Hey all, just a quick update on what I’ve been doing. In short: audio and modding. I’ve been working on the system that our audiopath Alistair Lindsay is going to use to define the sounds for the game. Up until now I’ve created simple sounds myself from free source files found at freesound.org. The code […]
Modding and audio progress
Build 254 released
Build 254 is out! This is a small update on 250, but it has some important fixes. Most importantly, the storytellers are balanced out and fixed. They won’t send advanced raiders with sniper rifles and charged-shot weapons so early any more. I’ve also resolved a bug that caused story events to stop coming in long games. […]
RimWorld first pre-alpha released!
All right! It’s out! Backers whose payments succeeded in the first day should be getting emails with links to download the first public pre-alpha, build 250. There is one bug you should know about – sometimes the game starts and the screen is black. To work around this, just move the window a bit. If your […]