Suggestions request: Ways to fulfill a "joy" need

Started by Tynan, March 14, 2015, 03:13:03 AM

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Quote from: Tynan on March 17, 2015, 02:18:02 AM

I guess in the end I don't really understand what you're talking about. Given that I'll rebalance the whole game so that it is overall about as challenging as before, I don't see how more variety in needs reduces storytelling potential or makes it impossible to manage large colonies or smaller ones. Maybe you were imagining that I would just tack on the new needs and leave the rest of the game unchanged? Because to be clear - I'll shift numbers around to rebalance everything and make it all about as difficult to accomplish as it was before, but with more variation, depth, and choice.

I agree, and that's part of why I'm doing this system at all. Given everything is rebalanced with the fun need included, combat threats will be less frequent/intense because there are now other things for players to spend their time on. Adding new kind of challenges is the only way to reduce the constant zerg rushes while keeping the experience full and flowing.

Anyway, a bit off topic here. I appreciate all the ongoing suggestions as well!

[Squad Morale Restored]

On a more serious note, could add a trait for empathic colonists to mood-boost colonists that are close to breaking. Or better yet, allow those Glitterworld Empaths to unbreak people.

That'll make for hard choices at chargen, I bet.


colonists with the cannibal perk get fun from butchering a corpse right?

Psychos get fun from killing people?

*sigh* I cant seem to avoid those topics can i?

Otherwise, I think everyone has been nailing the other things i could suggest. 

What about, if you save someone from another faction and then they come to visit again you gain a lot of fun by talking too them.  "Hey!  Remember when we saved your life?"  "Ya totally!  Thanks guys!"

An off the wall idea would be the occult.  Preforming rituals in the forest and sacrificing animals could be fun for some people.  Maybe no gameplay effect but still kinda interesting.


Actually, that's something to consider.

If colonists got a mood bonus for well-maintained stress, the psychopath trait could make mood static, as they're immune to most modifiers as-is.


OK! Thank you for the great ideas everyone. Here's a condensed list of some of them:

Usable structures:
Dartboard, horseshoes (distant play, tiny bonus to shooting skill)
Melee combat dummy
Video game console (purchasable)
Drink at table (chatting if possible)
Play cards (at table)
Running in treadmill
listening to music
Computer: Writing, programming, playing games
Projector - watching films
Astronomy (through telescope)
Tinkering at work bench (personal project occasionally produces something awesome)
Tinkering at research bench (personal work occasionally produces breakthrough)
Feed aquarium
Joywire (extremely addictive)
Virtual reality pod (addictive)

Independent activities
Go for a walk
Go for a run
Do yoga
Build a snowman
Make a snow angel
Water balloons/guns (snowball fights in cold areas)
Smashing things or blowing stuff up
Playing with fire or setting fires (pyromaniac, who also never extinguishes fires)
Climbing trees
Gathering flowers, making garlands and wearing them
Playing a musical instrument (watchable)
Singing (watchable)
Dancing (watchable)
Magic show (watchable)
Metal detecting (occasionally they find something cool underground)
Solo non-electronic games - Puzzles, crosswords, sudoku
Diary writing
Stone skipping
Play with yo-yo

Chatting (around gathering spot like campfire or table)
Snowball fights
Interacting with (friendly) animals
Abusing prisoners
Fist fights, with no bruises that need treatment.
Jumping out and scaring other people.
Gambling - Joy from playing, chance for a penalty for losing and a buff for winning?
Drinking contests
Arm wrestling contests
Sports: soccer

Various drugs
Comfort eating
Setting off fireworks (watchable)
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog

Johnny Masters

Looking good!

Allow me to add some you have skipped and a few more:

*Chess & Checkers
*Scanning local life - Bonus points for wobbling sounds
*Attempting to call home - Requires comms console
*Broadcasting in comms console - Requires comms console and maybe speakers around the base
*Playing a record on a jukebox
*Grooming in front of a mirror
*Cleaning equipped gun in a working bench (or anywhere?)
*Sharpening equipped blade
*Stretching arms, push ups, squatting
*Virtual Boxing ring
*Bed&Couch activities : chilling, watching projector, reading, napping.


Quote from: Tynan on March 17, 2015, 02:50:59 PM
Computer: Writing, programming, playing games

Do I see some Rimworld-ception coming soon?
Hi, my name is Matthias and I am a Rimworld Addict. It has been five seconds since my last fix...


How about paintball guns? They wouldn't deal damage, and would leave a splotch of paint wherever they ht, that either gets washed away by rain or your colonists clean it. I think it would be cool to see paint randomly splattered on walls.

Also, colonists could put on short skits! Maybe use RNG for completely random ones?
Look for Cassandra "Cassie" Ryan ingame! That's me!


Quote from: Tynan on March 17, 2015, 02:50:59 PM
OK! Thank you for the great ideas everyone. Here's a condensed list of some of them:

Independent activities

void gods confirmed 2014 2015


Nice list Tynan. I'm curious to see how this will all be implemented. Will they passive or active activities?( ie I tell them to go)


Quote from: daft73 on March 17, 2015, 04:11:21 PM
Nice list Tynan. I'm curious to see how this will all be implemented. Will they passive or active activities?( ie I tell them to go)

No micromanagement!
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Quote from: BattleFalcon on March 17, 2015, 03:18:16 PM
How about paintball guns? They wouldn't deal damage, and would leave a splotch of paint wherever they ht, that either gets washed away by rain or your colonists clean it. I think it would be cool to see paint randomly splattered on walls.

Also, colonists could put on short skits! Maybe use RNG for completely random ones?
paintball sounds fun..

The list was interesting... I like the lore friendly additions... I do get a bit of a... sims vibe?


Cool list. I like 95% of them. :D

Also, I like the recent paintball idea since it'll leave paint everywhere (unlike water guns or snowballs).

Johnny Masters


Quote from: Tynan on March 17, 2015, 04:17:07 PM
Quote from: daft73 on March 17, 2015, 04:11:21 PM
Nice list Tynan. I'm curious to see how this will all be implemented. Will they passive or active activities?( ie I tell them to go)

No micromanagement!
Thank you.


Having some semblance of religion could be problematic (dramatic) by causing religious conflict and anti joy(cough...crusades...cough).


Woot! 100th post