Full steam ahead towards Alpha 13

Posted March 11th, 2016 by Tynan Sylvester

Hey everyone, just a quick update here. I’m back from travelling and am now working full-time on RimWorld. I’ve largely dealt with the paperwork tsunami that awaited me upon my return, so with my near-full attention as well as ongoing work from Piotr, the game is making smooth progress towards the Alpha 13 release.

The private testers are currently banging on the test version, while we fix bugs and sneak in some final improvements. Usually this phase takes a couple weeks, though this one could last longer because there is so much stuff in this update. Because of the long period since the last alpha (when Piotr was working and I was working quarter-time), this is the largest update since the initial pre-alphaΒ in 2013.

I don’t have a release date, I’m afraid. I just wanted to let you all know that everything is moving along well. And I’m quite excited to see what you guys think of the new relationship system, marriages and lovers and breakups, social fights, fueled buildings, animal bonds, much more research, more better art, prison breaks, insect hives, on-foot trade caravans, and hundreds of other improvements to the game.

After Alpha 13 comes out, we’ll probably target doing the Steam release. However, the Steam release is a game’s most important moment. One does not simply release a game on Steam. It takes a lot of effort and time to prepare a proper, decently-marketed Steam release, plus any time Valve might take to approve the final build. So there’s no date – just know that it is coming.

97 Responses to “Full steam ahead towards Alpha 13”

  1. Nerxis

    I’m so damn exited! Even so exited as i wait for Dark Souls 3 and that is A LOT! *_* Nice to hear any news about the progress cant wait for the Alpha! πŸ™‚ Keep rollin Tynan!

  2. Topy

    I love this game so much. It reminds me of the anime Trigun with the western style scifi setting :>
    Will we be able to visit other maps on worldmap with colonists in future? like in Project Zomboid with map-streaming that would be awesome

  3. Syddie-poo

    Awesome work so far, man! I know we’ve all been eagerly awaiting your return from your well-deserved vacation. This game is going to blow Steam away once it’s ready. Thanks for all your hard work!

  4. NullByDesign

    Awesome to hear about the upcoming alpha release!

    I picked this up during the hiatus (and was aware there was going to be a long break between releases) and thoroughly enjoyed the experience so far. Really looking forward to getting my hands on the new features.

  5. Jacob

    March 11… but it’s March 10…

  6. I’m from the future. Or, my blog server is set in the wrong time zone. Take your pick.

  7. Brynath

    You are from the future, Without a doubt, which is always why you are so cagey around release dates.

  8. Chris

    I’ve been looking forward to this for so long, I can’t wait! Keep doin what you do TS.

  9. Ulf

    “It takes a lot of effort and time to prepare a proper, decently-marketed Steam release, plus any time Valve might take to approve the final build.”

    If it is difficult to publish on Steam a Game, I hope Rimworld is also published on GOG, without DRM copy protection and online activation, as well as Prison Architect.

    Although I have already paid for the Alpha 12d for GOG version I give like twice as much money. I am excited about the next version.

    Translated with Google.

  10. You need to update us on your travels! Have you been in cryosleep? Were you hunting muffalo and living off boomrats?

  11. Rick

    Sounds great, keep up the awesome work.

  12. Tanis

    I think it is a good idea to make these kind of updates, so everyone knows the project is getting somewhere. Recently I have been checking daily for updates, and can now rest easy knowing that it’s not coming tomorrow, but sometime in the near future.

  13. ROb

    A coffee mechanic would be awesome, certain colonists are unable to function at 100% without a cup after waking up πŸ˜‰

    I am a slave to such a mechanic in real life.

  14. Lhun

    Heh, “One does not simply release a game on Steam.”
    Gabe Newell = Sauron! πŸ˜€

  15. Tarmok

    “Usually this phase takes a couple weeks, though this one could last longer”


  16. Bergil

    Damn the private testers, give us an unstable release! πŸ˜€

  17. Thenightgaunt

    Getting ready for Steam!


