[1.0]Mods Revived - hope all works fine?

Started by sulusdacor, January 03, 2018, 07:02:21 AM

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I did NOT create these Mods. These are simply updates to the current Rimworld Version.

This is just an attempt to update some mods that i liked very much in the past.

Mods so far:

Steamlist with the mods

Dropbox folder:
Current versions
Old versions

Modpack/License stuff etc:
Most of these got abandoned by the creators and got the permission to update use the content in the license section. If you are one of the creators and are not okay please let me know and i will remove it.

to clarify a bit, why this is not a "can you update pls":
(even tho the topic name is a bit misleading, my bad there  ::))

It's really just mods i liked in the past, where the people are either gone or i got the permission form the owner:

- for CTS i contacted the owner, my absolute favorite power mod hands down
- for MD2 mipen was not active for sometime and the mod is inactive for several alphas, mech walls and storage are very unique and add sth different in terms of building stupid defenses or adding storage for medieval runs that is not quantum storage.
- adaption refusal mod author was activly searching for someone to take it on and i love the mining option route it gives, had my eye on that some time and updated it a bit for myself usally in previous alphas
- shutdown all author theubie is inactive and i feel this is one of the essential QoL mods in my opinion that should be in the base game

This my sound selfish/harsh, but i hope you understand that i can not just update every mod anyone asks for - thats simply impossible. So have to pick stuff. That in the end comes down to what i like. With the few mods, thats what i did.

what i wrote on a specific mod request:
the author might be a bit burnedout form the game and needed change. which i can understand and was too in the past, but came back and have fun modding again. so maybe just be patient, people need a break from time to time. you not always super motivated.
maybe others pick up the mods. lots of stuff gets updated on the steamworkshop from what i have seen. show interest that you would love to see the mod updated. in the best case simply start modding yourself and get it done ;)


Adaptation Refusal

This is just an update of the Adaptation Refusal mod from here and here. the description and all content is taken from there. thanks to the original creator of the mod kexici.


We refuse to adapt!!
Your colonists are no dirt-scrabbling pre-industrial animals.  They're sentient space-faring beings, and they're going to live like it... With a little research.  This mod allows dirt farming to be bypassed with some new technologies that allows the production of power, food, weapons, and armor using various metals.  Original mod by Krantz86, updates and additional content by me, some art resources by SlimeCrusher.  Criticism & feedback are welcomed, especially since it needs a lot of balancing work yet.  Here's a quick look at some of the new equipment and benches:


- research tab
- 4 research projects
- 6 armor pieces: slag armor,vest, helmet and the improved versions of these
- 3 weapons: charge pistol, charge rifle, charge sniper
- 3 meals: electrolyte drinks, raw algae, synthetic meal
- buildings/workbenches:

  • moistureconverter (makes electrolyte solution)
  • alagefarm (makes algae raw)
  • small bacteria battery(produces a bit power)
  • large bacteria battery(produces a bit more power + recipes to craft the weapons)
  • mealsynthesizer(makes synth meals)
  • backally workshop(recipes to craft+improve armors)
- armors are crafted out of metal slags (backalleyworkshop has backup reciep to make these if u run out)
- weapons are crafted out of autopistol, boltaction rifle, assault rilfe for their counterparts
- electrolyte solution algae raw are basicly raw food used to make synth meals and needed for some of the buildings (you can craft normal food with them too)
- synth meals give minor stat boni, but bad mood modifiers (gets better if they eat more)
- adds tales if you colonists get "addicted" to syn meals (no drug, just a condition, that can build up)

(some changes with b18 compared to older versions:)
- reduced the research by alot so it is not so much of a late game tech
- added component cost to most things that had still steel+silver only
- added low cost to armor upgrades (some steel+comp)
- added recipe to make steel slag for the offchance a player does not get any
- synth meal is no drug, but takes 5 days to get down from full addiction (over 1 day for 1 meal eaten).
- made vest and armor cover same bodyparts/groups as vanilla armor vest and power armor (slag stuff still has more movement debuff) (did not test with apparello yet)


original mod by Krantz86

further updates by milon with some art resources by SlimeCrusher and mrofa

updated by sulusdacor

Steamworkshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1255638096

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8lmmljpcwcnwqra/AdaptationRefusal_v1.7z?dl=0

