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Topics - Urz_

Unfinished / [A15][WIP] Vice Modpack. Work in Progress.
November 30, 2016, 01:22:45 PM

Welcome to VICE. My little modpack for Rimworld, currently in the early stages. If you want a bug-free experience, come back in a couple of months. (Prob more, to be honest).
This Modpack is built around merging all the mods into a single mod, so the average user will only have to download a single mod and enable a single mod. This also makes it a lot easier to add personal preference mods from steam or the forum. It does, however, add more bugs and conflict for me to figure out, so again, Don't expect this modpack to be bug-free.

Mods and Credits:

Note. Fluffy's mods and Hatti's mod are currently disabled because im still waiting on getting permission from them. Gutsnipe, twoski, and Ykara also didn't get back to me, but they explicitly wrote their stuff could be used in modpacks.

Modular Tables (v1.49) by ItchyFlea, Encode

Stonecutting Tweak (v1.03) by ItchyFlea

Fences (v1.02) by ItchyFlea (Modified)

Dont Mourn The Dead (v1.02) by ItchyFlea

DoorMat (v1.03) by Latta (Modified)

Colony Manager (v0.1) by Fluffy_(l2032)

Mending (v0.15.1.1) by Wastelander (Original), Mentained by Skyarkhangel, topp2000 and notfood

FactionDiscovery (v1.15a) by Orion (Modified)

VeinMiner (A15 update by Hatti) by JuliaEllie, Gentz, kaptain_kaverns

FeedTheColonists (vA15) by Gutsnipe (Modified)

Improved Infestation (9/5/2016) by twoski

CraftingHysteresis (v1.0.3) by ZorbaTHut

Fuse (v1.0.2) by Ratys

DefensivePositions (v1.2.4) by UnlimitedHugs

PowerSwitch (v0.15.2) by Haplo

Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering (v1.82) by Ykara, Latta, Jozay, Dr Z., kirohq (Modified)

Crashlanding (v8.00) by Katavrik, JoeysLucky22, EdB (Modified)

FacialStuff (9/11/2016) by Killface

Animal Tab (v0.1) by Fluffy (l2032)

AllowTool (v2.2.0) by UnlimitedHugs (Modified)

Realistic Medical System (31.08.2016) by Ykara

Improved Surgery by twoski

EPOE+RMS+IS Compatiability Patch by Dingo? 

Hand me that brick (7/November) by Dingo

Refactored Work Priorities (7/November) by Dingo

Reasonable Lamps (7/November) by Dingo (Modified)

Quality Builder (v1.0.1) by Hatti

Better Pathfinding (v1.3.2) Zhentar

Combat Realism (v1.6.8.1) by NoImageAvailable, Killface, Alistaire, Fluffy, Latta, spoonshortage, A_friend, stinkycat752, Shinzy, DaemonDeathAngel, Currently mentained by skyarkhangel (Modified)

Zhentar's Vanilla Fixes (v1.2) by Zhentar

Community Core Library by 1000101, mipen, Fluffy, skullywag, Latta, DAOWAce, kaptain_kavern, profound_darkness, mrofa, isistoy, noimageavailable, shinzy, TheKrush, MossieuLeblanc, skyarkangel, Ohar

Changelog for base game:

Menu changed.
Two new categories added, Crafting and Medical.
Ship category label changed to Food.

Ship parts moved to Misc.
Sunlamp Moved to Food.
Hospital bed moved to Medical.
Moisture pump moved to Food.
Vitals Monitor moved to Medical.
Tool Cabinet moved to Production AND Crafting.
Hydroponics moved to Food.
Fermenting Barrel moved to food.
Sculpturing table moved to Crafting.
Both Tailor Tables moved to Crafting.
Both Smithies moved to Crafting.
Machining Table moved to Crafting.
Brewery moved to Food.
Drug lab moved to Medical.
Component Table moved to Crafting.

CryptosleepSickness now has a pain modifier of 1.08.
Helps with the balance of CrashlandingHard.
CrashlandingHard has a 100% chance of Cryptosickness.
Seriously considering buffing CryptosleepSickness even more.
Most of the Vanilla games it felt like it had no effect on the game.

Removed random Wanderer joins.
Removed Animal Self tamed.
Both of these incidents are stupid and should not be in the game.

Changelog for Mods:

Crashlanding Hard mode:
Colonist block crash removed for starting event for now.
Colonists now also spawn with a steel shiv.
Rebalanced dmg to colonist upon landing lowered from 30 to 26.
This together with the changes to CryptosleepSickness makes it
so that the normal Scenario is now normally either 3 very
damaged colonist or 2 damaged colonist and 1 downed colonist.
20% of the time you will get a very hard start with 1 colonist killed upon landing.
2 dead can happen very rarely.
I have not in my around 50 starts with these settings seen a 3 dead.

GameStartDialog changed to modpack text.

