I prefer an "bombardment zone" where artilleries will only fire in that area. This zone should be a small zone but should give a bonus accuracy to the mortars.. kinda like in the ones in Rome totalwar. Hehe.
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General Discussion / SURVEY POLL: Demo Version
July 18, 2014, 07:34:41 AM
Shouldnt there be a Demo version for this game?
I mean, yeah, there is already a pirated copy of this but its more formal if we handed out some demo of the last build with limited function or limited days as restrictions. What do you think?
People who dont care either way DONT GET TO VOTE!!
PS: This poll will run in 15days. After that, results will be shown.
PS: changing vote before expiry is allowed.
PS: 1 vote per user only
I mean, yeah, there is already a pirated copy of this but its more formal if we handed out some demo of the last build with limited function or limited days as restrictions. What do you think?
People who dont care either way DONT GET TO VOTE!!
PS: This poll will run in 15days. After that, results will be shown.
PS: changing vote before expiry is allowed.
PS: 1 vote per user only
Mods / Re: [Request] Fear Tech 2
May 08, 2014, 08:09:07 PM
But I would definitely make things very interesting. Usually I put gibbet cages at barricades because the new barbed wire fence just kills my colonists. They are also better than sandbags/stones as outfield obstacles. plus you get to scare your enemies with it lowering their morals.
It'd be too boring if what we're always gonna have is lovey-wubbleyness. I'd torture my prisoners with conveyer belts filled with uranium wastes if that would increase fear.
ps. Fear lowers loyalty threshold.
It'd be too boring if what we're always gonna have is lovey-wubbleyness. I'd torture my prisoners with conveyer belts filled with uranium wastes if that would increase fear.
ps. Fear lowers loyalty threshold.
General Discussion / Re: Actual cannons?
May 08, 2014, 07:59:44 PM
I think it would work similar to how grenade launchers do. If some does make it, Here's what I'd like to see:
- limited view range (about 90dg)
- fixed position, so cannot rotate to see the back
- very long range (2x m-24?)
- locks target(will not move), 1 sec delay fire..works better in straight line
- wide damage radius, creates fire
I dont know it some of it will be possible in next Alpha release
- limited view range (about 90dg)
- fixed position, so cannot rotate to see the back
- very long range (2x m-24?)
- locks target(will not move), 1 sec delay fire..works better in straight line
- wide damage radius, creates fire
I dont know it some of it will be possible in next Alpha release
Mods / [Request] Fear Tech 2
April 29, 2014, 11:27:20 AM
Its been a while since I visited this forum... too busy in Uni. 
I'd like to request for further developments of Fear Tech. I got bored with the Gibbet cage and it seems like my colonists have gotten used to dead bodies displayed near the dinner table.
Some suggestions:
- head on a stick
- fences ...with severed limbs
- moat blood(?)
- head tropies(?) of humans and animals
please add defThoughts in them to increase the fear. TY.

I'd like to request for further developments of Fear Tech. I got bored with the Gibbet cage and it seems like my colonists have gotten used to dead bodies displayed near the dinner table.
Some suggestions:
- head on a stick
- fences ...with severed limbs
- moat blood(?)
- head tropies(?) of humans and animals
please add defThoughts in them to increase the fear. TY.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 2) Toughrock: Concrete Economy (Release 2)
March 19, 2014, 01:36:09 AMQuote from: Ribas on March 19, 2014, 12:47:56 AM
Yep, 5000W is too high, the smelter in the game cannot melt 1000kg of iron per hour.
But... 500W is too low for this real capacity.
Considering the smelter is one of the important equipment in Rimworld, having it on 1000w would still be too high. Take note that you not only smelting the ore, but also the metal bars to get the metal from it. Additionally, the smelter does not operate automatically. Therefore, you have to feed electricity on it all the time... which is not practical in first 1hr of gameplay.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 2) Toughrock: Concrete Economy (Release 2)
March 18, 2014, 03:41:59 PM
I must say, the power consumption of the smelter is FUCKING RIDICULOUS. Before you can even produce a 5000 power, you'd run out of metal. And even if you did manage to get a smelter and smelt things, you'd basically struggle as even managing to smelt 1 ore would only give you less than 100 metal which is very small.
I really like the concept of this mod and hopefully you balance this out. For now, Im lowering the power to 500.
PS: those small/big lamp are pretty useless, I cant even revert them back to metal :|
I really like the concept of this mod and hopefully you balance this out. For now, Im lowering the power to 500.
PS: those small/big lamp are pretty useless, I cant even revert them back to metal :|
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 2) Blast Walls
March 17, 2014, 05:29:51 PM
Awesome! Blast walls = awesome, but any other else is imbalanced.
Stories / Re: Most raiders at one time I have had
March 16, 2014, 08:41:18 AM
you haven't seen worse. Try same number but with 2-4 frag grenade throwers, they will decimate your entire base.
Mods / Re: [REQUEST] Muffalo farm
March 15, 2014, 12:26:20 PMQuote from: Darker on March 15, 2014, 12:17:01 PM
For what? It's like using nuclear missiles as decorative furniture!
I think my description would be a suffice answer to that.

