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Messages - Architect

Help / Re: Learning C# -- Help?
March 31, 2015, 05:45:21 PM
Quote from: apljee on March 31, 2015, 05:24:42 PM
Wow! I haven't seen you here in a while. I'd thought you'd vanished! Anyways, thanks, I'll be sure to take everyone's suggestions.

I pop up when I feel that there is something that I can contribute to the discussion. Feel free to PM me if you have something you think I may be able to help with, but bare in mind my response time may vary.
Help / Re: Learning C# -- Help?
March 31, 2015, 04:37:37 PM
When I made the BetterPower+ mod for this game (Little while back now, but was one of two of the biggest mods for a while), I had literally never written any code in my life at all. My suggestion from my own path is to get Visual Studios or MonoDevelop, get ILSpy, and then take a look at the decompiled code behind RimWorld as step zero.

Towards actually accomplishing anything, pick a small addition to the game that you think you could manage but that is also along the lines of something already implemented in the game, and apply the decompiled code to your own. For me that was a wind turbine, as power creators were already in the game in the form of solar panels and geothermal generators, creating something along those lines was easy. Then to establish what I had learnt, I added the ability for the power output to fluctuate randomly, then I added the fluctuation to be weather dependent, then that there was nothing too close to it, etc, etc.

Start with something small that is almost entirely a copy and paste job out of Tynan's RimWorld code, then build on top of that. Rinse and repeat, pushing the boundary ever further until you are writing your own base points to build on.
I lost all the source code initially. I've managed to recover it all as of a month or so ago, but this game has come along far too far for my mod to integrate its way back in.
General Discussion / Re: loding game and mods||
December 09, 2014, 05:43:10 PM
It's likely that you're just playing with mods that happen to have a lot of assets to them. Something that might help is clearing out your recycling bin and then defragging your computer? Sometimes helps with loading times when someones hard disk is particularly full.
Mods / Re: Multiplayer mod or update in the future?
October 30, 2014, 06:31:39 PM
I can 100% guarantee that there will never be a multi-player mod XD As for a multi-player update, I think Tynan has said no, but I am not 100% sure.
Quote from: jaxxa on September 21, 2014, 07:53:01 PM
Quote from: Architect on September 21, 2014, 07:53:01 PM
I'm happy for you to take whatever you want from the mod bar the art actually. As mrofa did all my art and did it so brilliantly, id feel more comfortable if you asked him if it was ok to use the art first.

and yeah, turbines randomised output every few seconds, and the range from which it could randomise changed depending on the weather.

Just checking is that open ended permission for people, or would you prefer people contact you on a case by case basis as skullywag has done?

I will probably look at releasing a mod with the Lazer drill and barbed/charged wire after alpha 7.
Consider it a corpse on the ground :P Any code that does get used by people I would appreciate a little 'thanks to Architect' thing, but I'm not really that fussed. As for art stuff, as far as I'm concerned it is all owned by mrofa, and so to use it I'd rather you have his permissions. Ideas that you want to redo yourself feel free to just take.
Outdated / Re: [MODPACK] The BIG Bang REVIVAL!
September 21, 2014, 05:55:29 AM
He means the mechatronics mod
I'm happy for you to take whatever you want from the mod bar the art actually. As mrofa did all my art and did it so brilliantly, id feel more comfortable if you asked him if it was ok to use the art first.

and yeah, turbines randomised output every few seconds, and the range from which it could randomise changed depending on the weather.
Help / Re: Total conversion.
September 18, 2014, 06:29:39 PM
The core mod can be turned on and off in the mods section. If you wanted to, you could re-do quite literally everything in that folder, and have people turn off core and turn on your mod for it to re-do the entire game. That's what it was designed to do, though I would be hesitant in actually doing it.
Outdated / Re: [MODPACK] The BIG Bang REVIVAL!
September 18, 2014, 06:26:31 PM
Quote from: jamieg on September 18, 2014, 04:44:56 PM
Quote from: Architect on September 18, 2014, 02:41:15 PM
Looking forward to its return dude, however you'll have to find a substitute for BetterPower+, I'm leaving it to quietly die now.

why would you do that??

I hate modding for this game. I spend so much of my time trying to make the XML stuff work, and the constraints of having to mod things rather than just building them from scratch infuriates me. Also, I lost all of the source code for BP+, and frankly now I can make a far better mod if I wanted to. Who knows, maybe some time in the future I will, however for now there are other mods coming to take different components of BP+ over, and they will likely do a far better job of it.

But essentially I just really hate XML :P
Outdated / Re: [MODPACK] The BIG Bang REVIVAL!
September 18, 2014, 02:41:15 PM
Looking forward to its return dude, however you'll have to find a substitute for BetterPower+, I'm leaving it to quietly die now.
There's more than one issue with moving chunks around the map, the map drawer doesn't handle them in the same way at all, which is a problem I ran into when making the belts in BP+. I'd be happy to lend a hand if you need when I finally get back to home ground :)
Good news and bad news. Good news: I'm back! Bad news: I'm a bit of an idiot. Not the smartest person on the block and not the best remembering things, my memory is kind of similar to a siv, but where the bottom fell out leaving you with a useless metal hoop. Unfortunately what that means is that I may have lost the entirety of BP+ with a really stupid mistake, along with every back up I had. Now I still have the old versions which I can decompile, copy over, and rebuild the mod from, but its gonna take a little bit of time. On top of that I've got into a bit of trouble with some not so cleaver antics, so I need to get away from my village for a while, leaving within this hour. I honestly don't know how long I'll be gone or when I'll be back, hopefully not long, but until then there's not going to be a lot going on. But hey, for all I know I'll be back by the end of tomorrow XD
Yeah, I'm gonna start working on it as soon as I get back on Monday. :)
Tools / Re: [Modding tool] Rimworld Weapons Balancer
August 12, 2014, 06:40:57 PM
Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrry nice :D It looks like it still needs a little refining to me, but otherwise I will definitely use this if the need arises. Using the same version can be very important, 3.2 and 3.4 handle lists very differently for example so I would be wary there.