APRIL 15 UPDATE: Silently updated to Alpha3f. This version fixes a bug that caused save games to sometimes fail to load. Alpha3f will break save compatibility from earlier versions. APRIL 13 UPDATE: Silently updated to Alpha3e with one minor fix. APRIL 12 UPDATE: Silently updated to Alpha3d. Fixes specified below. I’ve just uploaded Alpha3c, a slightly changed […]
Alpha3 stabilization builds released
April 11th, 2014
Alpha 3 – Factional Infighting released
April 10th, 2014
The changelog has a full accounting of changes (read between builds 363 and 408). Anyone having trouble with their download – please see this forum thread. For mods, you may want to start with the Big Bang Alpha 3 mod pack. New Stuff The big new thing is the faction system. Now we have generated factions like […]