GitHub: https://github.com/sulusdacor/AdaptationRefusal/releases

Version for previous Rimworld versions can be found in my dropbox folder with older mods: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zicyfuehl0aeta2/AADHVYYYU8yhJ2yUWttwnf1ma?dl=0

To Do
(list taken form a13 page, did only update to b18 so far)

- Slot armors appropriately to allow extra clothing (ie. Aparello stuff)
- Further test Synth Meal Addiction tales
- Further test heat balancing (armor & buildings make colonists hot now, so temperature is a consideration)
- Add a "recharge" ticker to appropriate self-generating benches (may not be possible with xml-only modding)
- Continue rebalancing stats (ie. armor prices)

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

personal changelog for mod "Adaptation Refusal"

- 10/06/2017

- update to a17
- updated xml stuff that changed in a17, added mass of 4 to all stuff
- file structure+defnames, all with AdRef_ at the start to avoid defname conflicts with other mods/core
- warmupticker to time, just took vanilla value for the normal weapon counter parts. did not change the time there.
- added research tab

- 30/12/2017

- update to b18
- fixed roots <Defs>
- fixed recipe skillreq syntax
- fixed case sensitive xml tags

- 01/01/2018

- added 1%black bg to all textures
- added 1pix black contur to some textures (all weapons, electrolyte drink, raw algae meal, some workbenches, that seemed strange)
- removed grey pixel at edge of some textures black outside border (weapons/workbenches)
- adjusted research cost: (spacer usally gets a 200% cost multiplier)
AR 900 -> 1000 (industrial)
Algae 5000 -> 1000 (industrial)
Power 10 000 -> 2000 (spacer)
our Rimworld 30 000 -> 6000 (spacer)
--->goal was to make stuff not as much endgame as it was before
- adjusted recipe costs: (mostly replaced silver for components 10 ->5)
make charge pistol: 15 steel 10 silver + autopistol -> 15 steel, 5 components, autopistol
charge sniper: 25 steel, 10silver, weapon -> 25 steel, 5 components, weapon
charge assault: see above 10 silver -> 5 components
conversion recipes weapons: 10 silver -> 5 components
- improved slag armor recipes added steel and components as cost:
helm: 5 steel 1 comp
vest: 5 steel 2 comp
plate: 10 steel 2 comp
- from slag vest(+improved) removed apparel layers xml tag shell (middle left), has now same as armor vest in vanilla
- slag plate armor (+improved) added body part groups neck + shoulders (same as power armor)
-> slag armors still have significant movement penalitys compared to vanilla equip!!!
- renamed some of the left defnames to AdRef_objecttype_name

- 02/01/2018

- adjusted mealbase form vanilla base
- made synth meal drop off slower (0.24 initial severitiy, -0.2 per day). makes it easier to reach the addicted state, but harder to come down (still 5days from max 1)
- renamed some of the left defnames to AdRef_objecttype_name
- updated about file

- 03/01/2018

- added recipe to make steel slag to back alley workshop (as a worst case workaround); costs 25 steel (smelting gives 10)
- updated forum topic link
- set generateCommonality> to zero on improv slag helmet

- 07/01/2018

- added linkable toolcabinet form vanilla to almsot all workbench typ things added by the mod (only exception is algae farm)

- 20/01/2018

- added modsync

- 09/11/2018

- rimworld 1.0 update
- added mass 0.44 from mealbase vanilla to all meal type stuff
- added weapon mass, pistol=1.5 (vanilla auto pistol is 1.2, rest vanilla values), sniper=4, assault=3.5

- 10/11/2018

- added synthmeal stackcount texture


Mechanical Defense 2 - base

This is just an update of the Mechanical Defense 2 mod from here. the description and all content is taken from there. thanks to the original creator of the mod mipen.


