[B18]As Simple As Rack - Simple storage solution for your everyday needs :p

Started by kaptain_kavern, August 08, 2016, 11:32:16 PM

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I just tried to redownload RimFridge and launch the game with only the two mods and everything is working on my side.

I will investigate your logfile again a bit more, but all I can see from it, is that my mod doesn't find Rimfridge's dll/Assembly


I've been just presented the solution to my dumb question, reloaded the original file from github, and voila. Thanks for your effort man!


Hey, your welcome.
You see, I've never considered polite and precise questions, dumb ;-)

And on a more personal note, I remember the time I was asking myself similar questions and I am making mods nowadays :D

I'm glad everything is working now.


I'm feeling I'm gonna be sucked into this line of work too, Already trying to paint little lamantines for water regions and some tropical birds would be cool...imagine:
- "Tony "Turbo" was insulted by the talking parrot, Yayo" how cool would that be :)

Anyway thanks again and good luck in all you do!



I don't know if it's possible to make this kind of fridge like "Modular Tables". So we can do whatever shape we want.


Now that is a good idea !

I can't promise it'll works but I'll definitively will try that.

Thank you a ton! If I can make this work I will give you credit of course


But isn't the adv. of the larger fridge racks the reduced building cost and power need compared to single ones ?


I confess I just woke-up and all my neurons aren't at full speed right now; but I can't understand what you meant Canute, sorry


Maybe it was too late as i wrote that.
I mean, what is the advance over a bigger rack then about a 2x1 or 1x1 one.
It can't be the space. So it must be that bigger racks are cheaper to construct or need less power.
When you made modular fridges, the grafic will be linked together, but a 6 slot rack fridge would need less power/resources then 6xlinked ones.

But ok, at the lategame, you don't care much anymore about power and resources and just the look and beauty count ! :-)


Ok now after moar coffee I'm better awake, and you raised a good point IMHO. Thank you.

I may "just" put the modularized fridge modules behind a late game research project.

But honestly, I'm not sure I could make it work by myself. For all that I know, linkable buildings like that (walls or ItchyFlea modular table) need some special textures (called "atlas" I think it is) and I'm totally useless with "graphical stuff"

[email protected]

Is the light supposed to take up 1 tile? Meaning the light is not a ceiling light?


I remember setting their pathcost to 0 and altitude to "ceiling" (can't recall the exact word in the code); meaning they should never mess with colonists path.

But I suppose you are asking if they should use one space in like a stockpile? And that I'm not that sure on how they actually behave in-game regarding this.

Obviously, being a ceiling lamp, they shouldn't but I suppose (again) that they are if you are asking, right?

Anyhow I want them to not to, so I'll have a look at my code (I know that vanilla trading beacons are not using space in their tile so I'll mimic how they are coded if needed)

Thank you for the feedback ;-)

[email protected]

Sorry I was not clear. I meant to say the way they're functioning right now is just like a regular lamp.


Ceiling lamp fix:
- Can now be built anywhere without blocking the tile under them.

- Also added a preview file + ModSync Ninja support