[1.4] Call of Cthulhu - Rim of Madness Expansion Pack (10/21/2022)

Started by jecrell, September 14, 2016, 08:17:04 AM

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Call of Cthulhu - Cosmic Horrors

Call of Cthulhu - Cosmic Horrors
Updated: 10-09-2018
Description: Star vampires no longer show when they are hunting someone. This change should help improve tension for the arrival of star vampires.

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Quote-Transformed Werewolfs can still equip all clothing and weapons... not really an issue, just amusing

This actually does seem to be an issue. What do you think about allowing the behavior but damaging the apparel slightly when trying to wield it in an oversized form?
But would be a nice feature.
Depend on the methode they transform into werwolf
- Magical exchange, they exchange their bodies. At this way the appareal could stay at the human body in magicstasis.
That would explain a spontan fast transformation.
- Magical transformation, body gaining volume and mass from magical energy. But this takes time.
Maybe you could create special stretch cloth, and appareal made ouf of this don't get droped/destroyed.
And i think skin layer appareal should be damaged/destroyed on transformation.


Chthonians seem to drop way too little meat compared to their size, I got around 43 strips from one and they seem to be bigger than say, muffalos which give around 80-90.


Call of Cthulhu - Cults

Call of Cthulhu - Cults
Updated: 10-15-2018

Updates provided by the encouragable and lovely pjf aka Teellox.
  • Many fixes for Guardians of Bast.
  • Feline Aspect claws now usable in combat.
  • Guardians now compatible with ADS.
  • Bast and Tsathoggua support more apparel.
  • Linkable pews now have 40 percent cover.
  • Stars right and wrong fixed.
  • Sacrificial dagger checks for CultKris, was blank.
  • Lovecraftian omen cats are now targetable by Bast's Guardian spell.
  • Cosmic entity sculptures are now behind Forbidden Sculptures technology.
  • The Sculpture of Bast is now favored by Bast and not Cthulhu.

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...Psst. Still there? If you'd like to support
me and my works, do check out my Patreon.
Someday, I could work for RimWorld full time!



i had some weird interactions last night, probably due to the weirdest cargo pod drop ever - eight grimoires of the occult. i sold six, then set up the other two along with the original i had. after this, i noticed they'd use the occult research desk for regular research, over a high-tech research desk with multi-analyzer in the same room. even if i forbid the occult desk, it would unforbid the instant they decided to research, and they'd go to that. so i wiped all the occult research desks out of curiosity, leading no research at all to be done, even if i deconstructed and replaced the high tech one. however, at that point, i saved and reloaded, and they went back to using the good desk.

also, my main researcher doesn't seem to want to use the typewriter desk to practice writing and restore his sanity. as in, i'll right click, choose "practice writing", and he'll walk to the desk and instantly turn around to go back to researching. artist pawns will use it to produce pages and books without trouble, but nobody will use any of the 3 i built to restore their sanity.

anyway, that said, my friend and i have been using this set of mods for years, and i've been really enjoying your LOTR mods lately too. thanks for your hard work!

edit part one: this is all using the most recent versions of your mods as available yesterday - not the 10/15/18 update. i'll muck with that tonight.

edit part two: i can't find the LOTR thread to mention it there, but whatever version of it i'm running kicks up an error message regarding selling price being erroneously set higher than buying price on dwarven crowns? i'm actually using the bug to build crowns and handing them out as gifts to other factions to make them allies, which is almost too funny to me to want fixed.


Are you thinking of doing any more optimisation on the Vampire mod anytime soon? The game seems to borderline crash (I say borderline, it has on multiple occasions) when caravans or raids with vampires arrive, and if the game's not in too much of an anti-vampire mood after they've arrived, it still ends up lagging quite severely.

EDIT: So either I uninstalled a few mods that were conflicting with yours, or the recent abstract fixes solved the issue. Thanks man.



After Arachnophobia got rebalanced, i am getting these errors, when spiders get into fights. It seems like a bodypart thats not supposed to be able to get hit, gets hit and the game freaks out. Not critical, but red errors make me nervous, so here's the report.

Added injury to ROMA_Cephalothorax but it should be impossible to hit it. pawn=ROMA_SpiderRace315476 dinfo=(def=Scratch, amount= 9.120912, instigator=Fox_Red315396, angle=135.0)
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.HediffSet:AddDirect_Patch0(Object, Hediff, Nullable`1, DamageResult)
Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker:AddHediff_Patch2(Object, Hediff, BodyPartRecord, Nullable`1, DamageResult)
Verse.DamageWorker_AddInjury:FinalizeAndAddInjury_Patch1(Object, Pawn, Hediff_Injury, DamageInfo, DamageResult)
Verse.DamageWorker_AddInjury:FinalizeAndAddInjury(Pawn, Single, DamageInfo, DamageResult)
Verse.DamageWorker_Scratch:ApplySpecialEffectsToPart(Pawn, Single, DamageInfo, DamageResult)
Verse.DamageWorker_AddInjury:ApplyDamageToPart(DamageInfo, Pawn, DamageResult)
Verse.DamageWorker_AddInjury:ApplyToPawn(DamageInfo, Pawn)
Verse.DamageWorker_AddInjury:Apply(DamageInfo, Thing)
Verse.Thing:TakeDamage_Patch1(Object, DamageInfo)
Verse.Verb:TryStartCastOn_Patch2(Object, LocalTargetInfo, Boolean, Boolean)
RimWorld.Pawn_MeleeVerbs:TryMeleeAttack(Thing, Verb, Boolean)

And another different one a minute later.

ROMA_SpiderRace315477 has no available melee attack, spawned=True dead=False downed=False curJob=AttackMelee (Job_179314) A=Thing_Wolf_Timber316790 verbList= bodyVerbs=RimWorld.Verb_MeleeAttackDamage(Mouth/Thing_ROMA_SpiderRace315477_0_ROMA_Sting)
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.Log:ErrorOnce(String, Int32, Boolean)
RimWorld.Pawn_MeleeVerbs:TryMeleeAttack(Thing, Verb, Boolean)


Whenever Vampire pawns enter my map, everythings drops to 1fps....what gives?


Do the cosmic horror events scale with wealth? They seem way easier in my game than the normal raids. Could you maybe put a setting in where I can multiply their strength?


Is it easy to modify the files to get Factions' ranged weapons to play nice with Combat Extended? Or do they integrate automatically?


I see that the Bones Mod was updated on Steam, would it be possible to get a direct dl link?


Hi!  Been having a lot of issues with the vamp mod, I hope there's an update/fix for them soon.  This is one of my favorite mods.

1: Hunger doesn't seem to work at all, activates and drains vitae but doesn't restore any or clear blood off the floor like it used to.

2: Batform doesn't seem to raise movespeed at all, though the transformation works.

3: Unstoppable Tide will ignore hostile enemies right on top of it and go for prisoners (Moving fairly slowly thankfully, it tends to explode before it makes it to them).  Just tested it and it drained a prisoner dry even though it's on non lethal feeding.  This also happens with any other feeding method I try.

4: Vamps from caravans sometimes won't dig holes and will just burn to death.  Had some weird interactions with them as well where one time the remaining caravan with a vamp that dug a hole early wouldn't leave and they all just hung around until they started going crazy and killing each other.

I don't have many mods but I tried some different load orders just in case of some unknown conflict but same issues still happening.


Good day to everyone.

I've tried to play with this mod , but I keep receiving message about unknown <targetVersion>. My rimworld verison is latest 1.02059  and I see the same number on  top of about.xml  file. So.. what is wrong?

Thanks for help!