  18. ElDavo

    The new update sounds awesome especially the relationships and the insect hives!

  19. TheTauren

    Very interesting, it is very nice to hear from the developers!

  20. Thank you for the news.
    I bought the game wile it was on pause, so I’m very excited to see the new version. This game is awesome!
    Good luck, and thank you!

  21. Mossy piglet

    CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!

  22. skid

    Hey Tynan,
    thank you for keepiung us informed. I love this game, and I’m very excited for the a13. keep up the good work dude!

  23. CΓ©line .S. SauvΓ©

    I just hope you keep the DRM-free version up after you’re on STEAM.

    I dislike STEAM-DRM.

  24. Mossy piglet

    Does anybody know what he meant by “fueled buildings”?

  25. I’m gonna take a guess, that you know how most games usually have buildings like a furnace (I know there is one :P). Like… you could have a… uh ore processing facility? (Oooh that tis’ a big word). If I’m not wrong I’d say it well, is self-explanatory. Either building/buildings will allow for another power supply (Like steam, nuclear stuff like that) OR it’ll be something similar to a furnace that can turn something into something else but has to have something to fuel it. I.E Automated somethings. or something. (Lol)

    Oh yea, I feel bad for those who have to translate this… >->

  26. Pandora

    Please don’t change modding too much and please, don’t make the game DRM. Don’t stop making the free version, no one likes DRM.

  27. Brille591

    U earned your holiday! Keep on with the great work. Bigup to Piotr thanks that u helped that Tynans Holiday not makes us wait thaaat much time πŸ˜‰

  28. Dave

    I guess we’ll see at this rate

  29. Zachary Long

    You Da man Tynan!!!

  30. CHIP0TLE

    spicy meat yea boi hype

  31. Cheetah

    Will there be a way for those of us whom purchased the game to get it into our Steam library without paying again?

  32. d3mons

    when this game goes into steam do we have to rebuy it from the valve store ? or do we get a serial code as we already bought the alpha for the price of a normal full priced game.
    most alpha’s are load cheaper ( not as adictive as this one thoug )

  33. Waleed Hassan

    Just as i was about to buy this game after following it for 2 years. Finally coming to steam πŸ˜€

  34. Heavylink

    Whooohoooo! Steam release!

  35. Stale

    Fuck me! FINAllY!

  36. Ares

    This is just great I can’t wait for the update I’m so excited!!!

  37. TaNoRGoSS

    Can’t wait for buy it! (In steam ofc)

  38. punmaster

    Full… Steam… ahead? ;3

  39. Super stoked and excited about the upcoming Alpha. Will those of us that own the game receive Steam keys when it migrates to the platform?

    As a personal note I’d like to thank you for keeping in contact with your supporters/fans. I am sure I am not alone when I say that I do not care how long it takes for a new build to come out as long as there are not long stretches of no communication. =)

  40. bungbung

    I cant wait, should be good

  41. Thisd00d

    one day…. one day it will finally be released on steam…. and i will finally be able to play this game. >.>

  42. Artist

    YAY! Lets March forward! =)

  43. keep up the good work, I hope that the game is seam-released ASAP πŸ˜€

  44. johnny bananas

    Insect hives and relationships…can’t wait!

  45. feev

    I am so in Love with the new music! it really adds to the gameplay! Great work so far!

  46. Erik

    Will the game be cheaper when it releases for Steam Early Access?

  47. I can’t wait for this update and especially Steam integration. Never thought I’d be a Steam junkie but I’ve come to love it. It will make modding so much easier.

    Not sure if this will be read, but the main thing I want to see is the ability to, once you build your ship and launch, send your colonists on the ship to a new destination to begin fresh with all the knowledge, weapons, armor and skills they’ve gained. Maybe even a small pre-built settlement that they’ve chosen, not wanting to reintegrate with actual civilization.

    Just a thought. πŸ™‚ Love the game. Cant wait for updates.

