17 : (Version 1.7.5) Mod developers can now add a tag to make my mod ignore the tagged researches
                                                  (for more info check the dev section)
Update 28.06.17 : (Version 1.7.4) Fixed a translation mistake.
Update 18.06.17 : (Version 1.7.3) Added an optional rule which requires your colony/tribe to have at least one non-tribal person to advance beyond
                                                  the technology level 'Medieval'. NOTE: It is disabled by default and you don't have to enable it!
Update 16.06.17 : (Version 1.7.2) Added a way to open the config-screen using the 'Mod-Options'-menu that is located in the ingame-menu.
Update 11.06.17 : (Version 1.7.1) Added traditional- and simplified-chinese language files.
Update 03.05.17 : (Version 1.7) Fixed a tiny bug and updated to A17.
Update 14.04.17 : (Version 1.6.1) Fixed an issue which caused the first techlevel to be messed up.
Update 14.04.17 : (Version 1.6) Removed that annoying Tab on the bottom and moved it into the research screen.
Update 04.04.17 : (Version 1.5.2) Fixed a bug that made the Config-Edit message show when it shouldnt.
Update 04.04.17 : (Version 1.5.1) Fixed a bug that made the Base-Techlevel selection useless. And a list of all techlevels was added.
Update 21.02.17 : (Version 1.5) Added Keyed language support. English and German are included already. Chinese will follow soon!
Update 27.01.17 : (Version 1.4.1) Re-Updated to A16 from the old A15 source code & added the ability to choose the base-techlevel (default is "autodetect", which uses the techlevel thats written into the save file)
Update 20.12.16 : (Version 1.4) Updated to A16.
Update 16.09.16 : (Version 1.3) Re-added the good old customisation features.
Update 12.09.16 : (Version 1.2.5) Partially Updated to A15 (customisation is missing).
Update 16.08.16 : (Version 1.2) Added a helpful notification that gets shown when the technology level changes.
Update 16.08.16 : (Version 1.1) Added the ability to change how the mod changes you techlevel ingame, using the "Mod Options" button.
Update 04.08.16 : Fixed a Bug that prevented the techlevel from being increased when a project-techlevel was set to "Undefined"

For Mod developers:

The source code is available on Github: https://github.com/RimWorldMod/Tech-Advancing/tree/master

You can make my mod skip your researches by adding a special tag to the tag list. Example:



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q:  Can I add it mid game?
A:  Yes, it should check your Technology level every time you finish a research project and every time you load the save.

Q:  How can I contact you?
A:  You can either join the Rimworld Discord server, to send me a dm on Discord, or you could leave a Reply here.

Q:  Why is it not working?
A:  Read the install instructions. If it still doesn't work, contact me.

Q:  Does the Technology level stay when I un-install the mod?
A:  No, if the mod is not installed then Rimworld gets to decide what your technology level is. It will be Neolithic if you are a tribe or Industrial if you aren't.

Q:  Does this mod work with mod X and Modpack Y , etc. ?
A:  Just try it. You will see if it does work or not. If it does not, let me know.

Q:  How do I install the mod?
A:  Read the install instructions.

Q:  I researched everything and your mod isn't doing anything. Why?
A:  I need some more information on this: there are two cases:
      case A: You did not install and enable Tech Advancing properly. Make sure it is enabled in the mod list!
      case B: Another mod detoured "ResearchManager.ReapplyAllMods()" after Tech Advancing did it, which indicates a mod-conflict.

Q:  My Game crashed. What do I do?
A:  Make sure you installed it properly. If it still doesn't work, copy the error and contact me.

Q:  Can i make a translation for you?
A:  Yes, that would be awesome. Write a comment here, on steam, message me on Discord or open a pull-request on github.



Hey I'm KapTaiN_KaVerN and I'm approving the use of this mod :p


I was quite shocked when I discovered this was not the vanilla behavior. 


I'm sure this will be in the game by default eventually but wow. Good work for getting it to us early!

Would it be difficult to have a version where you only advance via researching 50% of a tech level? I would like for it to be a little more challenging.


Quote from: Pokk720 on July 31, 2016, 10:22:55 PM
I'm sure this will be in the game by default eventually but wow. Good work for getting it to us early!

Would it be difficult to have a version where you only advance via researching 50% of a tech level? I would like for it to be a little more challenging.

It would not be difficult. But i would like to keep it one mod. maybe i can come up with a config or something. we will see.


Cool. It's not a big deal. I like the way it works already.


i like this mod but i found a conflict not sure which mod. (40+)

edit: okay now my mod goes to medieval and then industrial. i think it works. not sure why it didnt in the beginning but now it does im gonna test it more. does it work only in to industrial? and it doesnt go transcendent and spacer?