Mods / Series of Questions
March 15, 2014, 12:23:29 PM
?? These are series questions that i'd like to know so I'd be great if someone answers them for me.
- minimum/maximum radius of lighting?
- is there a light "intensity"?
- how is normal and sun lam differs aside from obvious matters?
- what are the hit/miss probability of sandbags, embosures, slag/rocks, catuses, furnitures ?
- is the probability moddable?
- is it possible to mod ahuman robot ?
- will Tynan ever create a drop-down list of traits/stories to save me some time clicking on randomize button?
I constantly edit the mods I download to suit my game. One notable thing I did was combining Blastic charges & gibbet cage mod because apparently, you cant scrolldown mod list
I also modified blastic charges, graves, gibbet cages to never multi-select by adding code below. Put them just before <description>
- minimum/maximum radius of lighting?
- is there a light "intensity"?
- how is normal and sun lam differs aside from obvious matters?
- what are the hit/miss probability of sandbags, embosures, slag/rocks, catuses, furnitures ?
- is the probability moddable?
- is it possible to mod a
- will Tynan ever create a drop-down list of traits/stories to save me some time clicking on randomize button?

I constantly edit the mods I download to suit my game. One notable thing I did was combining Blastic charges & gibbet cage mod because apparently, you cant scrolldown mod list

I also modified blastic charges, graves, gibbet cages to never multi-select by adding code below. Put them just before <description>
Code Select
Mods / Re: [REQUEST] Muffalo farm
March 15, 2014, 12:08:14 PM
Im more interested on domesticating boom rats.

Stories / Re: The concrete not-a-jungle
March 14, 2014, 01:33:56 PM
Impressive. Now someone has to make a mod to re-dig those tile to make them dirt again. Ive put concrete tiles in my area to act as "expressway" but now I want to remove them because the raiders are using them to escape quickly D:
Bugs / Re: [M: 0.2.363 Alpha 2] Right Click Malfunction
March 12, 2014, 07:44:07 PM
Its not a bug. Things I noticed:
-Darkeye is a useless moocher. He CANT DONT ANYTHING.. except firefighting and research. so any task other than that is disabled.
- You have blocked your entrance with your turrents. Turrets are impassable, meaning you cant pass through them. Which is why you have the problem as shown in your photo attachment.
- remove the block in your passageway
Also note: firefighting only happens inside Home region, so you might wanna extend your home area.
-Darkeye is a useless moocher. He CANT DONT ANYTHING.. except firefighting and research. so any task other than that is disabled.
- You have blocked your entrance with your turrents. Turrets are impassable, meaning you cant pass through them. Which is why you have the problem as shown in your photo attachment.
- remove the block in your passageway
Also note: firefighting only happens inside Home region, so you might wanna extend your home area.
Bugs / Re: White screen / rain on startup
March 12, 2014, 07:26:23 PM
AH. That also happens to me sometimes when I accidentally run the game twice at the same time. Sometimes its caused by incompatible Mods.
When it happens, close the game and restart the game.
If you are loading a save file after adding/removing a mod, undo it.
Most of the time creating new game fixes everything.
When it happens, close the game and restart the game.
If you are loading a save file after adding/removing a mod, undo it.
Most of the time creating new game fixes everything.