  48. Bruno V

    I remember seeing the game in pre-alpha so many new things have been added. I can’t wait for alpha 13

  49. Marcus DiStefano

    Hey Tynan im so glad about the new relation ship system ive always wanted that in the game its like a dream come true I was tired of having debuffs from people in the same rooms and having to roleplay with it lol so im glad this is coming! Keep up the great work been following scince alpha 2. πŸ™‚

  50. Mur

    Would like to help test the new version. I have done bug testing prior and I have a bit of free time right now.


  51. Georgidane


  52. My pleasure πŸ™‚

  53. Jacob

    Heh, heh, “Full steam ahead” heh heh, that was a good pun. πŸ™‚

  54. BlackCheshir

    Still without children? Well. okay …
    And what about the possibility to settle on the planet?
    I’m of those players who prefer build and develop than seek to leave the planet and craft the ship.
    It would be cool to be able to organize raids with breaking camp or building a secondary base in the neighboring map cells.

  55. BlackCheshir

    Oh, and I have one painful question.
    Why constantly difficulty of recruiting captured raiders and others, not less than 80, and most of the time 95-100?
    So it is a bug or intended thing?
    Because of this unpleasant moment, the lack of colonists naturally breeding, as well as the lack of opportunities to buy slaves – it’s too hard to increase the population of the colony and often have to load game for not losing anyone.

  56. CatPerson

    Nice to hear the on-going progress! Love the game and good luck on your steam release!

  57. EvilGrin

    Is there any news regarding steam keys for the people who bought their games purchased after nov. 2014?
    The FAQ still shows it’s not guaranteed, but it would be great to have it on steam instead of this download archive link…
    (I bought it last year regardless of the possibility of not getting a steam key…)

    Also, great game, you did a good job and I’m looking forward to playing it a lot more…

  58. SO, you haven’t abandoned the game? That is indeed good news!

  59. Reese

    This will be worth the wait!

  60. sad

    Soo… We’re waiting!!!

    If game be available on steam, all buyers will get the game on steam? πŸ˜‰

  61. wheredahoodat

    What happened to the changelog :(? i used to view that like everyday up until the vacation happened

  62. Oliver

    Full “Steam”. Is it a joke or just a coincidence?

  63. wedge

    Early Access on Steam maybe?

  64. Forest Gump

    Ive ben following Rimworld since alpha 10 And have been anticipating The steam release For a long time So either Tell us that it might be on Steam Or not Please don’t tease us

  65. Forest Gump

    Just speaking for me and some other people

  66. Watermelon

    Just Sitting On Gmail waiting for the update email to come NO I HAVE A LIFE JUST 99% OF IT IS RIMWORLD

  67. SaftSpalte


    Ich habe mir Rimworld seit 2 wochen gekauft und warte gespannt auf den Steamrelease!

    Bekommt man ein Steamkey wenn man Rimworld auf der Homepage gekauft hat ?

    (I Pay the Full Version Rimworld and i want a Steamkey please πŸ™‚ )

    Thank you Silvester for the best Game . Triple AAA

  68. VainEnd84

    Hey Big Spenda, Tynan has spent over 2 years developing this game with out a break, have you ever worked 18 hour days for two years, with out a vacation? Probably not so please just be quiet. Tynan didn’t just disappear he let us know what he was doing, he has returned and is fulfilling his promise. It is getting worked on, it is being refined. Grow up and quit acting like a spoiled child.

  69. Just a reminder that forum rules apply here. Forum rules:


    I’ve removed some posts that violated the rules on personal attacks against individuals.

    Further violations will lead to a permanent ban.

  70. Forum troll?

    Posts the rules of forum but still no changelog -_-

  71. Uhhhh, maybe because there is *NO* changelog yet? It wouldn’t be a good idea to release an incomplete one πŸ˜‰

  72. Jacob

    I can’t be the only one whose been checking this page several times a day waiting for more news on the new update since March 1st… can I?

  73. James

    Im so glad progress has started up again. I fully understand needing a break but after doing everything I could in the last build I was eager to get my hands on the next one.