Quote from: tehchanman on August 01, 2016, 05:35:53 AM
i like this mod but i found a conflict not sure which mod. (40+)

edit: okay now my mod goes to medieval and then industrial. i think it works. not sure why it didnt in the beginning but now it does im gonna test it more. does it work only in to industrial? and it doesnt go transcendent and spacer?

My mod needs to replace a vanilla method.If two mods do that, then the last mod wins. That means if my mod loads after the other mod that replaces the exact same vanilla method , then my mod wins and works. if the other mod loads after mine then it wins and works.


This seems like a much more natural way and engaging way of doing it compared to somehow staying at neolithic techlevel the whole game even when you are researching bionics and spaceships and stuff...

That said - this fix also sort of requires research-costs across the board doesn't it? otherwise, doesn't research of late-game tech just become far easier than intended?

And one more thing - how does this mod work together with other mods that add research options? Do they count in the calculation or does it only count vanilla research options?



Quote from: stigma on August 01, 2016, 09:40:31 PM
This seems like a much more natural way and engaging way of doing it compared to somehow staying at neolithic techlevel the whole game even when you are researching bionics and spaceships and stuff...

That said - this fix also sort of requires research-costs across the board doesn't it? otherwise, doesn't research of late-game tech just become far easier than intended?

And one more thing - how does this mod work together with other mods that add research options? Do they count in the calculation or does it only count vanilla research options?


I wanna say  they(mods) dont bother them. I can get to medieval, by researching all of medieval [vanilla] (researching all of neolithic did not get me there)to shorten the time for industrial, and i did all my medieval and am not at industrial. so i'm just doing all of industrial hoping to get to industrial. but i wanna be enlightened too.


Quote from: stigma on August 01, 2016, 09:40:31 PM
This seems like a much more natural way and engaging way of doing it compared to somehow staying at neolithic techlevel the whole game even when you are researching bionics and spaceships and stuff...

That said - this fix also sort of requires research-costs across the board doesn't it? otherwise, doesn't research of late-game tech just become far easier than intended?

And one more thing - how does this mod work together with other mods that add research options? Do they count in the calculation or does it only count vanilla research options?


I am 90% certain that it should work with all mods, because it just counts the research projects for each techlevel, does some quick calculations and then sets the techlevel of the colony, which affects ALL researches.

About the super easy late game research, yes it makes it somewhat easier, but only if you got most of the other researches done. For example you can NOT rush spacer technology because you require the multi analyzer. And researching more than the first half of projects still costs a ton of Research points.
Additionally, if you got the Spacer technology level for example, and you research medieval stuff, then research cost is still 100%. it cant go below that.


Quote from: tehchanman on August 01, 2016, 09:45:49 PM
Quote from: stigma on August 01, 2016, 09:40:31 PM
This seems like a much more natural way and engaging way of doing it compared to somehow staying at neolithic techlevel the whole game even when you are researching bionics and spaceships and stuff...

That said - this fix also sort of requires research-costs across the board doesn't it? otherwise, doesn't research of late-game tech just become far easier than intended?

And one more thing - how does this mod work together with other mods that add research options? Do they count in the calculation or does it only count vanilla research options?


I wanna say  they(mods) dont bother them. I can get to medieval, by researching all of medieval [vanilla] (researching all of neolithic did not get me there)to shorten the time for industrial, and i did all my medieval and am not at industrial. so i'm just doing all of industrial hoping to get to industrial. but i wanna be enlightened too.

I have tested the rules mentioned in the first post multiple times before the release, so it should work. I also tried adding my mod to an existing world where i also played with glitter tech and other mods that add research, and that worked too. i think it set me to industrial.
Make sure you research all Neolithic and Medieval projects if you want the industrial tech level.
For troubleshooting, i refer to the FaQ


Hey, just wanted to report a "bug" - or rather a compatibility/stability issue.

I've found out that your mod wasn't compatible with the steam workshop version of colony manager mod (https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=16888.0), even when loaded last. It seems it's related to one of the research added by this mod, which has no tech level, which seems to confuse your mod (in game, tech level never change). If I fix the relevant research by setting a tech level in the xml file of the colony manager mod, your mod suddenly works fine.

So, even if the bug is more on the side of the colony manager mod, just wanted to warn you that this kind of thing can shut down your mod, in case you wanted to do something about it.


Quote from: Stoh on August 03, 2016, 10:38:43 AM
Hey, just wanted to report a "bug" - or rather a compatibility/stability issue.

I've found out that your mod wasn't compatible with the steam workshop version of colony manager mod (https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=16888.0), even when loaded last. It seems it's related to one of the research added by this mod, which has no tech level, which seems to confuse your mod (in game, tech level never change). If I fix the relevant research by setting a tech level in the xml file of the colony manager mod, your mod suddenly works fine.

So, even if the bug is more on the side of the colony manager mod, just wanted to warn you that this kind of thing can shut down your mod, in case you wanted to do something about it.
Thanks for the bugreport, and i fixed it. Have fun playing!