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Messages - Hoovytaurus

Help / Strange sound bug regarding gunshots (fixed)
February 20, 2019, 01:52:13 AM
First off, let me mention that the mod in question is attached. It is very small and was made in about twenty minutes. (quick note: the 001 and 002 sounds are unused)

Right. I'm trying to make a CE-compatible gun, and that worked perfectly. Nothing about it is broken. Except the sound.

I have created my own SoundDefs for the main sound and tail sound. While they do play correctly, they only play sometimes. I'd love to elaborate but it really is "sometimes". In the first rendition of the mod, the tail sound played correctly every shot while the main sound played every second shot. Weird, but consistent. Now I've played around with the xml and it seems absolutely entirely random.

This is not a CE thing. I ported the same mod to vanilla functionality and the issue persists. It also can't be something wrong with my xmls, since they are completely copied from working vanilla SoundDefs. The strange part is that if I, say, switch the gun to Shot_AutoPistol, it works perfectly and the sound plays entirely correctly.

However, my sound using the exact same xml has major issues.

This has brought me to believe there is something with the files themselves. To fix that, I've tried stereo and mono .ogg and .wavs. It seems to make no difference.

So, I'm out of ideas, and I'd hate to end my modding career this soon. Does anybody have a clue?

EDIT: Turns out I was using a folderpath when I should've been using a clipPath. I don't know why it "worked" anyway but it seems to have fixed the whole thing.

[attachment deleted due to age]
I have a weird little bug - seeing as there are no complaints about it I think it's mostly on my side, not an error in the mod itself, but I might as well post it here anyway.

There's two images of boxes for cut-off bodyparts. One that I know is from the mod with a red bottom and white top, and the vanilla one with the red line in the middle. The bug is that I can't install anything with the old icon, it won't show up in the list.

I also can't install some things like crystal or glass eyes, are those in this mod? I'm pretty sure I don't have extended surgery and bionics, which I know has glass eyes.

Only major mod I'm using alongside this one is Superior Crafting, if that helps at all.

Thanks in advance.
Stories / Re: Your favourite colonists
February 22, 2015, 04:03:44 PM
A non random character, Ernest 'Chef' Szoka (I probably said that wrong).

On my first big colony of five years, I found him in a cryopod and successfully recruited him, not knowing he'd end up to be the leader of the place. The guy was a tank. A brute. He had all the good skills, and by the end I had renamed him to 'Chief' just because he helped out so much with crafting, cooking and the likes. We were rolling in money because of his weapons.

In my Alpha 9 colony, look who's on that slave ship. Yup, Ernest 'Chef' Szoka. I promptly bought him, renamed him and welcomed him into our colony. He's not as badass as before, since we have other people to fulfill our needs, but he still has a special place in my heart.

The second is Big Red. Not sure if a random character or not, he might be. The guy looked like somebody straight out of Texas so I had to give him a cowboy hat and some power armor, which I did. I switched to red power armor as soon as I found some so his name could be true.

Then he suffered brain damage. I sticked him in a pod, or rather told him to shuffle over to one, and got the extended surgery mod. Worked my ass off for the 500 gold I needed, just for Big Red. Meanwhile he was being fixed up I decorated his room to the max, just because he survived brain damage, and called him co-leader along with Chief.

The third is Tali. Spacer named Tail, decided to rename her and give her fitting stuff from Apparello. She wasn't that special aside from providing our colony with literally hundreds of sculptures. Wherever my colonists go now, they have at the very least a very pleasant buff, if they stick around it goes up to beautiful.

But what made her my favorite colonist was irony. Irony of fate, to be specific. I'd paste the story here but it's a bit long, you can find it in the stories tab with the title Irony of Fate. Plus, it was Tali. Who doesn't like Tali?
Stories / Irony of Fate
February 22, 2015, 03:53:10 PM
WARNING: Some Mass Effect 3 minor spoilers. Don't read further if you don't wanna spoil the game.

I made Tali from ME in Rimworld. Somebody named Tail crashed, I recruited her and decided "oh what the hell". Got the Apparello mod, bla bla.
All went fine until my first mechanoid hive raid. They came in force (6 centis, more scythers) and everyone ended up getting killed, either in melee, the fires, or dying of infection DURING the fight.