    I hope everything thats coming up for the game goes smoothly.

    I see that some people were being dicks about you having taken a break (but their comments are gone now so whatever) and thats just pathetic. Not everyone can do what the guy who made stardew valley did.

    Anyway glad youre back at it my friend I look forward to more builds.

  74. John

    Yeah I hear you James, looking forward to this one. Personally I kept things going with some mods I found interesting. Crash landing was really enjoyable for me.

  75. Victor

    Great news! Question will everyone who purchased it get it on steam? How would this work? I ve been itching to write a good steam review on to this for awhile xD.

    It’seems understandable that’s some people would be annoyed, so many indie projects get dropped. However the personal attacks were very unnecessary. I hope you had a restful vacation and I can’t wait to see what’s new in action.

  76. milon

    @Victor, check the forum for Steam questions. This gets asked at least every month. The short answer is that Steam will not guarantee any Steam keys at this point. Wait for the official Steam launch for a guaranteed key. More info can be found on the forum.

  77. milon

    @Changelog questions:
    The changelog is obsolete and no longer being updated. It was causing duplication of work for Tynan, and therefore slowing down the release cycles (which is bad). It also got really messy when more than 1 person was working on things, so Tynan just did away with it. We’ll get changelog details with each release, I believe, but no more daily updates. (A little sad, but we’ll get faster releases this way.)

    Source: I’m a forum mod. I know these things. πŸ˜‰

  78. VainEnd84

    @Tynan, sorry for responding rudely to Big Spenda, just getting annoyed with people giving you crap for being a human and doing what you need to do to keep this amazing project running. I’m super stoked for A13!

  79. VainEnd84 – It’s really no issue at all, you didn’t do anything wrong.

  80. Sorenzo

    Rimworld is reliably the game I want to play when I don’t want to play any other games.

    It’s so easy to get into when I’m not feeling energetic enough to boot up the big games – like XCOM2, EU4, Fallout 4. But it’s always fun to play Rimworld, because you never know what’s going to happen.

    And new content just makes my Rimworld-periods last even longer, hehe.

  81. Vinny

    @Tynan How long do u think until this update gets released?? Just an estimate.

  82. Vinny, I’m sorry, I really don’t know. There’s no way to know how many issues testers will find, or how hard they’ll be to fix. Currently we’re fixing bugs, imbalances, and exploits as testers discover them.

  83. Este788

    Hey , do you need any more testers ( if so contact me with my email address [email protected] ) First its just not to get the update earlier and only play it for fun , i want to help the devs find bugs and in general get the updates to come faster , if i become a tester i will not let you down just after this update and if you need me i will continue testing the game for futures updates ( if you dont need me it would be nice if you let me know )

  84. Wulfik

    Glad to see game isn’t dead!

  85. Rogger

    For everyone who is wondering, you can stop visiting this site every minute ^^
    Release will be middle of April(~11-17th), sadly but true!

  86. Please don’t spread made-up release dates; we haven’t announced anything and we don’t want incorrect memes to start.

  87. Capitan83es

    Tynan, the strategy works like this: the more people that say a release date, more likely one will be one to be true! Also, longer the wait, bigger the chance to be correct!

    We all know you are the only one with a release date. Also, most of my partners at the office think I’m kind of crazy already because some “A13” is coming to town. If I explain again what this game is, someone will shoot me “by accident” (kind of the hunting accident on the game… “really? You didn’t see your partner with a shotgun on that rifle scope…? Well, more meat for dinner”)

    But you could say one thing to us, instead: what about telling us what is the feature you fell it’s not that well polished right now? That way we can be angry with a feature in particular instead of desperate on the full game. You know, maybe is better!


    BTW, finishing with a request: when someone is in the hospital, visit should have an effect on mood and happiness (visited while sick in bed), and help bored people. Some time ago, I explained how sick bored people is a sickness in my games, get rage and start killing partners… I feel that should not be that difficult to include and… I don’t know, make sense, isn’t it? Who don’t want to talk with someone when sick on bed?

