[MOD] (Alpha 7) TechTreeMinami v3.3 RIMWORLD COMPLETE

Started by minami26, May 05, 2014, 11:49:17 AM

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No one is cutting trees or making planks. Jobs are logged and skills are there. Caltrops and the pits also do nothing to invaders :/


I have a question- How do we delete the mod. I want to use it for some worlds, and other ones... I just want vanilla with some other mods. So I can have all the mods!
Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!


I like the idea of a deeper techtree. but i think you overshot a little, all these new recourses need that can only be gains through very spezial and expensive needs, makes it realy hard to progress at all.

I am in a game at a point where I don't see a reason to research anything because i can't get the nessecery resources to build what i research.

The food changes however are good. The Recourses for that i was able to get.

And the new Random events are realy interesting and can really make me think what i want to do.


Quote from: Flemmi on August 20, 2014, 11:12:28 AM
I like the idea of a deeper techtree. but i think you overshot a little, all these new recourses need that can only be gains through very spezial and expensive needs, makes it realy hard to progress at all.

I am in a game at a point where I don't see a reason to research anything because i can't get the nessecery resources to build what i research.

The food changes however are good. The Recourses for that i was able to get.

And the new Random events are realy interesting and can really make me think what i want to do.

I think the main-problem with this is the dependence of the traders, if there is an expensive crafting-way to get the needed resources, your problem will be solved. The big problem with that is, this makes the trader somewhat unimportant or nearly useless.^^


Can you make muffalo breeding as separate mod, like custom events? I'd like idea of herding animals, but tech tree is too... deep for me.:C
I have no idea how, but it works!!!


Minami/Kitsune, can I use parts of your mod for my upcoming mod pack?
Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!


My patches are free to use for everyone. ;D

With TTM you have to only ask minami, its his/her mod.

I'm only a little helper that makes compatibility patches for players. 8) I'm not an important person for the mod. :'(


Quote from: WolfgangPolska on August 21, 2014, 06:54:48 AM
Can you make muffalo breeding as separate mod, like custom events? I'd like idea of herding animals, but tech tree is too... deep for me.:C

Edit it out in the files :)
Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!


I'm unable to download the mod through the Nexus page.
Is it possible to make it available in some other way, please?


Quote from: LuisMH on August 21, 2014, 03:12:43 PM
I'm unable to download the mod through the Nexus page.
Is it possible to make it available in some other way, please?

I upload the mod to my dropbox, you can download it there. Link in my signatur. :)


Quote from: Javaman on August 20, 2014, 03:31:48 AM
Hopefully you can get better power added. I think you should have the turret progression go manned turrets -> mortars -> auto turrets. This progression works well when you dont need power in the beginning, but lots when the auto turrets are discovered.
:( i really hope i can get better power+ permission. Architect is so busy Im getting no answers, or maybe because he hates me :( nawwww.

Quote from: khromosone on August 20, 2014, 06:56:49 AM
No one is cutting trees or making planks. Jobs are logged and skills are there. Caltrops and the pits also do nothing to invaders :/

What Computer OS are you playing on?

Quote from: Iwillbenicetou on August 20, 2014, 10:19:05 AM
I have a question- How do we delete the mod. I want to use it for some worlds, and other ones... I just want vanilla with some other mods. So I can have all the mods!

what do you mean?

Quote from: Iwillbenicetou on August 21, 2014, 12:49:01 PM
Minami/Kitsune, can I use parts of your mod for my upcoming mod pack?

Uhm. I just want you to put my name in the middle of your modpack! :D JOKE!
its ok all I ask is you put my name somewhere in your mod :)

Quote from: Flemmi on August 20, 2014, 11:12:28 AM
I like the idea of a deeper techtree. but i think you overshot a little, all these new recourses need that can only be gains through very spezial and expensive needs, makes it realy hard to progress at all.

I am in a game at a point where I don't see a reason to research anything because i can't get the nessecery resources to build what i research.

The food changes however are good. The Recourses for that i was able to get.

And the new Random events are realy interesting and can really make me think what i want to do.

yeah I meant the mod to be hard. You really have to play it over and over again until you get the hang of it, as per this post im now going to put "This MOD makes RimWorld so hard you're gonna rip your pants off." lol. :D kidding!

You just have to wait for the Traders to come so that you can progress, that's the main feature of this mod so that you don't progress too quickly.

Quote from: WolfgangPolska on August 21, 2014, 06:54:48 AM
Can you make muffalo breeding as separate mod, like custom events? I'd like idea of herding animals, but tech tree is too... deep for me.:C

Hmm, soon! ill think of it promise!

Quote from: LuisMH on August 21, 2014, 03:12:43 PM
I'm unable to download the mod through the Nexus page.
Is it possible to make it available in some other way, please?

You can't use Mediafire too? D:
Ill try to put it on GoogleDrive.


Updating TTM's Project Armory to v2.13 took a lot of time!
but its done now! and everything is now craftable. All the new weapons are good! and I've put new weapon sounds its awesome!

Im done putting Embrasures, MachineGun Nests, and Shields. Next up is Apparello integration and Clutter.
Architect is not responding to my message. :(

That's all for now here's a picture.

My colonist have begun to assimilate into this RimWorld culture and has begun saying UGA UGA!

- Yo dawg, I heard you like defenses. So I put defenses in your defenses so that you can defend while you defend your defenses.


Yay, good work minami! ;D Is the download on the first post the new version or you continue work on it befor upload? ^.^

Now with integrated compatibility patches, i have nearly no work. :'( Time to go on... searching for an new mod that needs help.*sniff* That makes me sad... it was a good time with you minami. ;_;


I just had the custom event which dops three droppods with survivors and one of the turn into an abomination - upon putting it out of it misery, it exploded, exploded, exploded, exploded, exploded and exploded. Well it didn't actually quit exploding because I quit the game after watching my fps slowly drop to 0.


My fireplace doesnt work: Had grilled berrys one time... but settlers put fire out. Delete Homezone on fire. How can I start the fire again?
Build again but fire never lit up?! O.o


Hi hi,

First time poster here. Enjoying the hell out of rimworld and this mod (together with A2B, Embrasures, Practrise Targets, and the custom events).
There is only one thing I have noticed since I started using the mods: I can't seem to claim structures anymore. Before, this button could be found under the "Orders"-menu. But since I activated the mods this button has disappeared. To 'debug' the situation I decided to deactivate each mod individually to see which took away the button, and found that this one makes it go 'poof'.

I have no idea if this is intentional or not, as I can't seem to find any reference about this through google, and the forum search function. And I can't seem to find it in recent pages of this thread (or I just missed it...)

It is not a big issue, it is only a hassle when dealing with the cleanup of siege sites.

Let me know if I messed up somewhere on my own ;)

With regards,