This mod aims to add new and wonderful technologies for your colony to utilise. From autonomous droids to do your every bidding to coal-burning power generators, you'll find all your technological thirsts satiated here! This mod incorporates a modular structure, meaning there are many different independent modules that you can choose from, so that you can play with the features that you want and leave out the ones you don't. Just remember that all modules require MD2Base to be installed and loaded before them in order to work.


the plan was to make the MD2 modular.

this so far just adds a research tab so far XD


original mod by mipen

>>Haplo for his great help with crushing some major bugs and his general assistance.
>>Jaxxa and PunisheR007 for the 'Embrasures' code and texture.
>>Shinzy for his work on the droids' textures.
>>mrofa for his textures of the Fissure Generator and Extractor, and the Manufacturing Control Console
>>jabbamonkey for his textures of most buildings and items :D
>>bigmap001 for their work on a Chinese translation
>>Leucetius for updating the mod to A11B, plus some useful additions :D

updated by sulusdacor

Steamworkshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1255681851

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zdo6pfwfj1u7q8y/MD2_base_v1.7z?dl=0

GitHub: https://github.com/sulusdacor/MD2_base/releases

Version for previous Rimworld versions can be found in my dropbox folder with older mods: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zicyfuehl0aeta2/AADHVYYYU8yhJ2yUWttwnf1ma?dl=0

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

personal changelog for mod "MD2 base"

- 20/01/2018

- added modsync

- 03/11/2018

- 1.0 update


Mechanical Defense 2 - deep storage

This is just an update of the Mechanical Defense 2 mod from here. the description and all content is taken from there. thanks to the original creator of the mod mipen.


This mod aims to add new and wonderful technologies for your colony to utilise. From autonomous droids to do your every bidding to coal-burning power generators, you'll find all your technological thirsts satiated here! This mod incorporates a modular structure, meaning there are many different independent modules that you can choose from, so that you can play with the features that you want and leave out the ones you don't. Just remember that all modules require MD2Base to be installed and loaded before them in order to work.

>>Deep Storage Unit - A storage unit that is used to store a large quantity of a type of item.


requires MD2 - base and extended storage mod

- adds deep storage units mk1,2,3 (holds:10x,20x,30x stacks, scales with number of stacks like all extended storage.)
- adds 3 research projects for the different units

(uses the texture form the mod variety pack for the units)

storage units are 1x2 buildings. they have only one interaction spot! so if multiple pawns use the ressouce you are using them for they might slow down your colony. but they use no power, so an option for medieval runs.


original mod by mipen

>>Haplo for his great help with crushing some major bugs and his general assistance.
>>Jaxxa and PunisheR007 for the 'Embrasures' code and texture.
>>Shinzy for his work on the droids' textures.
>>mrofa for his textures of the Fissure Generator and Extractor, and the Manufacturing Control Console
>>jabbamonkey for his textures of most buildings and items :D
>>bigmap001 for their work on a Chinese translation
>>Leucetius for updating the mod to A11B, plus some useful additions :D

updated by sulusdacor


Steamworkshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1255682921

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zalpz6yzm0jqhqy/MD2_deepstorage_b18.7z?dl=0

GitHub: https://github.com/sulusdacor/MD2_deepstorage/releases

currently basicly uses the code from extended storage mod: https://github.com/Skullywag/ExtendedStorage/releases

Version for previous Rimworld versions can be found in my dropbox folder with older mods: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zicyfuehl0aeta2/AADHVYYYU8yhJ2yUWttwnf1ma?dl=0

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

personal changelog for mod "MD2 deep storage"

- 05/01/2018

- added short description of DSU to about file
- removed shadows static
- added edge shadows true

- 11/01/2018

- made deepstorage prerequisite of each other in research

- 12/01/2018

- used extended storage code as workaround (now requires extended storage mod to work)
- added a few more storage categories to deep storage (foodraw, hay, kibble, pemican, stonechunks)

- 20/01/2018

- added modsync


CTS - Complete Tech Solutions

I did not create this mod!

This is just an update of the original CTS mod. the description and all content is taken from there. thanks to the original creator of the mod kexici.


New high tech power source. (All animated.)
New high tech medical resource.

