[MOD] (Alpha 7) TechTreeMinami v3.3 RIMWORLD COMPLETE

Started by minami26, May 05, 2014, 11:49:17 AM

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Tested and it worked, the only problem i have with the compatibility is that they plop out of nothing on the start.^^ No drop pods falling from the sky. But the pods and the research-thingy get spawned. But i dont fully know if thats not normal in the CCM mod. :o


there's an 18 after 14. loool
at least it worked! :D if you play with only CCM and choose 5colonists to start with, does it drop 5 dropPods at the start?



Quote from: minami26 on July 18, 2014, 08:43:41 AM
there's an 18 after 14. loool

Damn, you're a master troll.

Tested and it worked fine : only 3 pods for my 4 colonist.


Updated the compatible Machine Gun Nest version. Here you go. ;D Its the full mod you not need to download the uncompatible mod. :)

So far i see i have integratet it in the research menü(after worldwar research and the addons for modernwar research) and changed the building materials to TTM craftet items. I dont balanced it or something like that, report if you see any bugs. ;)

Edit: Got an nasty problem. Its with the colonist creation mod. It works well but if i try to load an savegame i get an blurry colorful screen and lots of error messages. Here is an screenshot. :)

Befor the screen got black it looked like the screenshot from Spare74. For the clear say in my situation it was not an autosave and i tryed it without any other mods, only colonist creation and TTM&TTM event-thingy. :(
Quote from: Spare74 on July 17, 2014, 06:03:36 AMI've had this bug : http://goo.gl/YHPaVg
It happens some time when I load an autosave, I just need to load an older one.

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Not sure if this has been suggested or not yet, but one thing that I'd like to see is an increase of oil deposit output. Right now, it's too slow and irregular to actually power a gas generator consistently, making it unreliable as a long-term power source.

Also, an idea: maybe make oil a construction resource for certain items using plastic? It would keep it oil relevant towards the mid and late game rather than just making it either a bad power source and/or merchant fodder.

Another idea, maybe make oil deposits require a structure to extract, like an oil rig. That way the player can choose whether or not oil chunks will spawn, in case they don't use oil and don't want extra stuff cluttering the map.


Quote from: Undecided on July 18, 2014, 02:41:51 PMAnother idea, maybe make oil deposits require a structure to extract, like an oil rig. That way the player can choose whether or not oil chunks will spawn, in case they don't use oil and don't want extra stuff cluttering the map.

If its possible to make it like mortars or the calltrader, an usable object for the colonists and say per use they get x amount of oil. I like the idea. ;D


Oh, apparently with colonist creation mod enabled it causes this bug : http://goo.gl/YHPaVg to happen systematicly... None of the save wanna load...


how compatible is this with other mods? like i know it will work,but the fact that other mods have the vannila-like research system, is it overbalanced? underbalanced? Overpowered? underpowered? stuff like that.


Quote from: 123nick on July 18, 2014, 05:00:10 PM
how compatible is this with other mods? like i know it will work,but the fact that other mods have the vannila-like research system, is it overbalanced? underbalanced? Overpowered? underpowered? stuff like that.

Its somewhat incompatible like that other mod's research projects dont really fit in the techtree of TTM. In term of balance i dont know really, in the most mod's they dont use the craft materials from TTM. I have made 2 mods compatible(dont testet really much^^) Machine Gun Nests and the Clutter mod. The Machine Gun Nest mod is attached on one of my last posts and i wait for the creator of the clutter mod that i get the permission to give my compatible version to the world, only to be sure to not draw angry mod creator to me. ;D

Edit: Oh yes, TTM is mostly not playable with other mod's that change anything in the mapgenerator.^^


I just encountered a problem : during an earthquake (one more :s ) my comm console was destroyed and didn't droped a little research thingy (can't recall the name) so I can't reconstruct my comm console without buying a research kit (let's call it that) but I can't buy anything since I don't have a comm console :s


In that situation, turn on the dev.mode and "cheat" it or take the situation and let the colony live on and watch they step by step get destroyed, muahaha. ;D

Edit: Got the permission for clutter, so here you go. ;D The main clutter mod is required. If you find any bugs or ideas for balancing say it. ;)


Machine Gun Nests are researched after worldwar and the addons are researched after modernwar, clutter items are researched after beautification schematics, bio technology and techs like hydroponic and metal synt. :) I put things that uses mutch metal after researched "metal"-research, it make sense. xD


I really don't know what to do with that error. It's the Colonist Creation Mod. I guess it ain't really compatible. :(

you can ask argain for that. I've done my part. I'm reading his thread and I think that error is from his mod for version 1.5 it's still not stable yet :)

I'm just gonna leave this here. :)


Looks nice. ;D

Edit: Clutter got updated and with that, i updated my patch. Here you go. ;D Edited my signatur that the actual versions are always there. :)

Clutter - TTM compatibility patch

So far i tested no savegame compatibility but maybe its only me. :'(

Edit2: I looked at the floor's and i think maybe there are something wrong? :o For exemple, the carpets are somewhat useless, they dont increase the beauty of room's and i think wooden plank floor should be better as "neutral"^^ it say's "Wood plank flooring. For that warm, homey feeling." at least they need to have nicetiny. ;D Or is there something behind? To easy nice rooms?

And for the "fast move"-floors maybe an <pathCost>-1</pathCost> i think that will be nice, ;D

I attach the modifyed floor's on that post, if you have interesst, take a look. :)

Oh i looked at the core game and its the same. In that way... take my text as an... suggestion. ;)

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