I’ve always wanted to give Steam keys to all players who buy the game on our website. Unfortunately we had to disable that after scammers attacked the site and started harvesting thousands of dollars in games using stolen credit cards. But no more! Web dev Hypolite has developed a new Steam registry system that directly connects to […]
New Steam registry system in testing for those who bought before today
Creative content rewards available separately from main game
You can now buy the creative content rewards separately from the base game! This has been requested a few times, and now it’s possible. Creative content rewards are things like Name in Game or Pirate King that allow you to put your own character content into the game through our automated Creative Rewards System. Previously these […]
Alpha15c is live
Alpha 15c is live on both Steam and non-Steam downloads. Non-Steam users can get it, as usual, by re-downloading from their existing download link. The details for this update can be found on the unstable testing announcement post. Many thanks to all the testers who made this possible!