It wasn't one simple raid and that's it, it was a drawn-out, long-term siege. They went around shooting at my turrets more than they were shooting at my colonists but everyone was injured in some way from the first attack. The first attack when they first landed was brutal, and one poor guy even burned to death 30 feet away from the group. Truly tragic. Everyone was surely going to die of infection even if I killed them.

Except Tali.

Tali was a brawler. It wasn't my choice to give her melee and I knew the melee would do nothing against the centis. I held her away and made her rescue the few alive people, causing her not to get hurt. Two of them at this point, not including her. By some miracle I had killed the last centis with a lot of sniper shots, but I knew the snipers were gonna die anyway. Extreme infections at 30% immunity, so I made them put out all the fires they could before dying.
They finally died, and who was left with no injuries, and a burned down rich colony? Tali. Of course Tali. I couldn't help but put the game on 1x speed and laugh as she extinguished the fires, repaired the last remaining bedroom and slept. It just HAD to be Tali who survived her entire colony being wiped out, didn't it?

Just like in the game. Her race wiped out by robots before her eyes, ending up with her being the last alive. Except she didn't kill herself, so I guess that's good.

I bought a slave, decided it'd be boring to play further and went to my save before the mech attack.

I still have it, though. Just sitting there, waiting for me to come back and take the colony from rags to riches, again.
Same. +1. Hate how I can't remove stuff from dead scythers.
12 days. Or 13. Can't remember. Check the changelog for alpha 9, it has the day length in there.
General Discussion / Re: Wait, what? Traders?
February 21, 2015, 07:05:25 PM
Quote from: evrett33 on February 21, 2015, 06:49:52 PM
The mod "Misc w/ blah blah" by Haplo does this. Visitors setting up trade tents instead of invisible cold space people you never see is a huge improvement on the trade system.

Ah, I see. People only see what they want to see, so I guess I missed the traders stuff :P
General Discussion / Wait, what? Traders?
February 21, 2015, 06:44:32 PM
I got a notification a tribe was visiting, I guess I didn't read it good enough because when they left, it said "traders from Irgo Caxigo are now leaving. They are happy with your hospitality."

Are faction traders now a thing? I don't have any mods that put any traders in, I don't think.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
February 21, 2015, 06:19:59 PM
Put prisoner beating back in! And a mood buff (buff, so they don't have mental breaks, but the text is negative) for a while after being beaten so they don't cause trouble.
Quote from: JuliaEllie on February 21, 2015, 03:30:16 PM
Quote from: Hoovytaurus on February 21, 2015, 03:23:57 PM
What does this mod do? All the hotkeys don't work, the tactical computer just calls people to itself (which you can do manually extremely easily) and there are no in-game tooltips.

Taktical computer?? Wrong mod :D

Yeah, I realized :P but the squad stuff doesn't work on old saves, only new ones.
Quote from: EdB on February 21, 2015, 01:53:58 PM
Quote from: Mousermouse on February 21, 2015, 01:46:23 PM
For anyone who isn't seeing the prepare carefully button. Be sure that, in your excitement and glee, you didn't place the mod two folders deep.
Fixing that issue fixed it for me..

Thanks for sharing this info.  This is almost always the cause of this particular problem.

If you're seeing this issue and this does not solve it for you, please let me know.

Mod was installed correctly, button still doesn't show up. I've got the latest build, and every mod I have doesn't touch anything this mod does. Except maybe Apparello, which is out of date (but mostly works anyway), but otherwise I can't think of anything.
What does this mod do? All the hotkeys don't work for me, and there are zero in-game tooltips to explain. That, or they're really well hidden for no good reason at all.
Another bug - advanced bionic ears cannot be installed either.
Ideas / Re: Different alien species?
February 20, 2015, 04:10:02 PM
I hope Tynan will at least help the modders out and make different species possible - if they aren't possible already, that is. The game clearly states "this person is a human" a lot of times if you look around, which is weird if there will never be other species.
Ideas / Re: Equipp-Sets for the pawns
February 20, 2015, 04:03:29 PM
That'd actually be pretty nice. Not sure how hard it would be to implement, though.