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Messages - tonsrd

how about this it lets u remove bionic stuff but not organs like heart liver etc ( coz doing that from the dead would be op imo )
veg garden has an unstable update I think
unstable RW just came out mod makers are waiting until its stable before updating/releasing there mods. so ull need to wait a week to a month for all mods ( longer if modders are  on holiday or break )
just faced my first hound "raid" 6 guys I "SaveScummed" 30 times ( just to watch them kill freindlies over and over, not coz I lost pawns and was trying to fight them all )

samespot + hound raid = all my guys died in 2 seconds ( first contact without freindlies ) - it was fun -

-ive got a bug where a "normal" pirate raid only send 1 guy im 60 days in with 500k wealth ( 100mods and custom scenario ) but sends "mod factions with normal 6-12 *shrugs*, ive removed normal and just use modded factions for now.
Quote from: Canute on June 13, 2018, 09:31:21 AM
The problem is know since a while.
But it isn't realy known if this is a vanilia bug or just an unlucky mod combination.
At last there was some issue with Infinity storage , but since you don't use it.

I removed R3 and VG and foods back 2normal for an hour now. ill do a 6h run 2morow see if that was it.
Mods / 1man raids 1manhunter (modded )
June 18, 2018, 03:05:03 PM
I keep getting 1man raids and 1 manhunter packs im 60 days in the raids should be scaleing and there not.

my mods-
HugsLib[4.1.1]: 0Harmony(, HugsLib(
JecsTools: 0Harmony(, 0JecsTools(, AbilityUser(, AbilityUserAI(, CompActivatableEffect(, CompAnimated(, CompDeflector(, CompDelayedSpawner(, CompExtraSounds(, CompInstalledPart(, CompLumbering(, CompOverlays(, CompOversizedWeapon(, CompSlotLoadable(, CompToggleDef(, CompVehicle(, PawnShields(
[B18] Advanced Animal Frameworks 1.0: AnimalJobs(, AnimalVehicles(, AnimalWeaponFramework(
ED-EnhancedOptions: 0Harmony(, ED-EnhancedOptions(
RuntimeGC: RuntimeGC(
Animal Tab: 0Harmony(, AnimalTab(
Medical Tab: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, MedicalInfo(
Wildlife Tab: WildlifeTab(
EdB Prepare Carefully: 0Harmony(, EdBPrepareCarefully(
CustomDeathRandomness: CustomDeathRandomness(
Color Coded Mood Bar: 0Harmony(, ClassLibrary(
Blueprints: Blueprints(
Allow Tool: $HugsLibChecker(, AllowTool(
Numbers: RWNumbers(
Mad Skills: 0Harmony(, MadSkills(
Make War Not Love: MakeWarNotLove(
Map Reroll: $HugsLibChecker(, MapReroll(
Sometimes Raids Go Wrong: RaidersCanBeUnlucky(1.0.6580.21336)
Miniaturisation: (no assemblies)
Omni Core Drill B17: 0Harmony(, OmniCoreDrill(
noORGANthoughts: (no assemblies)
[KV] Trading Spot - B18: TradingSpot(
Dismiss Trader: 0Harmony(, Dismiss_Trader(
Vein Miner: VeinMiner(
Extended Trade Beacon: Extended Trade Beacon(
Firefoam Grenades: (no assemblies)
Infused: 0Harmony(, Infused(
Reclaim, Reuse, Recycle: 0Harmony(, _harmonycheck(, ReclaimReuseRecycle(
ResearchPal: 0Harmony(, ResearchPal(
[RF] Faction Control [b18]: 0Harmony(, Rainbeau's Faction Control(1.0.6567.694)
[RF] More Trait Slots [b18]: 0Harmony(, More Trait Slots(1.0.6525.17126)
Auto Seller: RWAutoSell(
SameSpot: 0Harmony(, SameSpot(
Combat Readiness Check: 0Harmony(, CRC_Revivified(1.0.6499.26927)
4M Mehni's Misc Modifications: 0Harmony(, 4M(
QualityBuilder: QualityBuilder(
QualitySurgeon: 0Harmony(, QualitySurgeon(
Stack XXL[1.0.0]: $HugsLibChecker(, StackXXL(
Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering: (no assemblies)
A Dog Said...: (no assemblies)
Better Pawn Control: $HugsLibChecker(, BetterPawnControl(
SS Damage Indicators: 0Harmony(, DamageMotes(
Firefoam Belt: 0Harmony(, FirefoamBelt(
Food Alert: FoodAlert(
GeneticRim b18: 0Harmony(, AnimalRangedVerbsUnlocker(, DraftingPatcher(, ExplosionTypes(, ModCheck(, NewAnimalSubproducts(, NewHatcher(
Megafauna: 0Harmony(, ModCheck(
Defensive Machine Gun Turret Pack: (no assemblies)
Miscellaneous 'CORE': ColonistKeys(, CommonMisc(
Misc. MapGen FactionBase: MapGeneratorFactionBase(
Misc. Robots: AIRobot(
New Zone Tools: ChequerCancel(1.0.6533.2903), PlantsCutBlight(1.0.6533.5071), ReplaceWall(1.0.6533.3386), SameGrowZone(1.0.6533.3167)
Number 22 with Rice: (no assemblies)
OHU Ships: 0Harmony(, 0OHUShips(
Pandora Dark: Pandora Dark(1.0.6533.12336)
Patient Sanity: PatientFlex(1.0.6532.11648)
SS Researchable Stat Upgrades: 0Harmony(, ResearchableStatUpgrades(
[KV] Refugee Stats - B18: 0Harmony(, RefugeeStats(
[sd] advanced powergeneration: sd_adv_powergen(1.0.6572.27121)
[sd] luciferium production: sd_luciprod(1.0.6580.39102)
Shutdown All: ShutdownAll(1.0.6577.27920)
SS Bigger Batteries: 0Harmony(, ClassLibrary(
VGP Vegetable Garden: 0Harmony(, ModCheck(
VGP Garden Fabrics: (no assemblies)
VGP Garden Medicine: ModFinder(
VGP Garden Resources: (no assemblies)
VGP Garden Tools: VGDrinks(
USCM - Core: FlameWeapons(
USCM - Colonial Marines Corps Faction: (no assemblies)
USCM - Xenomorphs Faction: (no assemblies)
Star Wars - Factions: 0Harmony(, SWFactions(
Star Wars - Fully Functional Lightsabers: 0Harmony(, 0JecsTools(, AbilityUser(, CompActivatableEffect(, CompDeflector(, CompOversizedWeapon(, CompSlotLoadable(, SWSaber(
Star Wars - The Force: 0Harmony(, ProjectJedi(, _jecsToolsChecker(
[CP] DOOM - UAC Furniture (B18): (no assemblies)
[CP] Military Furniture (B18): 0Harmony(, RedHorse(
[CP] Rimmu-Nation - Camping Stuff (B18): (no assemblies)
[CP] Rimmu-Nation - Clothing (B18): MiniCCL(
[CP] Rimmu-Nation - Weapons (B18): RNPortalTurret(
Advanced Cabinets: (no assemblies)
[XND] Animal Armor: 0Harmony(, AnimalArmourCrowbar(
AntiAutoUnload: AntiAutoUnload(
DeadmanFix: (no assemblies)
Doors Expanded: 0Harmony(, DoorsExpanded(
ED-Embrasures: (no assemblies)
Efficient Light: (no assemblies)
Giddy-up! Core: GiddyUpCore(
Giddy-up! Caravan: GiddyUpCaravan(
Giddy-up! Ride and Roll: GiddyUpRideAndRoll(
Giddy-up! Battle Mounts: Battlemounts(
RunAndGun: RunAndGun(
Hunting Alert: Hunting_Alert(1.0.6532.1575)
I Can Fix It!: 0Harmony(, ICanFixIt(1.0.6532.22682)
Better Workbench Management: $HugsLibChecker(, ImprovedWorkbenches(
Heavy defences: (no assemblies)
JTExport: JTExport(
LongRangePodLauncher: (no assemblies)
Mechanoids Extraordinaire: (no assemblies)
Minigun Handling Techniques, Vol. 3: (no assemblies)
More Fuel In Fueled Generators: (no assemblies)
[B18] Trading Economy Mod 2.6 : WalkingProblemUpdateNote(
[XND] Plant Cutting is for Growers!: (no assemblies)
Rot Tick Fix: RotTickFix(
Idle Pawn Fix: IdleFix(
Quote from: Hatti on June 18, 2018, 12:25:23 PM
Updated qualitybuilder for 1.0! More mods will follow