    A13 FTW! Mooders be ready!GO!

  88. Campmasta

    You’re already in my Steam Launcher. I can’t wait for your guys’ big moment. Its well deserved. But in all seriousness…. Alpha 13, I need it.

  89. its allready 23rd…WHARE IZ IT..
    you got kids working yet?

  90. Cr33p

    Hey Tynan, could u at least give us some details on what your working on right now and like what other things that need to be worked on? I am just very curious!

  91. Hank

    I love the work you have done! I hope you enjoy developing as much as we enjoy playing Rimworld!

  92. I was just curious if I will be able to receive a Steam key when Rimworld eventually comes out there. I bought the game on 1/22/2015, and would love the ability to play Rimworld using the Steam client…ideally with achievements…please!

    Thank you,

  93. JagenXI

    As someone who has been with the development of this game since the beginning; I couldn’t believe I paid 40 USD for it, but as development and the modding community got more and more in-depth, I stood corrected, for gaming wise it was money well spent and with the continuing support from these awesome modders and devs own Tynan and Piotr, This game is set to rival even some of the greatest games ever made.

  94. 3BADExD07

    I didn’t play the game yet but i saw so many videos about it and im too exiting about the game and i love games like this . Thanks for your hard work and keep going i will support you.

  95. the3rdman

    It always makes me happy to see the great work you are doing. Rimworld is hands down the best game I have ever played in this genre! Thanks Tynan!

  96. Jake

    Hey Tynan and the rest of the ship mates!

    Thank you for creating, in my opinion, the best pc game that has come out in years. You all could stop development tomorrow, and I’d still view it as a kick-ass game.

    I have put hundreds upon hundreds of hours into this game. In fact, there was a short amount of time where this was the only game my boyfriend and I could play.

    This game is so deep, every time I think I’ve figured it out, there is something through the next playthrough that I learn. Each biome is so different from the next and the possibilities are nearly endless.

    Honestly, I know dwarf fortress is reigning king for this genre, but I think you guys can surpass it. Also, personally, I find dwarf fortress almost unplayable due to graphics and some UI stuff, but I’ve had a couple almost successful runs in it.

    Back to Rimworld. Just congrats on doing such a great job and thank you. The base game is so great, and you guys keep adding more awesome shit.

    I know this is getting a little long but I have a few more things to say.

    First, recommendations. I know you guys get a ton of these. But I like what I’ve heard some people say about being able to travel to other colonies/tribes. It would be great to hold your own raid. Also, I don’t see why it would be a huge issue to be able to travel to other squares in general. For instance, as long as the colony is self-sufficient, maybe allowing events that happen in that area to be paused while you take a couple of colonists of your choosing and possibly start a second colony elsewhere. As long as there are no raids/sieges, and reproduction was paused, this is more than doable IMO. And if the colony isn’t self sufficient, it could possibly perish. I just think it would be awesome to build up an empire. I know it’s a long shot, just some things I think would be great.
    Next, maybe implementing rivers and bridges on larger maps? Fishing too?
    Also, if a colonist is equipping a small weapon, like a pistol, I think it could be cool to have an inventory system whereby they could equip a second weapon, like a knife? Or possibly even allowing a colonist to equip two pistols at the same time?
    Also, in the relationships update, can there be gay characters? My bf and I will be so happy if there can be.

    Lastly a question. Same one as Will. I am a huge steam player user but I didn’t purchase RW on steam because it wasn’t even an option when I decided to purchase RW, is there any way for those of us who want it to receive a steam code when it is available?

    Thanks, sorry for the book, and keep up the great work guys!

  97. ChimpX

    @Jake and Will:
    For your Steam key answer, check the FAQ tab off the main Ludeon.com page.
    Basically, Tynan will do everything he can to get us all Steam keys, but contractual restrictions imposed by Valve prohibit him from actually *promising* Steam keys.