Small plasma generator (need charge first - its basic from clutter by mrofra )
- need charge first ( -1000W) after you get 100% free energy :D (+1000W)
- but beware : dont interupt the charge proces - > start from begining :D  and its a loooong time
Big plasma generator (need charge first)
- need charge first ( -10000W) after you get 100% free energy :D (+10000W)
- but beware : dont interupt the charge proces - > start from begining :D  and its a loooong time
Plasma fueled generator ( idea from Glitter Tech)
- work for Uranium  (full tank = 10 = 1 season = 5000W)
- must be build outdoor (nobody want smoking reactor in bedroom) ( maybe Tony Stark :D )

Hi-tech hospital bed
Advanced medicine laboratory (now you can craft all medicines)
Advanced vital monitors
2 new medicines - Bandages (cheap, made from cloth, can be make in tailoring bench)
                         - Nano-tech medicine (better then glliterworld)
1 new operation - TAKE BLOOD :D (use blood bags to make medicine)


added a bloodtake designator over patchoperations, so you can add the blood take recipe to pawns in an area.

added the adv components with Rimworld version b18 to some costs (see changelog below for excat values and what).

added a research tab.


credits for super ideas for code or graphics to mrofa and his Clutter mod

updated by erdelf and sulusdacor

Thx to theubie to use his designator code from his Shutdown All Mod

Thx to the author of PatchOperationFindmod code (not sure who came up with this), using the one from cuproPanda alloys

Steamworkshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=792364419

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r08kuqyu1fm0nmf/CTS_v1.7z?dl=0

GitHub: https://github.com/sulusdacor/CTS/releases

source code for modders: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vbmst72rw3uwuad/CTS_v1_source.7z?dl=0

Version for previous Rimworld versions can be found in my dropbox folder with older mods: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zicyfuehl0aeta2/AADHVYYYU8yhJ2yUWttwnf1ma?dl=0

Compatibility Patches

the main mod version now includes the patches over patchoperations and mod load checker. So you don't need these anymore as extra mods. Let me know if want some compatibility added with specific mods.

so far it includes:
vanilla = adds the adv vitals monitor from CTS to all beds in vanilla
more furniture = adds the linkable stuff in more furniture to the adv hospital bed form CTS
[sd]goodnight = adds the adv vitals monitor from CTS to all beds in goodnight
[sd]medicaddons = adds the linkabel stuff form medic adoosn to the adv hospital bed form CTS
RIMkea = adds the adv vitals monitor from CTS to all beds in RIMkea
[T]MoreBeds = adds the adv vitals monitor from CTS to all beds in MoreBeds (works with both versions)

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

Free for all with small credits ;)

changelog for mod "CTS - Complete Tech Solutions"

- 10/11/2016

- added minifieable furniture tag to power sources, made the big plamsa gen + geoplasma rotatable

- 19/11/2016

- make powergenerators passthroughonly with pathcost 150
- removed blocklight from bigplasmagenerator

- 20/11/2016

- added designator for takeblood in orders menue
- added heatpusher to plasma geothermal

- 05/01/2016

- updated to a16
- updated hediff xml tag comp
- added research def abstract base, requirement hitech bench + multianalyzer was missing
- research position x=17-19, with y=1 and y=2 (2 only for x=17+18)
- added mass to bloodbag (0.25), nanotechmed (0,5) (didnt change the medical potency)
- moved abstract in own xmls
- added trade tag "furniture" to medical equipment
- added new Roomidentifier property to adv hospital bed
- added mass medicine lab (75), adv vital monitor (30), adv hospital bed (65)
- set ai chill destination to false on adv vitals monitor
- adv vitals monitor: set medicaltend+immunity gain speed to double normal vital monitor values on adv one
- adv hospital bed: set medical tend to 0.20 (double vanilla value), immunity gain stayed at 1.3
set bed heal per day to 16 (12 is vanilla hospital bed)
- plasma big gen, set mass to 1250, added ai chill destination to false xml tag line
- plasma gen, set mass to 500, added ai chill destination to false xml tag line
- plasma geothermal gen, set mass to 750, added ai chill destination to false xml tag line

- 13/01/2017

- fixed the worktomake bug in thingdefs to new xml tag worktobuild
- updated the dll file to a16
- added prisoner take blood acceptance to designator, removed the multiple billstack check (couldn't get it to work)
- added own recipe class to make take blood always sucessfull, the medicine 5 skillrequirement is still there. so should be okay

- 05/06/2017

- update to a17

- 06/06/2017

- code updates to changes in core code in a17
- added sellprice factor to buildingbase