did trade spot in b18 change ?> I remember in 16-17 where friendlies would gather on my trade spot ( by only have one trade spot on the map at one time it meant I could move my re-inforcements around )

in b18 im not able to do this-im using harder factions so friendlies are needed more is it possible for b18-1.0 to make friendless move to trade spot in next patch of mod ??
Quote from: Madman666 on June 16, 2018, 12:54:53 AM
Quote from: tonsrd on June 15, 2018, 07:49:48 PM
Do you use Cass-extreme StoryTeller or do you use modded ? ( can you change storyteller mid-game ,ive never tried )

No, i don't like Cassandra, she s too predictable. I play mostly Randy, Intense on the start and switch to Extreme midgame.

I use Pandora StoryTeller ( higher larger raids. )
and some other mods that I can change the value of in-game to depend on my mood,
-like the % of downed pawns dieing on down ( default is 67% )
-% of ppl dead before a raid flees ( default is 50% )

you spoke in another thread about you were mid-game and weren't getting the sizeable raids ud like have you tried Pandora ?
Quote from: Madman666 on June 09, 2018, 02:44:25 PM

Do you use Cass-extreme StoryTeller or do you use modded ? ( can you change storyteller mid-game ,ive never tried )

no infin storage, just stack xxl.
I just noticed I can craft infin fine meals and 4x fine meals,

the rice and meat are meant to be used up but aren't so my cook goes back and forth.

not sure if its just VG or another mod , ill figure out how to post mod list 2morow.
Outdated / Re: [B18] Android Tiers and More
June 12, 2018, 01:06:30 PM
does it work with

craftable m.u.f.f oh boy,
a dog said
Outdated / Re: [B18] Advanced Cabinets
June 12, 2018, 12:33:44 PM
Quote from: macicka on June 07, 2018, 08:26:06 AM
Updated to beta 18!
-red error-

xxx\RimWorld.v0.18.1722\Mods\Advanced Cabinets\Defs\ThingDefs_Buildings/Cabinets.xml: root element named Buildings; should be named Defs
Verse.ModContentPack:LoadDefs_Patch1(Object, IEnumerable`1)
theres a mod that lets u dismiss traders