Cloth cost of Doormats made 25 and 50 cloth.
(Cloth is cheap and the boost to time to clean is really high.)

Mending kits now stack up to 50

Facial Stuff:
Table moved to Misc

Visual Fences Removed. Fences category removed.
Fences moved to Structure Catagory. Cost lowered to 3 wood from 4.
Hitpoints reduced from 225 to 125.

Faction Discovery:
The Hippie Faction is removed.
They are just clutter in my eyes.

Feed the Colonists:
Work amount has been modified. New Work amount:
4-Simple-1200, 4-Fine-1800, 4-Lavish-3200, 4-Pemmican-2400, 4-Kibble-1200.
This should be equal to 4 X cost for 1 meal.

AllowAll Order removed, together with MassSelect.

Added better description to ExoskeletonSuit.
Synthetic organs are now called Advanced synthetic (also changed recipe label).
The SurrogateOrgansWorkbench has been renamed to OrganWorkbench and moved to Medical.
Recipes for synthetic organs, Joywire, AI-chip, and painstopper
moved from Upgrade bench to OrganWorkbench.
Simple Prosthetic workbench merged into Basic Prosthetic Workbench.
Basic Prosthetic workbench moved to Medical Catagory.
Cost of Basic Prosthetic workbench is now 150 steel and 1000 work.
Bionic parts moved from upgrade bench to Bionic Bench.
UpgradeBench removed. Bionic bench moved to Medical.

Range of Neolithic weapons buffed.
ShortBow from 23 to 35.
GreatBow from 30 to 50.
This was done to buff Tribals in CR.
They should still be pretty weak but might pose some threat now.
(Note. I might have fucked up and only changed this for Stone arrows.)
(CR is really complicated for outsiders looking in).
CR is in conflict with some of the medicine mods when it comes to Bodies_Humanlike.
The files have been merged, with the coverage from CR taking priority.
BaseWeight of an item and BaseBulk of an item is changed to 0.1 from 1.
20 shots of Go-Joice will no longer make a pawn slow.
GameStartDialog changed to Modpack introduction.

Added an Abstract for BenchBase.

Sunlamp Changes removed.

FAQ/General stuff about the modpack:

Q: Why is MOD not updated
A: With how this modpack is currently built, it takes a bit of time to update mods. It's not a simple replacing of a folder anymore. That time could be spent better

Q: How Frequently will this modpack be updated?
A: No idea. Making this modpack is a hobby and I only have limited time to spend on my hobbies.

Q: Why are some parts of your modpack done badly?
A: Some of the first parts of this modpack were made months ago for A14. I didn't know a lot about Rimworld modding (or C#) and I do not have a background in software (or anything computer) so I'm learning as I go.

Q: What programs do you use for Rimworld modding?
A: Notepad++, Xamarin Studio, and a lot of WinMerge. If you know any better programs please tell me.

Q: Why are you doing this?
A: I love Rimworld and really miss the old days of Ultimate Overhaul Modpack, which is, unfortunately dead. The current big modpacks (like Hardcore), while very good, go to far away from the base gameplay/design of Rimworld.

If you encounter a bug.Check if the bug can be found under known bugs. If not, reply to this topic and describe the bug. If posible, include steps to reproduce.

Know bugs:

Bug: "Cannot Prioritize (Will never do {0})" seems broken
Note: Think this might be caused by CombatRealism, but not sure.

Bug: *CrashlandingPrisoner* has null dutyDefToSubNode. Recovering by calling ResolveSubnodes() (Though that should have been called already)

Future mods and suggestions:

Mods that i will definitely look at some point in the future:
    CCL (Well technically already part of the mod, but the "real" release
    No Cleaning please
    Some of skullywag's mods

You are welcome to suggest mods.

Download and Installation:

To install:
1. Place the folder VICE ModPack inside your RimWorld\Mods dictionary.
2. Enable the mod VICE in the game.

The rules of this forum say that all mods have to be licensed. Even though this is a modpack, I believe that rule applies.
Therefor, this modpack is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. (If you do not like this, don't complain to me. Some of the mods in this pack is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA and as a result, this modpack has to be as well.
You do not need my permission for using any asset I have made for the modpack. I, however, do not own the license to the vast majority of the modpack. That would be the individual modders.

If you have suggestions on how to make this page better, please do tell.
Help / Increasing the size of the GameStartDialog?
November 28, 2016, 12:55:46 PM
Does anyone know if this is posible or if it is posible to have more than one GameStartDialog. I have been looking around and can't seem to find any way to do either of those things.
Help / Filename sensitive XML-files?
November 24, 2016, 04:19:32 PM
Basically, is there any filename sensitive XML-files outside of about.xml in Rimworld, and can i expect to find filename sensitive XML-files in any mods? (I know the answer to the last part is prob "yes, it might happen" but does anyone have any idea of how often i might encounter it?)