- 09/06/2017

- changed deteoration from 10 to 4 (similar other vanilla natural bodyparts)
- updated the thingdef_item xmls for base (added ticker never) and blood (natural bodypart,haulable,tradetag)

- 10/06/2017

- added ingredient medicine to bloodtakerecipe
- added url to forum topic in about file

- 13/06/2017

- added bloodtake designator over patchoperations to order menue to fix a conflict wiht the mod stuffed floors

- 29/12/2017

- update to b18
- code update for recipe, bill missing, added sound for designator, sicne message and sound were split in b18
- added disease severity to abstract for hediff disease
- made extra reseach tab, since mod adds 5 projects
- <Defs> for others stuff like researchprojectdefs
- fixed case sensitive xml tags
- added <prioritizeSustains>true</prioritizeSustains> to workgiver for make medicine
- removed ignore needs power xml tag
- added adv components to stuff:
all medical stuff= 20 comp to 5 comp and 4 adv comp
plasma geo same as above
big plasma= 30 to 10 and for 20 comp same as above
small plasma= 3 comp to 1 adv (didnt wanted to make more then 4 res to build and only 21 wealth incr)
- recipe nano medicine ingredients, replaced 4 components with 1 adv component

- 07/01/2018

- updated about file with a bit more info
- added patchoption find mod
- added patches to main mods, currently includes:
vanilla beds, goodnight, medicaddons, [t]morebeds(both versions), RIMkea, more furniture

- 20/01/2018

- added modsync file

- 10/11/2018

- rimworld 1.0 update
- assembly update, texture renaming, xml updates for 1.0
- minified stuff set as furniture or buildlingspower categories
- added medicalquality max and mass to bandages and nano med; bandage 0.6 medqual and 0.25mass, nanomed medqual 3.3 mass was 0.5



This is just an update of the ShutdownAll mod from here. the description and all content is taken from there. thanks to the original creator of the mod theubie.


No more having to click each individual wiggling mechanoid just so you can get to their health tab and designate them to be shutdown.  Now, just grab your handy Shutdown All designator tool and treat those mechs like you treat your rock chunks!


the designator is now (=comapred to the original version) added over the patchoptions to avoid a conflict with fluffys stuffed floors.

it just adds the shutdownmechanoid medical bill to all downed pawns with race mechanoid in the area you drag. it does not affect the blade removal of scythers.


original mod by theubie

updated by sulusdacor

Steamworkshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1255775259

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a0yak28hdsfk0iy/ShutdownAll_b18.7z?dl=0

GitHub: https://github.com/sulusdacor/ShutdownAll/releases

Version for previous Rimworld versions can be found in my dropbox folder with older mods: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zicyfuehl0aeta2/AADHVYYYU8yhJ2yUWttwnf1ma?dl=0

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

changelog for mod "Shutdown All"

- 03/01/2018

- updated code
- added designator over patchoperations so it does not conflict with stuffed floors

- 20/01/2018

- added modsync


Awesome post! I'm loving how you cleaned up all the download links especially for all of the patches, this are looking great now. Congrats!

Do you have any plans to further expand MD2, like the power options for example? Interestingly I was looking around the original author's github and they had started a repository for MD3.

Thanks for all of your hard work, it is greatly appreciated! ;D


for the MD2:
i used mostly the storage and the walls in the past myself. these two are the one i want to update in the first place. the other things i never used and have not looked into them at all.
my thoughts on them:
- the fissure generator + extractor i love the textures, so maybe. but there is already an quite similar option with theubie's drill that got updated for b18 and ed laser drill does the steam geyser thing.
- droids i imagine are a lot of work, coding especially, which i feel not super capable with. to that comes there is MAI etc. that does the thing quite well i think.
- offworld plant i imagine a bunch of coding for an UI would be needed here too. to that comes there is the haplo's nano replicator, which lets you copy stuff already.
- coalpower i kinda fail to see the need a bit. you mostly get to electricty very fast if you want to. meaning wind+solar, which i feel are still better option then any refuelable plant. maybe my personal bias against refuelable powerplant here^^


Coalpower was a nice thing in the past together with the auto. mining which produced coal.
Together with the industrial roller you could create an auto, refueled power source.
But today, special with the boomalope chemfuel milking, the refuelable powerplants became my favourit.


Quote from: sulusdacor on January 04, 2018, 06:17:24 AM
for the MD2:
i used mostly the storage and the walls in the past myself. these two are the one i want to update in the first place. the other things i never used and have not looked into them at all.
my thoughts on them:
- the fissure generator + extractor i love the textures, so maybe. but there is already an quite similar option with theubie's drill that got updated for b18 and ed laser drill does the steam geyser thing.
- droids i imagine are a lot of work, coding especially, which i feel not super capable with. to that comes there is MAI etc. that does the thing quite well i think.
- offworld plant i imagine a bunch of coding for an UI would be needed here too. to that comes there is the haplo's nano replicator, which lets you copy stuff already.
- coalpower i kinda fail to see the need a bit. you mostly get to electricty very fast if you want to. meaning wind+solar, which i feel are still better option then any refuelable plant. maybe my personal bias against refuelable powerplant here^^

Haha the textures for the fissure generator and extractor textures are exactly what I was thinking about using myself, also with what I'm thinking was the coal burning plant. Those and the "gate" that can raise or lower a 3x1 are somethings that sounded very interesting.


Mechanical Defense 2 - mechanical walls

This is just an update of the Mechanical Defense 2 mod from here. the description and all content is taken from there. thanks to the original creator of the mod mipen.


This mod aims to add new and wonderful technologies for your colony to utilise. From autonomous droids to do your every bidding to coal-burning power generators, you'll find all your technological thirsts satiated here! This mod incorporates a modular structure, meaning there are many different independent modules that you can choose from, so that you can play with the features that you want and leave out the ones you don't. Just remember that all modules require MD2Base to be installed and loaded before them in order to work.

>>Mechanical Walls - walls that be raised or lowered to allow access. (Idea courtesy of this post)


requires MD2 - base

- adds mechanical walls
- adds 1 research projects for the structure

mechanical walls have 3 states: extended (normal wall), embrasure (you can shoot through), lowered (you can walk through).
to switch between the states you need to power them (take 15 power). if they have no power you can not switch!

embrasures fillpercent is set to 0.99 (=99% cover) and they are impassable walls. i did not change the original values.


when they are out of syn and you multiselect you still get a null map error. that is harmless, all still works. simply due to how the toggle effect works.


original mod by mipen

>>Haplo for his great help with crushing some major bugs and his general assistance.
>>Jaxxa and PunisheR007 for the 'Embrasures' code and texture.
>>Shinzy for his work on the droids' textures.
>>mrofa for his textures of the Fissure Generator and Extractor, and the Manufacturing Control Console
>>jabbamonkey for his textures of most buildings and items :D
>>bigmap001 for their work on a Chinese translation
>>Leucetius for updating the mod to A11B, plus some useful additions :D

thx to BrokenValkyrie's help with the code here

updated by sulusdacor


Steamworkshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1258261161

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6h0qlctmlog1yzc/MD2_mechanicalwalls_v1.7z?dl=0

GitHub: https://github.com/sulusdacor/MD2_mechanicalwalls/releases

source code for modders: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdjzdxb3q5qre2j/MD2_mechanicalwalls_v1_source.7z?dl=0

Version for previous Rimworld versions can be found in my dropbox folder with older mods: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zicyfuehl0aeta2/AADHVYYYU8yhJ2yUWttwnf1ma?dl=0

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

personal changelog for mod "MD2 mechanical walls"

- 06/01/2018

- added short description to what the walls are in about file
- fixed the linked textures (style changed form a16 to a17)
- fixed a bit of an issue on the embrasure (2,3 and 2,4 positions in the grid)
where the corner would connect strangely to other straights
(t-conections sideways still seem a bit cut off)

- 20/01/2018

- added modsync

- 03/11/2018

- 1.0 update

Neal Raven

Great work, happy to see one of my favorite mods from back in the days is returning.
Hope you can get the fissure generator and ore extractor working again too. Pretty neat for late game resource finding.


Screenshots look fantastic, keep up the great work!


Active wall looks cool, reminds me of terraria :) Going to try out after work.
1 question about embrassures, how much % cover they have and are they passable like CE embrassures?


the wechmalls embrasures have 99% fillpercent/cover and are impassable, basicly walls.
(i did not change the original values.)